Hey folks! This is our pull list for the week. Our chance to let you know what we will be reading and reviewing. Merry Christmas everybody!
Arnab's Note: This week is a nice and diverse week for me, with regards to publishers.
Matt's Note: All I want for Christmas is a a gift card to the comics store. Italics are what I'll read but not buy.
Arnab's List:
Batman Annual #28
Batman Incorporated #2
Batman Streets of Gotham #18
Green Lantern Corps #55
Chew #16
Uncanny X-Men #531
X-Men #6
X-Men Legacy #243
Top Cow
Artifacts #4
American Vampire #10
Matt's List:
American Vampire #10
Batman Incorporated #2
Batman Annual #28
Green Lantern Corps #55
Wonder Woman #605
Justice League Generation Lost #16
Uncanny X-Men #531
X-Men #6
X-Men Legacy #243
Invincible Iron Man #33
Secret Avengers #8
In brightest day, in blackest night, we are what was, what is, and what will be.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Writer's Pull List 12-15-10
Posted by
11:56 AM
So, we missed out on our pull list last week, but we're back now. For those of you not in the know, the pull list is our way of letting you all know what we will be reading and reviewing this week.
Arnab's Note: Two weeks of a low count pull list and I'm back at 10 issues this week.
Matt's Note: This is late completely because of me. New Years Resolution: Better blogging.
Arnab's List:
Batman #705
Batman and Robin #18
Batman Orphans #2
Birds of Prey #7
Brightest Day #16
Green Lantern #60
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5
Time Masters Vanishing Point #5
Uncanny X-Force #3
X-Factor #212
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #18
Batman #705
Birds of Prey #7
Brightest Day #16
Green Lantern #60
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5
Superman #706
Uncanny X-Force #3
X-Factor #212
Arnab's Note: Two weeks of a low count pull list and I'm back at 10 issues this week.
Matt's Note: This is late completely because of me. New Years Resolution: Better blogging.
Arnab's List:
Batman #705
Batman and Robin #18
Batman Orphans #2
Birds of Prey #7
Brightest Day #16
Green Lantern #60
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5
Time Masters Vanishing Point #5
Uncanny X-Force #3
X-Factor #212
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #18
Batman #705
Birds of Prey #7
Brightest Day #16
Green Lantern #60
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5
Superman #706
Uncanny X-Force #3
X-Factor #212
Monday, December 20, 2010
Head to the moon and you'll find the cheese
Posted by
10:31 PM
So this week we've got Marvel's two best X-titles.
Uncanny X-Force #3 ****
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Jerome Opena
Cover Artist: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel
First up is the relatively new series, Uncanny X-Force. From the get go the creative team has done an excellent job with this series. This issue starts off with the X-Force continuing to get beat down by the new Horsemen. While Wolverine is nearly killed, Fantomex and Betsy are able to use their telepathy to confuse and distract the horsemen long enough to keep everyone alive. Meanwhile, Angel is on the verge of death himself and without a nifty healing mutation he is left with Deadpool taking care of him. The writing in this series is just great. The characters are depicted in a manner that is true to their history as well as with just a bit of an edge, that would one would expect from a covert team. We also get a nice dose of humor, from the likes of Deadpool and Fantomex especially, in an otherwise dark series. The art continues to please with its unique and beautiful style.

Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Jerome Opena
Cover Artist: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel
First up is the relatively new series, Uncanny X-Force. From the get go the creative team has done an excellent job with this series. This issue starts off with the X-Force continuing to get beat down by the new Horsemen. While Wolverine is nearly killed, Fantomex and Betsy are able to use their telepathy to confuse and distract the horsemen long enough to keep everyone alive. Meanwhile, Angel is on the verge of death himself and without a nifty healing mutation he is left with Deadpool taking care of him. The writing in this series is just great. The characters are depicted in a manner that is true to their history as well as with just a bit of an edge, that would one would expect from a covert team. We also get a nice dose of humor, from the likes of Deadpool and Fantomex especially, in an otherwise dark series. The art continues to please with its unique and beautiful style.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I was held back once. First grade. Terrible Trauma.
Posted by
8:09 PM
So I missed out on two weeks of reviews, but since I had no reviews for the blog last week, I figured today would be a great day to catch up.
American Vampire #9 *****
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque and Mateus Santolouco
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
The end of the second arc comes to a fantastic end in this issue. The vampire killers, the vampires, and Skinner Sweet all make their move and in the end it is Cashel who is left to pick up the pieces. By this point it is clear that Snyder is able to create a vampire story that is not only fresh, but exciting from issue to issue. The league of vampires going around killing off other vampire cults is a nice juxtaposition to the vampire killers who are going around killing all vampires. Skinner Sweet reveals himself to be the ultimate badass in this issue, breaking his deal with the vampire league, then double crossing Cashel's father, and finally reaping his revenge on Cashel's unborn child. This story is consistently intelligent, fresh, and exciting. The art continues to be outstanding on Rafael Albuquerque's part as well as newcomer Mateus Santolouco. Essentially, this is a must read book.

Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque and Mateus Santolouco
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
The end of the second arc comes to a fantastic end in this issue. The vampire killers, the vampires, and Skinner Sweet all make their move and in the end it is Cashel who is left to pick up the pieces. By this point it is clear that Snyder is able to create a vampire story that is not only fresh, but exciting from issue to issue. The league of vampires going around killing off other vampire cults is a nice juxtaposition to the vampire killers who are going around killing all vampires. Skinner Sweet reveals himself to be the ultimate badass in this issue, breaking his deal with the vampire league, then double crossing Cashel's father, and finally reaping his revenge on Cashel's unborn child. This story is consistently intelligent, fresh, and exciting. The art continues to be outstanding on Rafael Albuquerque's part as well as newcomer Mateus Santolouco. Essentially, this is a must read book.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 12-1-10
Posted by
1:28 PM
Hey folks, this is our pull list. It's a sneak preview of the books that we will be reading this week.
Arnab's Note: This is the smallest pull I've had in weeks, which is great because of the sheer amount of work I have right now.
Matt's Note: I don't really have a note right now, short of Happy Holidays!
Arnab's List:
Batman 80 Page Giant 2010
Batman Orphans #1
Brightest Day #15
Generation #2
American Vampire #9
Matt's List:
American Vampire #9
Batman 80-page Giant 2010
Brightest Day #15
Generation Hope #2
Buffy #39
Arnab's Note: This is the smallest pull I've had in weeks, which is great because of the sheer amount of work I have right now.
Matt's Note: I don't really have a note right now, short of Happy Holidays!
Arnab's List:
Batman 80 Page Giant 2010
Batman Orphans #1
Brightest Day #15
Generation #2
American Vampire #9
Matt's List:
American Vampire #9
Batman 80-page Giant 2010
Brightest Day #15
Generation Hope #2
Buffy #39
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Shatterstar looks like he's having the time of his life.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Artifacts #3 ****
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist: Michael Broussard
Cover Artist(s): Kalman Andrasofszky and John Tyler Christopher
Publisher: Top Cow
This is the third issue in the Top Cow major event and things are starting to heat up. On the one end, the good guys have all gathered together in light of Sara's missing daughter. While all gathered together, they are informed of the plot to bring all 13 artifacts together and the chaos and destruction such an act would cause. On the other end of the spectrum, team evil has gone around the world recruiting some of the wielders of the artifacts to join their cause. While this issue was mainly team building, it does set up the the future to look very interesting. The writing and the art combine to make one very beautiful book. My only concern is that somewhere along the 13 issues the story might falter. However, until that happens, if it happens at all, this book still remains a great read.
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist: Michael Broussard
Cover Artist(s): Kalman Andrasofszky and John Tyler Christopher
Publisher: Top Cow
This is the third issue in the Top Cow major event and things are starting to heat up. On the one end, the good guys have all gathered together in light of Sara's missing daughter. While all gathered together, they are informed of the plot to bring all 13 artifacts together and the chaos and destruction such an act would cause. On the other end of the spectrum, team evil has gone around the world recruiting some of the wielders of the artifacts to join their cause. While this issue was mainly team building, it does set up the the future to look very interesting. The writing and the art combine to make one very beautiful book. My only concern is that somewhere along the 13 issues the story might falter. However, until that happens, if it happens at all, this book still remains a great read.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Writer's Pull List 11-17-10
Posted by
8:00 AM
Another week, another Pull List. Here's what we're reading this week, and hopefully it will inspire some of you. Tell us what you're reading!
Matt's Note: It's the return of Batman and the kick-off for Batman Inc. Aka, it's a really big week for comics, and a really bad week for my wallet. Things in italics are things that I probably won't be buying, but will try to read.
Arnab's Note: It is a huge week for Batman. And that makes me so happy I could... do something. Interestingly enough, the italics hold no significance in my portion of the list other than to signify the title.
Matt's List
Batman #704
Batman Incorporated #1
Batman The Return #1
Brightest Day #14
Flash #6
Green Lantern #59
Green Lantern Corps #54
Superman #705
Avengers #7
X-Factor #211
X-Men #5
Arnab's List
Batman #704
Batman Incorporated #1
Batman: Streets of Gotham #17
Batman: The Return
Brightest Day #14
Flash #6
Green Lantern #59
Green Lantern Corps #54
X-Factor #211
X-Men #5
Top Cow
Artifacts #3
Matt's Note: It's the return of Batman and the kick-off for Batman Inc. Aka, it's a really big week for comics, and a really bad week for my wallet. Things in italics are things that I probably won't be buying, but will try to read.
Arnab's Note: It is a huge week for Batman. And that makes me so happy I could... do something. Interestingly enough, the italics hold no significance in my portion of the list other than to signify the title.
Matt's List
Batman #704
Batman Incorporated #1
Batman The Return #1
Brightest Day #14
Flash #6
Green Lantern #59
Green Lantern Corps #54
Superman #705
Avengers #7
X-Factor #211
X-Men #5
Arnab's List
Batman #704
Batman Incorporated #1
Batman: Streets of Gotham #17
Batman: The Return
Brightest Day #14
Flash #6
Green Lantern #59
Green Lantern Corps #54
X-Factor #211
X-Men #5
Top Cow
Artifacts #3
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Super Mega Review Round-up: DC Edition
Posted by
Mattie B
5:55 PM
It has been approximately 5 months since I wrote a weekly review. That's a hell of a lot of comics to catch up on, and there's no way I can possibly write 25 posts for each of the weeks I've missed. To counteract that, I'm going to write two mega-posts about all of the titles from the two main publishers, DC and Marvel. They will probably be long, but at least well-organized and you can skip to whatever you're curious about!
For the record, I am not the sort of person who enjoys dressing up in his mother's clothes
Posted by
9:00 AM
Avengers: The Children's Crusade #3 ****1/2
Writer: Allan Heinberg
Artist(s): Jim Cheung and Mark Morales
Cover Artist(s): Jim Cheung, Justin Ponsor, and Art Adams
Publisher: Marvel
This is looking to be an epic 9 part series. On both accounts, writing and art, the creative team knocks it out of the park. Fearing Wanda is being capture by Doom, the Young Avengers, Quicksilver, and Magneto all have different ideas of what they should do. Bickering and whining ensues, with a helping of yelling by Hulkling, and in the end Wiccan ventures off to Latveria on his own. With a bit of smart thinking (turning into Wanda) he is able to trick his way into Wanda's room only to come upon some startling news. Meanwhile, in Avengers' headquarters the Avengers approach Wonder Man to assist them in finding Wanda. Upon realizing what they intend to do with her, Wonder Man rejects their offer and goes off to find her on his own. Heinberg has created a fantastic story that is full of life and imagination. He has a great handle on all of these characters and is able to utilize them in a fascinating way. The art is absolutely beautiful in this book, from page to page there are more and more stunning spreads and splash pages. While it is unfortunate that there is a two month wait between issues, it does also mean that the story will stick with us for a longer amount of time and as long as it continues to be this great, who can complain.
Writer: Allan Heinberg
Artist(s): Jim Cheung and Mark Morales
Cover Artist(s): Jim Cheung, Justin Ponsor, and Art Adams
Publisher: Marvel
This is looking to be an epic 9 part series. On both accounts, writing and art, the creative team knocks it out of the park. Fearing Wanda is being capture by Doom, the Young Avengers, Quicksilver, and Magneto all have different ideas of what they should do. Bickering and whining ensues, with a helping of yelling by Hulkling, and in the end Wiccan ventures off to Latveria on his own. With a bit of smart thinking (turning into Wanda) he is able to trick his way into Wanda's room only to come upon some startling news. Meanwhile, in Avengers' headquarters the Avengers approach Wonder Man to assist them in finding Wanda. Upon realizing what they intend to do with her, Wonder Man rejects their offer and goes off to find her on his own. Heinberg has created a fantastic story that is full of life and imagination. He has a great handle on all of these characters and is able to utilize them in a fascinating way. The art is absolutely beautiful in this book, from page to page there are more and more stunning spreads and splash pages. While it is unfortunate that there is a two month wait between issues, it does also mean that the story will stick with us for a longer amount of time and as long as it continues to be this great, who can complain.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Writer's Pull List 11-10-10
Posted by
11:55 AM
Another week, another pull list. This is a list of all the good books coming out, ha. Really though, it's a list of all the books that we will be reading and reviewing.
Arnab's Note: I wouldn't exactly call this a big week for me, but it is a big week as far as the array of publishers that have books out this week that I read.
Matt's Note: Finally, finally, finally we get new Children's Crusade.
Arnab's List:
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Birds of Prey #6
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #4
Red Robin #17
Avengers: Children's Crusade #3
American Vampire #8
Chew #15
Matt's List:
American Vampire #8
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Birds of Prey #6
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4
Red Robin #17
Avengers: Children's Crusade #3
Chew #15
Arnab's Note: I wouldn't exactly call this a big week for me, but it is a big week as far as the array of publishers that have books out this week that I read.
Matt's Note: Finally, finally, finally we get new Children's Crusade.
Arnab's List:
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Birds of Prey #6
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #4
Red Robin #17
Avengers: Children's Crusade #3
American Vampire #8
Chew #15
Matt's List:
American Vampire #8
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Birds of Prey #6
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4
Red Robin #17
Avengers: Children's Crusade #3
Chew #15
Monday, November 8, 2010
Teon has just urinated on my feet!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Generation #1 ***1/2
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
Hope, Rogue, and four of Earth's newest mutants make their way to collect the fifth light in the launch of this new series. Logan and Scott encounters the final mutant in Japan, who also happens to be the most interesting new mutant, and unfortunately he has undergone a tragic mutation. After meeting these mutants in Uncanny X-Men, I didn't have the greatest impression, considering they're all basically copies of previous mutants. However, they're beginning to feel a bit more human and slightly more likeable. What this does great is show Hope as the leader she was born to be. She appears to have a great deal of influence and control over these new lights. Unfortunately, she's also a bit reckless. While she has been raised by one of the greatest soldiers of all time, she does not take orders well, at all. Along those same lines, as a result of her solitary childhood, she's not particularly a team player, which will most likely cause problems with her role as an X-Man and her role as a leader. The art stands out, in light of some of the other art in the other X-books, as being done exceptionally well. Overall, this was a pretty good start to this new series.
Check out my DC reviews at ComicAttack.net!
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
Hope, Rogue, and four of Earth's newest mutants make their way to collect the fifth light in the launch of this new series. Logan and Scott encounters the final mutant in Japan, who also happens to be the most interesting new mutant, and unfortunately he has undergone a tragic mutation. After meeting these mutants in Uncanny X-Men, I didn't have the greatest impression, considering they're all basically copies of previous mutants. However, they're beginning to feel a bit more human and slightly more likeable. What this does great is show Hope as the leader she was born to be. She appears to have a great deal of influence and control over these new lights. Unfortunately, she's also a bit reckless. While she has been raised by one of the greatest soldiers of all time, she does not take orders well, at all. Along those same lines, as a result of her solitary childhood, she's not particularly a team player, which will most likely cause problems with her role as an X-Man and her role as a leader. The art stands out, in light of some of the other art in the other X-books, as being done exceptionally well. Overall, this was a pretty good start to this new series.
Check out my DC reviews at ComicAttack.net!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Superman/Batman - Apocalypse
Posted by
Mattie B
5:21 PM
Stop the presses, I'm writing a review. After a three month absence, I am back. I have no idea for how long, but at least there is virtual proof that I am not dead.
So anyway, back to the review. Last week I watched the new direct-to-DVD animated film "Superman/Batman - Apocalypse." And I gotta say, it was kind of awesome. First things first, though: this movie should be called "Trinity - Apocalypse" because Wonder Woman has just a big a role as either Bruce or Clark. And I'm not gonna lie, her kicking ass plays a big part into why I like the film.
So anyway, back to the review. Last week I watched the new direct-to-DVD animated film "Superman/Batman - Apocalypse." And I gotta say, it was kind of awesome. First things first, though: this movie should be called "Trinity - Apocalypse" because Wonder Woman has just a big a role as either Bruce or Clark. And I'm not gonna lie, her kicking ass plays a big part into why I like the film.
![]() | ||
I'm having "Necrosha" deja-vu, but Arnab says I'm crazy |
Writer's Pull List 11-03-10
Posted by
11:01 AM
Hey folks, this is our pull list. Everything we'll be reading this week and will be reviewing.
Arnab's Note:
I'm a little displeased that Avengers: The Children's Crusade is late. In other news, I am happy that DC decided to push Batman Inc.'s launch back so that the Bruce Wayne could return in a timely fashion.
Matt's Note: I too have been wondering where the hell Children's Crusade is. In other news I finally got my ass to the comic shop.
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #16
Batman/Catwoman Follow the Money
Brightest Day #13
Red Hood: Lost Days #6
Superboy #1
Generation Hope #1
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #16
Superboy #1
Generation Hope #1
Scarlet #3
X-Men: To Serve and Protect #1 (Maybe)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #38
Arnab's Note:
I'm a little displeased that Avengers: The Children's Crusade is late. In other news, I am happy that DC decided to push Batman Inc.'s launch back so that the Bruce Wayne could return in a timely fashion.
Matt's Note: I too have been wondering where the hell Children's Crusade is. In other news I finally got my ass to the comic shop.
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #16
Batman/Catwoman Follow the Money
Brightest Day #13
Red Hood: Lost Days #6
Superboy #1
Generation Hope #1
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #16
Superboy #1
Generation Hope #1
Scarlet #3
X-Men: To Serve and Protect #1 (Maybe)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #38
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Time to get between a man and his meal
Posted by
8:00 AM
Uncanny X-Men #529 ***
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Whilce Portacio and Harvey Tolibao
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
This was a decent issue. Nothing great about it, in fact, it was a little too uneventful. Emma enlists Phantomex to get Sebastian Shaw off of Utopia. Hope, Rogue, and the first three mutants to appear after Hope find the fourth mutant. Scott and Logan seemingly find the fifth mutant, who may be a killer. I am not sure if the Emma story line is over, which is what makes it weird. It's the end of the first arc, so it could really go either way. However, either way, the direction of that plot line feels a little out of place. So far, I'm not particularly liking these new mutants. Their power sets are too similar to some great, already established mutants and their personalities haven't won me over yet. The art was pretty good this week, though I'm sure no one will be sad to see Whilce go.
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Whilce Portacio and Harvey Tolibao
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
This was a decent issue. Nothing great about it, in fact, it was a little too uneventful. Emma enlists Phantomex to get Sebastian Shaw off of Utopia. Hope, Rogue, and the first three mutants to appear after Hope find the fourth mutant. Scott and Logan seemingly find the fifth mutant, who may be a killer. I am not sure if the Emma story line is over, which is what makes it weird. It's the end of the first arc, so it could really go either way. However, either way, the direction of that plot line feels a little out of place. So far, I'm not particularly liking these new mutants. Their power sets are too similar to some great, already established mutants and their personalities haven't won me over yet. The art was pretty good this week, though I'm sure no one will be sad to see Whilce go.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 10-27-10
Posted by
10:57 AM
Hello, readers! If you've been here before, you know that this is our pull list. Meaning this is where you can find out what we will be reading, what we will be reviewing, and it is also your opportunity to recommend new things to us.
Arnab's Note: Well it's another 8+ week for me. Things should settle after this week though. The last of the Road Home one shots are out this week and they've been pretty great. For those of you who were wondering, this is Whilce's last slated issue on Uncanny X-Men.
Matt's Note: I'm contemplating Superman Earth One, but it seems like a sizable purchase and it didn't get great reviews. I will be so very happy when this Children of the Vault storyline is over.
Arnab's List:
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Ras Al Ghul
Green Arrow #5
Teen Titans #88
Time Masters Vanishing Point #4
Uncanny X-Men #529
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - X-Men vs Vampires #2
X-Men Legacy #241
Matt's List:
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Ras Al Ghul
Wonder Woman #604
X-Men Legacy #241
Uncanny X-Men #529
Arnab's Note: Well it's another 8+ week for me. Things should settle after this week though. The last of the Road Home one shots are out this week and they've been pretty great. For those of you who were wondering, this is Whilce's last slated issue on Uncanny X-Men.
Matt's Note: I'm contemplating Superman Earth One, but it seems like a sizable purchase and it didn't get great reviews. I will be so very happy when this Children of the Vault storyline is over.
Arnab's List:
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Ras Al Ghul
Green Arrow #5
Teen Titans #88
Time Masters Vanishing Point #4
Uncanny X-Men #529
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - X-Men vs Vampires #2
X-Men Legacy #241
Matt's List:
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Oracle
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Ras Al Ghul
Wonder Woman #604
X-Men Legacy #241
Uncanny X-Men #529
Monday, October 25, 2010
Someone could be hurt. I need to check it out.
Posted by
12:23 PM
The Walking Dead #78 ***1/2
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
This issue had some really great moments to it, however I do feel that there were some issues. For the past couple of months Rick and the gang have been living fairly normal lives in the gated community they were brought to. This issue starts off on a somber note, with the three deaths from the last issue hanging over everyone's head. Meanwhile, outside the wall, we've witnessed a fairly gruesome gang of men slowly inching their way towards the gated homes. I actually feel that this whole situation settled itself a little too fast; it felt a tad rushed. However, what came out of it, was a great hint at what is to come. At the very end of the issue, there is a scene between Douglas and Rick that leaves Rick in a familiar role, but one that I had hoped he had left behind.
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
This issue had some really great moments to it, however I do feel that there were some issues. For the past couple of months Rick and the gang have been living fairly normal lives in the gated community they were brought to. This issue starts off on a somber note, with the three deaths from the last issue hanging over everyone's head. Meanwhile, outside the wall, we've witnessed a fairly gruesome gang of men slowly inching their way towards the gated homes. I actually feel that this whole situation settled itself a little too fast; it felt a tad rushed. However, what came out of it, was a great hint at what is to come. At the very end of the issue, there is a scene between Douglas and Rick that leaves Rick in a familiar role, but one that I had hoped he had left behind.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 10-20-10
Posted by
1:11 PM
How's it going folks? As usual, here's our pull list, basically everything we will be reading and reviewing.
Arnab's Note: This is my third week in a row with 7 or more issues. I could really use a break from all the reviews comic world. Of course, I don't want the break from the actual comics, oh the conundrums.
Matt's Note: These Bruce Wayne: Road Home books are interesting, but I'd like to actually see him get home first.
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #15
Batman Beyond #5
Brightest Day #12
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Catwoman
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (maybe)
Green Lantern Corps #53
X-Factor #210
The Walking Dead #78
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #15
Batman Beyond #5
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Catwoman
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (maybe)
Green Lantern Corps #53
X-Factor #210
New Mutants #18
Arnab's Note: This is my third week in a row with 7 or more issues. I could really use a break from all the reviews comic world. Of course, I don't want the break from the actual comics, oh the conundrums.
Matt's Note: These Bruce Wayne: Road Home books are interesting, but I'd like to actually see him get home first.
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #15
Batman Beyond #5
Brightest Day #12
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Catwoman
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (maybe)
Green Lantern Corps #53
X-Factor #210
The Walking Dead #78
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #15
Batman Beyond #5
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Catwoman
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Commissioner Gordon (maybe)
Green Lantern Corps #53
X-Factor #210
New Mutants #18
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'll choke the bay with vampire bodies.
Posted by
5:13 AM
X-Men #3 ****
Writer: Victor Hischler
Artist: Paco Medina
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The vampires are moving in on San Francisco in increased numbers and Scott is not going to have any of it. After his last plan not panning out the way he wanted it to, Dracula disappearing on them instead of helping out, Scott is forced into action in a different way. He sends out mutant patrol teams to keep the casualties low and contacts Xarus on his "secure line." In a scene that parallels his speech to Osborn, Scott tells Xarus to cease fighting or he will be the cause of the largest vampire slaughtering known to man. In response, Xarus reveals the newly vamped Logan and Jubilee, which shocks some of the X-Men.
I thought that this was a great issue. Admittedly, I'm a huge Cyclops fan so anytime a writer portrays him as the badass ruler of mutants I know him to be, well that's a great time. I am excited about what his plan is exactly, especially because I've got a gut feeling he planned for Logan to get turned. Also, Dracula is definitely going to join in the mix sometime soon and I can't help but hope that it is to help the X-gang and not to challenge them.
And as usual, my DC reviews (which there are many of this week) can be read right here!
Writer: Victor Hischler
Artist: Paco Medina
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The vampires are moving in on San Francisco in increased numbers and Scott is not going to have any of it. After his last plan not panning out the way he wanted it to, Dracula disappearing on them instead of helping out, Scott is forced into action in a different way. He sends out mutant patrol teams to keep the casualties low and contacts Xarus on his "secure line." In a scene that parallels his speech to Osborn, Scott tells Xarus to cease fighting or he will be the cause of the largest vampire slaughtering known to man. In response, Xarus reveals the newly vamped Logan and Jubilee, which shocks some of the X-Men.
I thought that this was a great issue. Admittedly, I'm a huge Cyclops fan so anytime a writer portrays him as the badass ruler of mutants I know him to be, well that's a great time. I am excited about what his plan is exactly, especially because I've got a gut feeling he planned for Logan to get turned. Also, Dracula is definitely going to join in the mix sometime soon and I can't help but hope that it is to help the X-gang and not to challenge them.
And as usual, my DC reviews (which there are many of this week) can be read right here!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Writer's Pull List 10-13-10
Posted by
2:18 PM
How's it going folks! For those of you who are new to the site, the pull list is meant to give you a preview of the books that we will be reading and reviewing this week.
Arnab's Note: Like I previously mentioned, all the regular Bat-titles will not be released this month. Instead, there will be a series of one shots under the headline "Bruce Wayne: The Road Home."
Matt's Note: I'm not going anywhere this weekend, so I will actually have time to stop by the Comic Shop! I hope they didn't throw out my comics. And PS - I'm done with X-Men vs. Vampires. I couldn't get through #3.
Arnab's List:
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batman & Robin
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Red Robin
Green Lantern #58
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
X-Men #4
Matt's List
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batman & Robin
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Red Robin
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Green Lantern #58
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
Arnab's Note: Like I previously mentioned, all the regular Bat-titles will not be released this month. Instead, there will be a series of one shots under the headline "Bruce Wayne: The Road Home."
Matt's Note: I'm not going anywhere this weekend, so I will actually have time to stop by the Comic Shop! I hope they didn't throw out my comics. And PS - I'm done with X-Men vs. Vampires. I couldn't get through #3.
Arnab's List:
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batgirl
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batman & Robin
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Red Robin
Green Lantern #58
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
X-Men #4
Matt's List
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Batman & Robin
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home - Red Robin
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Green Lantern #58
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
Monday, October 11, 2010
My name is Leonardo DaVinci
Posted by
7:00 AM
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4 ****
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
This story is unravelling into something completely fantastic. However, what that is is still a tad unclear. The issue starts off with the meeting of two humankind's greatest minds: Leonardo DaVinci and Isaac Newton. After passing Newton's test, DaVinci proceeds with his mission, which happens to involve traveling to the sun. Meanwhile, our protagonist Leonid is on a journey of his own, one that leads him directly to the chained up Nostradamus, who had been waiting for him. What this series does so amazingly well is integrate such prominent minds from our history and weave them into Leonid's story. However, I do feel that in all of this it is Leonid's story that tends to get lost. Nevertheless, the story is still fascinating. And the art is so beautiful that it perfectly enhances the the story.
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
This story is unravelling into something completely fantastic. However, what that is is still a tad unclear. The issue starts off with the meeting of two humankind's greatest minds: Leonardo DaVinci and Isaac Newton. After passing Newton's test, DaVinci proceeds with his mission, which happens to involve traveling to the sun. Meanwhile, our protagonist Leonid is on a journey of his own, one that leads him directly to the chained up Nostradamus, who had been waiting for him. What this series does so amazingly well is integrate such prominent minds from our history and weave them into Leonid's story. However, I do feel that in all of this it is Leonid's story that tends to get lost. Nevertheless, the story is still fascinating. And the art is so beautiful that it perfectly enhances the the story.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Writer's Pull List 10-06-10
Posted by
10:38 PM
Well folks, it's time for our weekly pull list. As usual it is a time for you to find out what we will be reading this week.
Arnab's note: It's a pretty big week for me again. For those of you who don't know, this month all of the regular Bat-titles will not be coming out. Instead, there will be one-shot specials in its place.
Matt's note: I got nothin' to add.
Arnab's List:
Brightest Day #11
Red Hood: Lost Days #5
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
Uncanny X-Force #1
American Vampire #6
Matt's List:
Uncanny X-Force #1
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
American Vampire #6
Arnab's note: It's a pretty big week for me again. For those of you who don't know, this month all of the regular Bat-titles will not be coming out. Instead, there will be one-shot specials in its place.
Matt's note: I got nothin' to add.
Arnab's List:
Brightest Day #11
Red Hood: Lost Days #5
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
Uncanny X-Force #1
American Vampire #6
Matt's List:
Uncanny X-Force #1
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
American Vampire #6
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
And you better hope that not a single hair is touched on Colby's head.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Artifacts #2 ****
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist(s): Michael Broussard, Rick Basaldua, Joe Weems, Sal Regla, Dulce Brassea, and Dale Keown
Cover Artist: Ryan Sook
Publisher: Top Cow
It has been a while since the first issue came out, which may prove to be a problem for those of you who do not have a familiarity with the Top Cow Universe, much like myself. Thankfully though, I did not have such a problem. This issue was just fantastic. I am still not familiar enough with the characters that I know all of their names, but unlike with X-Men Legacy, there is that emotional click. I want to learn more about these characters, I want that little girl to be found by her parents, I want her parents to open a world of pain on the lady that kidnapped her, i genuinely want to read more. This is the direct result of two things. One, the writing, the overall story, is just fantastic. It's a unique story and without having read any of the other Top Cow series' it is evident that this book will be a major game changer in the Top Cow Universe. Even better than the writing, in my opinion, is Michael Broussard's artwork. The sheer detail and beauty in his art is positively fabulous. His art takes the story and literally brings it to life in ways that I can't even begin to describe.
Writer: Ron Marz
Artist(s): Michael Broussard, Rick Basaldua, Joe Weems, Sal Regla, Dulce Brassea, and Dale Keown
Cover Artist: Ryan Sook
Publisher: Top Cow
It has been a while since the first issue came out, which may prove to be a problem for those of you who do not have a familiarity with the Top Cow Universe, much like myself. Thankfully though, I did not have such a problem. This issue was just fantastic. I am still not familiar enough with the characters that I know all of their names, but unlike with X-Men Legacy, there is that emotional click. I want to learn more about these characters, I want that little girl to be found by her parents, I want her parents to open a world of pain on the lady that kidnapped her, i genuinely want to read more. This is the direct result of two things. One, the writing, the overall story, is just fantastic. It's a unique story and without having read any of the other Top Cow series' it is evident that this book will be a major game changer in the Top Cow Universe. Even better than the writing, in my opinion, is Michael Broussard's artwork. The sheer detail and beauty in his art is positively fabulous. His art takes the story and literally brings it to life in ways that I can't even begin to describe.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Writer's Pull List 09-29-10
Posted by
1:55 PM
Admittedly we're running a little late this week, considering comics came out yesterday. But, here is what we will be reading.
Arnab's Note: I've got quite the pull this week. And surprisingly from an array of publishers.
Matt's Note: This is a light week for me, which means I'm cruising for a case of wallet-rape in the coming weeks.
Arnab's List:
Gotham City Sirens #16
Green Arrow #4
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #3
X-Men: Curse of Mutants- X-Men vs Vampires #1
X-Men Legacy #240
Chew #14
Top Cow
Artifacts #2
Matt's List:
Chew #14
X-Men Legacy #240
Wonder Woman #603
Arnab's Note: I've got quite the pull this week. And surprisingly from an array of publishers.
Matt's Note: This is a light week for me, which means I'm cruising for a case of wallet-rape in the coming weeks.
Arnab's List:
Gotham City Sirens #16
Green Arrow #4
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #3
X-Men: Curse of Mutants- X-Men vs Vampires #1
X-Men Legacy #240
Chew #14
Top Cow
Artifacts #2
Matt's List:
Chew #14
X-Men Legacy #240
Wonder Woman #603
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mom is dead. You can't talk to her.
Posted by
1:45 PM
My apologies for being late this week.
Uncanny X-Men #528 ***
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Whilce Portacio
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
So much happened in this issue I'm not even sure if a recap is worth it, but here goes. There's a new mutant, and if one neglected Iceman wasn't enough, we've now got a fire/ice chick. Luckily for her, Storm and Hope were on hand to rescue her from the crazy men with guns. Meanwhile on Utopia, Emma needs to get rid of Shaw, who Namor believes to be dead. Unfortunately for her, Kitty is now aware of her plans. For the most part these two portions of the story were decent. The interaction between Kitty and Emma is amusing as ever. Storm's part in this issue was good, one of the more recent times she has appeared and not pissed me off. That being said, these new mutant stories are all tending to feel like a slightly tweaked version of the same story. Another strange thing about this issue was that it threw in two short scenes involving Iceman, Dazzler and Northstar. Overall the story didn't flow as well as it has in the past. The artwork still seems to be a problem. While the art seems to be improving, the change is only visible in certain scenes and with certain characters.

Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Whilce Portacio
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
So much happened in this issue I'm not even sure if a recap is worth it, but here goes. There's a new mutant, and if one neglected Iceman wasn't enough, we've now got a fire/ice chick. Luckily for her, Storm and Hope were on hand to rescue her from the crazy men with guns. Meanwhile on Utopia, Emma needs to get rid of Shaw, who Namor believes to be dead. Unfortunately for her, Kitty is now aware of her plans. For the most part these two portions of the story were decent. The interaction between Kitty and Emma is amusing as ever. Storm's part in this issue was good, one of the more recent times she has appeared and not pissed me off. That being said, these new mutant stories are all tending to feel like a slightly tweaked version of the same story. Another strange thing about this issue was that it threw in two short scenes involving Iceman, Dazzler and Northstar. Overall the story didn't flow as well as it has in the past. The artwork still seems to be a problem. While the art seems to be improving, the change is only visible in certain scenes and with certain characters.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 9-22-2010
Posted by
Mattie B
1:38 PM
Hey all! Here's a list of things we will read, with some 'maybe's thrown in for good measure. Let us know what you're reading!
Matt's Note: Dropping the ball left, right, and center. But it's a very light week.
Arnab's Note: It's a light week. I'd really like to add Green Lantern Corps to my pull list, but I can't for the life of me, figure out what to remove.
Matt's List
Flash #5
Green Lantern Corps #52
Secret Avengers #5
Uncanny X-Men #528
Arnab's List
Batman Streets of Gotham #16
Flash #5
Uncanny X-Men #528
Walking Dead #76
Matt's Note: Dropping the ball left, right, and center. But it's a very light week.
Arnab's Note: It's a light week. I'd really like to add Green Lantern Corps to my pull list, but I can't for the life of me, figure out what to remove.
Matt's List
Flash #5
Green Lantern Corps #52
Secret Avengers #5
Uncanny X-Men #528
Arnab's List
Batman Streets of Gotham #16
Flash #5
Uncanny X-Men #528
Walking Dead #76
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Avast! Come on ye swabs!
Posted by
10:00 AM
X-Factor #209 ****
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
What do you get when you take a band of hooligans and plop them into Vegas? All kinds of greatness. First and foremost I need to express just how much I am coming to love Shatterstar. He's a great character and I find that as more and more characters join the story, he remains consistently fun and energetic. The writing in this issue is smart. Peter David clearly knows the characters very well and is able to create the perfect situations for each individual. The gang is in Vegas this week and who could be surprised that Guido ends up in a strip joint, Shatterstar ends up fighting some pirate actors, and Longshot ends up using his powers for gambling. Character development aside, the direction that this series has been headed looks and seems great. The Rictor-Rahne baby drama took a backseat this week to the developing Hela story, and the issue is better off for it.
My DC reviews can be found right here!
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
What do you get when you take a band of hooligans and plop them into Vegas? All kinds of greatness. First and foremost I need to express just how much I am coming to love Shatterstar. He's a great character and I find that as more and more characters join the story, he remains consistently fun and energetic. The writing in this issue is smart. Peter David clearly knows the characters very well and is able to create the perfect situations for each individual. The gang is in Vegas this week and who could be surprised that Guido ends up in a strip joint, Shatterstar ends up fighting some pirate actors, and Longshot ends up using his powers for gambling. Character development aside, the direction that this series has been headed looks and seems great. The Rictor-Rahne baby drama took a backseat this week to the developing Hela story, and the issue is better off for it.
My DC reviews can be found right here!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 09-15-10
Posted by
Mattie B
10:55 AM
Hey all! Here's a list of things we will read, with some 'maybe's thrown in for good measure. Let us know what you're reading!
Matt's Note: Every time I see Birds of Prey on the list I get so excited.
Arnab's Note: I'm fairly excited about Batman Beyond.
Matt's List
Astonishing Spider-man/Wolverine #3
New Mutants #17
X-Factor #209
Batman Beyond #4
Birds of Prey #5
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2
Arnab's List
Batman Beyond #4
Birds of Prey #5
Brightest Day #10
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2
X-Factor #209
Matt's Note: Every time I see Birds of Prey on the list I get so excited.
Arnab's Note: I'm fairly excited about Batman Beyond.
Matt's List
Astonishing Spider-man/Wolverine #3
New Mutants #17
X-Factor #209
Batman Beyond #4
Birds of Prey #5
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2
Arnab's List
Batman Beyond #4
Birds of Prey #5
Brightest Day #10
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2
X-Factor #209
Monday, September 13, 2010
I didn't hear you complaining last night
Posted by
3:42 PM
American Vampire #5 ****1/2
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
This is one of those series' that everyone should be reading. It's just one of those books that has a great combination of writing and artwork and in a couple of years or even months you're gonna wish you had read it from the beginning. Now that Stephen King has left the series, the split story issues are gone and instead the series reverts to a normal one story series.
With this issue there is a change in the protagonist of the story, with Pearl having left in the last issue. We are introduced to the newly appointed chief of police in Vegas, Cashel McCogan. There is some type of creature roaming around town killing people and draining them of their blood. As a result the FBI have sent in Jack Straw with his assistant, Felicia Book. The three of them follow a trail strait to Jim Smoke, a character we are all very familiar with.
The writing in this series in fantastic. With the sheer amount of vampire related tv shows, books, and movies out right now this series continues to be original and captivating. Now, the artwork in this series has been absolutely brilliant. Albuquerque has been doing the art for the entire series and with every story his style changes and he executes this superbly.
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
This is one of those series' that everyone should be reading. It's just one of those books that has a great combination of writing and artwork and in a couple of years or even months you're gonna wish you had read it from the beginning. Now that Stephen King has left the series, the split story issues are gone and instead the series reverts to a normal one story series.
With this issue there is a change in the protagonist of the story, with Pearl having left in the last issue. We are introduced to the newly appointed chief of police in Vegas, Cashel McCogan. There is some type of creature roaming around town killing people and draining them of their blood. As a result the FBI have sent in Jack Straw with his assistant, Felicia Book. The three of them follow a trail strait to Jim Smoke, a character we are all very familiar with.
The writing in this series in fantastic. With the sheer amount of vampire related tv shows, books, and movies out right now this series continues to be original and captivating. Now, the artwork in this series has been absolutely brilliant. Albuquerque has been doing the art for the entire series and with every story his style changes and he executes this superbly.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 09-09-10
Posted by
11:40 AM
Hey all! So this is our pull list, basically the books that are coming out this week that we are planning on reading and even some that we might possibly read. Since it was Labor Day on Monday comics came out on Thursday, today.
Arnab's Note: Not much to say, it looks like a great week for Batman fans like myself.
Matt's Note: I have no idea why I'm getting X-Men #3. This Vampire thing annoys me to no end.
Arnab's List:
Batman #703
Batman and Robin #15
Green Lantern #57
Red Robin #16
X-Force: Sex and Violence #3
X-Men #3
American Vampire #6
Matt's List:
X-Men #3
American Vampire #6
Green Lantern #57
Batman #703
Batman and Robin #14
Red Robin #16
Arnab's Note: Not much to say, it looks like a great week for Batman fans like myself.
Matt's Note: I have no idea why I'm getting X-Men #3. This Vampire thing annoys me to no end.
Arnab's List:
Batman #703
Batman and Robin #15
Green Lantern #57
Red Robin #16
X-Force: Sex and Violence #3
X-Men #3
American Vampire #6
Matt's List:
X-Men #3
American Vampire #6
Green Lantern #57
Batman #703
Batman and Robin #14
Red Robin #16
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What are we, the Uncanny Von Trapps?
Posted by
8:00 AM

Writer: Allan Heinberg
Artist(s): Jim Cheung and Mark Morales
Cover Artist(s): Jim Cheung, Justin Ponsor, and Travis Charest
Publisher: Marvel
It truly is a shame that this title only comes out once every two months. I can't even fathom to imagine why this is the case, but it's unfortunate. In the previous issue Magneto arrived and introduced himself to his grandchildren for the first time. Before much could be accomplished however, the Avengers decided to invite themselves into the mix and attacked Magneto and the Young Avengers. Billy whisks them all off to Wundagore, the birthplace of Wanda and Pietro. Pietro arrives and after a bit of introduction to his nephews he goes after Magneto. This series is just fantastic. Billy and Teddy's relationship is awesome. Tommy and Pietro are like twin balls of energy. And the whole direction of the plot in general is great. I do wonder whether or not Stature and Vision will play a larger role in the future, their short conversation does lead one to believe they will. Same goes for Eli and Kate. I must say that I don't care for Eli even the slightest bit and am glad that Kate is the leader of this bunch. Also, I found it slightly strange that Wolverine seemed so accepting of the idea of killing a child. With the cliffhanger at the end, I'm totally stoked at what's going to happen next.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 09-01-10
Posted by
4:07 PM
Hey everyone! As most of you should know by now, the pull list is to give you all a preview for the books we will be reviewing this week. You can also take this time to recommend any books you want us to be reading.
Arnab's Note: This is a really light week, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Matt's Note: Children's Crusade #2! I will be reading this in the car before I pull away.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #9
Red Hood: Lost Days #4
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Smoke and Blood
Origins of Marvel Comics- X-Men
Matt's List
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
Scarlet #2
Arnab's Note: This is a really light week, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Matt's Note: Children's Crusade #2! I will be reading this in the car before I pull away.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #9
Red Hood: Lost Days #4
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Smoke and Blood
Origins of Marvel Comics- X-Men
Matt's List
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
Scarlet #2
Monday, August 30, 2010
But if you'd gotten here five minutes later...
Posted by
7:00 AM
X-Factor #208 ****
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
This series is really picking up the pace with this issue. Madrox and Siryn get ready to take on Hela after a bit of trickery on her part. Longshot and Darwin attempt to woo a couple of gals. Monet has some serious beef with Layla. And can you say pregnancy hormones acting out a bit, Rahne? What I think is great about this series is the manner in which the arcs unfold. There is a huge cast involved, at least eight current members, and at times that can be a lot of people to process in an arc. What this series does right is that the first couple of issues to an arc are set up with multiple stories that usually tie back together by the end of the arc. I'm not all to familiar with the majority of these characters but for whatever reason I've grown to like most of them. I love the way that Rictor and Shatterstar have a great and interesting relationship and that Rahne needs to keep her conniving ways to herself. The fact that the team is dealing with Hela does seem like this baby drama won't be lasting too long though. Great read.
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
This series is really picking up the pace with this issue. Madrox and Siryn get ready to take on Hela after a bit of trickery on her part. Longshot and Darwin attempt to woo a couple of gals. Monet has some serious beef with Layla. And can you say pregnancy hormones acting out a bit, Rahne? What I think is great about this series is the manner in which the arcs unfold. There is a huge cast involved, at least eight current members, and at times that can be a lot of people to process in an arc. What this series does right is that the first couple of issues to an arc are set up with multiple stories that usually tie back together by the end of the arc. I'm not all to familiar with the majority of these characters but for whatever reason I've grown to like most of them. I love the way that Rictor and Shatterstar have a great and interesting relationship and that Rahne needs to keep her conniving ways to herself. The fact that the team is dealing with Hela does seem like this baby drama won't be lasting too long though. Great read.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Writer's Pull List 08-25-10
Posted by
10:21 AM
Howdy folks! Here's our pull list for this week. It's your chance to find out what we're reading and also a chance for you to recommend any reads.
Arnab's Note: It's just as I had suspected, there is a much bigger load this week.
Matt's Note: I haven't abandoned my reviews, just haven't found time for them in a while.
Arnab's List:
Batman #702
Gotham City Sirens #15
Green Arrow #3
Superman: Secret Origin #6
Time Masters Vanishing Point #2
X-Factor #208
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Storm & Gambit
X-Men Legacy #239
Matt's List:
X-Factor #208
X-Men Legacy #239
Wonder Woman #602
And maybe Batman 702 and the X-Men: Storm and Gambit
Arnab's Note: It's just as I had suspected, there is a much bigger load this week.
Matt's Note: I haven't abandoned my reviews, just haven't found time for them in a while.
Arnab's List:
Batman #702
Gotham City Sirens #15
Green Arrow #3
Superman: Secret Origin #6
Time Masters Vanishing Point #2
X-Factor #208
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Storm & Gambit
X-Men Legacy #239
Matt's List:
X-Factor #208
X-Men Legacy #239
Wonder Woman #602
And maybe Batman 702 and the X-Men: Storm and Gambit
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
These are the thoughts that keep me happy
Posted by
7:00 AM
Chew #13 ****1/2
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Rob Guillory
Cover Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Image
What a fantastic read this was. The writing on this title is witty, funny, and completely unpredictable. Mason Savoy makes an appearance as well as sets up the cliffhanger for the next issue. Tony and Colby's relationship is hilarious and continues to develop with every new issue. The obsession with everything chicken in this book is fascinating, as well as the numerous ways people try to maneuver around the no chicken laws. As the characters continue to be developed and new, unique story lines are introduced it is no wonder that this title won the Eisner award for Best New Series. The art continues to be consistent, unique, and very well executed. This is definitely the book you all should be reading.
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Rob Guillory
Cover Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Image
What a fantastic read this was. The writing on this title is witty, funny, and completely unpredictable. Mason Savoy makes an appearance as well as sets up the cliffhanger for the next issue. Tony and Colby's relationship is hilarious and continues to develop with every new issue. The obsession with everything chicken in this book is fascinating, as well as the numerous ways people try to maneuver around the no chicken laws. As the characters continue to be developed and new, unique story lines are introduced it is no wonder that this title won the Eisner award for Best New Series. The art continues to be consistent, unique, and very well executed. This is definitely the book you all should be reading.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Final Crisis
Posted by
5:24 PM
Final Crisis *****
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist(s): JG Jones, Doug Mahnke, Carlos Pacheco, and Marco Rudy
Cover Artist(s): JG Jones
Publisher: DC
Welcome back everyone. As I mentioned in the a previous post, there are three crises books starting with Crisis on Infinite Earths, then Infinite Crisis, and ending with Final Crisis. Final Crisis is an immense, multi-dimensional event that spans across the entire DC Universe.
**Recap starts here
To recap Final Crisis we must go back to dawn of mankind. It is here that Metron, of the New Gods, appears before Anthro presenting him with the power of fire. Flash forward thousands of years and the final battle between man and the Gods is ignited by the death of Orion. It is also at this point that the story breaks off into many directions.
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist(s): JG Jones, Doug Mahnke, Carlos Pacheco, and Marco Rudy
Cover Artist(s): JG Jones
Publisher: DC
Welcome back everyone. As I mentioned in the a previous post, there are three crises books starting with Crisis on Infinite Earths, then Infinite Crisis, and ending with Final Crisis. Final Crisis is an immense, multi-dimensional event that spans across the entire DC Universe.
**Recap starts here
To recap Final Crisis we must go back to dawn of mankind. It is here that Metron, of the New Gods, appears before Anthro presenting him with the power of fire. Flash forward thousands of years and the final battle between man and the Gods is ignited by the death of Orion. It is also at this point that the story breaks off into many directions.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 08-18-10
Posted by
5:08 PM
Hey all! As per usual, this is our chance to let you all know what we are reading and what you should also be reading. It is also a chance for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's take: It's not really a big week this week, and hasn't been for a while, which can only mean a huge week coming up soon.
Matt's take: For some reason the list I get off of the publisher websites never seems to reflect reality. This annoys me.
Don't forget to leave a comment on our 100th post!
Arnab's List:
Batman Beyond #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
Brightest Day #7
Chew #13
Uncanny X-Men #527
Matt's List
Chew #13
New Mutants #16
Uncanny X-Men #527
Batman Beyond #3
Green Lantern Corps #51
Arnab's take: It's not really a big week this week, and hasn't been for a while, which can only mean a huge week coming up soon.
Matt's take: For some reason the list I get off of the publisher websites never seems to reflect reality. This annoys me.
Don't forget to leave a comment on our 100th post!
Arnab's List:
Batman Beyond #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
Brightest Day #7
Chew #13
Uncanny X-Men #527
Matt's List
Chew #13
New Mutants #16
Uncanny X-Men #527
Batman Beyond #3
Green Lantern Corps #51
Monday, August 16, 2010
I... I think I'm losing it
Posted by
4:59 AM
The Walking Dead #76 ****1/2
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
Months have passed since Rick awoke from his coma and found the world overrun by zombies, however it seems as if time and past experiences have begun to take it's toll. In the last issue Rick went after a man who abuses his wife and child but was given a free pass because he was the town's doctor. After the tousle Rick and Douglas hash out the details of Rick's actions, including an exchange of pity tragic stories. Unfortunately though, Rick's actions do not only affect Rick, but Carl as well, who has had to grow up almost overnight. This series continues to be amazing stuff. It's really no wonder why it won an Eisner for best continuing series. The quality in both story and art is not only consistent but still has the ability to shock and surprise. The cliffhanger at the end, for one, can go in so many directions and that's what's great about the series, its ability to remain fresh 76 issues in.
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
Months have passed since Rick awoke from his coma and found the world overrun by zombies, however it seems as if time and past experiences have begun to take it's toll. In the last issue Rick went after a man who abuses his wife and child but was given a free pass because he was the town's doctor. After the tousle Rick and Douglas hash out the details of Rick's actions, including an exchange of pity tragic stories. Unfortunately though, Rick's actions do not only affect Rick, but Carl as well, who has had to grow up almost overnight. This series continues to be amazing stuff. It's really no wonder why it won an Eisner for best continuing series. The quality in both story and art is not only consistent but still has the ability to shock and surprise. The cliffhanger at the end, for one, can go in so many directions and that's what's great about the series, its ability to remain fresh 76 issues in.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
100th Post!!! Show-and-tell time!
Posted by
Mattie B
9:20 AM
How, you ask? By having a give-away! Details to follow below (yes, this is just a ploy to get you to read everything we write).
But first, we thought we'd take a little trip down memory lane and talk about our favorite issue or arc that we've ever read. Note this isn't favorite series, or favorite character, or anything like that, just the story that we still compare other comics to. We wanted to do something different for our 100th post, and this might help shed some light on the respective Comics tastes of your dedicated PLC Bloggers. Afterward we invite you, the reader, to share your favorite story in the comments. There might be something in it for you. : D
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Some men call me brother...You will call me Master
Posted by
5:00 AM
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 ***1/2
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
Deep in the history of mankind rests the existence of the organization known as S.H .I.E.L.D. For generations now S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have been doing their very best to keep the Earth safe. This issue explains how Isaac Newton and Nostradamus both came to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I will admit that after reading this for the first time, I was left a tad confused. The narration changes from Nostradamus to Isaac Newton, however the switch, in my opinion, isn't made as clearly s it could have been. The story continues to be interesting, especially with the additions of brilliant minds throughout history into the plot. Certain parts of this issue were pretty shocking, which is great, like when Newton mates with the alien, or when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses human mind power to expel Galactus from Earth. The artwork remains consistently good. This wasn't the best issue in the series, but it was still a good read.
As per usual, my DC reviews can be reached here.
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
Deep in the history of mankind rests the existence of the organization known as S.H .I.E.L.D. For generations now S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have been doing their very best to keep the Earth safe. This issue explains how Isaac Newton and Nostradamus both came to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I will admit that after reading this for the first time, I was left a tad confused. The narration changes from Nostradamus to Isaac Newton, however the switch, in my opinion, isn't made as clearly s it could have been. The story continues to be interesting, especially with the additions of brilliant minds throughout history into the plot. Certain parts of this issue were pretty shocking, which is great, like when Newton mates with the alien, or when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses human mind power to expel Galactus from Earth. The artwork remains consistently good. This wasn't the best issue in the series, but it was still a good read.
As per usual, my DC reviews can be reached here.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Infinite Crisis
Posted by
6:58 AM
Infinite Crisis *****
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Phil Jimenez with George Perez, Jerry Ordway, Ivan Reis, and Andy Lanning
Cover Artist: Jim Lee
Variant Cover Artist: George Perez
Hello to all my faithful readers and any new readers that may be reading this. This is another dose of my special reviews. Usually they go out on every other Wednesday, but with respect to other posts I chose to post this review at a later date. Like before I am going to start off with a recap of the story followed by my review.
Infinite Crisis, released from December 2005 to June 2006, launches off with the trinity of the DC Universe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, arguing with one another in the remains of the JLA Watchtower. All across the DCU superheroes are being attacked on Earth, deep in space, and even on the cosmic level. Heroes are being killed, heroes are arguing amongst themselves, and in another dimension four beings, believed to have died long ago, watch the chaos unfold.
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Phil Jimenez with George Perez, Jerry Ordway, Ivan Reis, and Andy Lanning
Cover Artist: Jim Lee
Variant Cover Artist: George Perez
Hello to all my faithful readers and any new readers that may be reading this. This is another dose of my special reviews. Usually they go out on every other Wednesday, but with respect to other posts I chose to post this review at a later date. Like before I am going to start off with a recap of the story followed by my review.
Infinite Crisis, released from December 2005 to June 2006, launches off with the trinity of the DC Universe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, arguing with one another in the remains of the JLA Watchtower. All across the DCU superheroes are being attacked on Earth, deep in space, and even on the cosmic level. Heroes are being killed, heroes are arguing amongst themselves, and in another dimension four beings, believed to have died long ago, watch the chaos unfold.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We Were Right: A Second Coming Redux
Posted by
Mattie B
11:23 PM
At the end of March, we celebrated our 50th post with a bit of a fanboy-gasm about the Next Big X-Men Event: Second Coming. Five years of No More Mutants, time travel, and a "Messiah" who just happens to resemble Jean Grey culminated in a fourteen chapter event released weekly. All the promos promised action and sacrifices and big changes for the world the X-Men inhabit.
Four months and 47 posts later, Second Coming has, uh, come to an end. And we got what we were promised. There was a ton of action, several deaths, and as the dust settles we see that yes, the world has changed. Now to just figure out how we feel about it.
Four months and 47 posts later, Second Coming has, uh, come to an end. And we got what we were promised. There was a ton of action, several deaths, and as the dust settles we see that yes, the world has changed. Now to just figure out how we feel about it.
![]() |
Coolest banner ever. Click to Enlarge! |
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 08-04-10
Posted by
2:24 PM
**Note - This is going up a little early this week to offset some larger posts coming soon.
Howdy folks. This is our pull list. It is basically everything we read and pretty much everything you should be reading. This is also the opportunity for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's Note: Shockingly, I don't have all that many books to read this week.
Matt's Note: This week is amazingly short, which is nice as I have two heavy weeks to also pick up. I'm not feeling Brightest Day, so I've left it off.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #7
Red Hood: Lost Days #3
Red Robin #15
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Matt's List
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Red Robin #15
Howdy folks. This is our pull list. It is basically everything we read and pretty much everything you should be reading. This is also the opportunity for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's Note: Shockingly, I don't have all that many books to read this week.
Matt's Note: This week is amazingly short, which is nice as I have two heavy weeks to also pick up. I'm not feeling Brightest Day, so I've left it off.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #7
Red Hood: Lost Days #3
Red Robin #15
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Matt's List
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Red Robin #15
Monday, August 2, 2010
I'll follow you wherever you go, whenever you go
Posted by
6:04 AM

Writer: Scott Snyder and Stephen King
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
The first arc is over and boy did it go out with a bang. Both portions of the story tied up loose ends, while maintaing enough intrigue to allow for the series to move forward. Pearl Jones' portion of the story was filled with fast paced action scenes that pitted Pearl against some of the old guard of vampires. In the end she strolled off into the sunset with beau, Henry, with the threat of the old vampires and Skinner Sweet looming behind them. Meanwhile the second portion of the issue concluded the arc by catching up to the first story, with regards to the time period. James Book, who had recently come into contact with Sweet's blood, fought long and hard against his urges to drink human blood. Abilena gives him the gift of eternal rest, after Book gives her the gift of pregnancy. Only five issues in and this series is going great. The writing has been just amazing; the plot and the dialogue flow effortlessly in an effective manner. The art looks absolutely fantastic. Stephen King may be leaving the series, but I sure won't be.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 07-28-10
Posted by
Mattie B
9:38 AM
Here's our pull list folks. A time for you guys to think about adding on comics to read and a time to suggest any other comics.
Matt's Note: Believe it or not I do still read comics, I'm just having a hard time finding time for review posts.
Arnab's Note: I can't particularly find anything to say. Other than, you all should be reading everything we're reading.
Matt's List
Secret Avengers #3
Uncanny X-Men #526
Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Green Lantern #56
Green Lantern Corps #50
Wonder Woman #601
American Vampire #5
Arnab's List
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Gotham City Sirens #14
Green Arrow #1
Green Lantern #56
Uncanny X-Men #526
X-Men Legacy #238
American Vampire #5
Matt's Note: Believe it or not I do still read comics, I'm just having a hard time finding time for review posts.
Arnab's Note: I can't particularly find anything to say. Other than, you all should be reading everything we're reading.
Matt's List
Secret Avengers #3
Uncanny X-Men #526
Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Green Lantern #56
Green Lantern Corps #50
Wonder Woman #601
American Vampire #5
Arnab's List
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Gotham City Sirens #14
Green Arrow #1
Green Lantern #56
Uncanny X-Men #526
X-Men Legacy #238
American Vampire #5
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
...I need an emotional anchor for everyday life.
Posted by
2:47 PM
I know I'm a couple hours late, so forgive me.
X-Factor #207 ****
Writer: Peter David
Artist: Sebastian Fiumara
Cover Artist: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
The gang has all come back together. Monet has a score to settle and a promise to keep, while Layla wants to help with pillow. Jamie has a new job, from Hela herself, although that remains unknown to the X-Factor clan. The fact that Longshot was silenced by her appearance should have been a clue. My favorite part of the entire book has to be the scenes between Rictor and Shatterstar. The way the two characters interact is just a great thing to read. Plus, their relationship makes me happy. Rahne Sinclair's return to the gang looks like it will be one hell of a ride.

Writer: Peter David
Artist: Sebastian Fiumara
Cover Artist: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
The gang has all come back together. Monet has a score to settle and a promise to keep, while Layla wants to help with pillow. Jamie has a new job, from Hela herself, although that remains unknown to the X-Factor clan. The fact that Longshot was silenced by her appearance should have been a clue. My favorite part of the entire book has to be the scenes between Rictor and Shatterstar. The way the two characters interact is just a great thing to read. Plus, their relationship makes me happy. Rahne Sinclair's return to the gang looks like it will be one hell of a ride.
Monday, July 26, 2010
San Diego Comic Con
Posted by
7:37 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Posted by
7:50 AM
Crisis on Infinite Earths *****
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist: George Perez
Cover Artist: George Perez
Variant Cover Artist: Alex Ross
It's time for your alternate Wednesday special review. Over the next three special reviews, I am going to review Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis. These three crises are regarded as the stories of the multiverse in the DC realm. Before there was "the Crisis," as it was once referred to, there was the expansive multiverse. Essentially, there were numerous universes that each had an Earth of it's own. What this means is that there were different variations to characters such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and there were also variations to superhero groups such as the Justice League and the Justice Society. Eventually the different universes began to learn of one another, the result of the Flash vibrated from one universe to another, and on occasion would help each other out. Crisis on Infinite Earths was released in 1985 as a celebration of DC's 50th anniversary. With so many characters and universes, there were also many issues in continuity. At the time there was also an ever increasing character list, which made it difficult to follow along or for those that didn't read, it made it difficult to start reading. Crisis on Infinite Earths was created to rectify this situation.
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist: George Perez
Cover Artist: George Perez
Variant Cover Artist: Alex Ross
It's time for your alternate Wednesday special review. Over the next three special reviews, I am going to review Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis. These three crises are regarded as the stories of the multiverse in the DC realm. Before there was "the Crisis," as it was once referred to, there was the expansive multiverse. Essentially, there were numerous universes that each had an Earth of it's own. What this means is that there were different variations to characters such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman and there were also variations to superhero groups such as the Justice League and the Justice Society. Eventually the different universes began to learn of one another, the result of the Flash vibrated from one universe to another, and on occasion would help each other out. Crisis on Infinite Earths was released in 1985 as a celebration of DC's 50th anniversary. With so many characters and universes, there were also many issues in continuity. At the time there was also an ever increasing character list, which made it difficult to follow along or for those that didn't read, it made it difficult to start reading. Crisis on Infinite Earths was created to rectify this situation.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 07-21-10
Posted by
10:15 PM
Here's our pull list folks. A time for you guys to think about adding on comics to read and a time to suggest any other comics.
Arnab's Note: I might be dropping New Mutants now that Second Coming is over. I don't particularly find anyone other than Cypher and Warlock to be entertaining.
Matt's Note: And I might be dropping Brightest Day until the trade comes out. And I fully support the Phoenix Force Handbook.
Arnab's List:
Batman: Streets of Gotham #14
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #6
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1
New Mutants #15
Walking Dead #75
X-Factor #207
Matt's List:
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #6
New Mutants #15
X-Factor #207
X-Men Legacy #238
X-Men Phoenix Force Handbook
Arnab's Note: I might be dropping New Mutants now that Second Coming is over. I don't particularly find anyone other than Cypher and Warlock to be entertaining.
Matt's Note: And I might be dropping Brightest Day until the trade comes out. And I fully support the Phoenix Force Handbook.
Arnab's List:
Batman: Streets of Gotham #14
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #6
Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1
New Mutants #15
Walking Dead #75
X-Factor #207
Matt's List:
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #6
New Mutants #15
X-Factor #207
X-Men Legacy #238
X-Men Phoenix Force Handbook
Monday, July 19, 2010
Nobody needs to cry for Nathan Summers
Posted by
6:26 AM
X-Men Second Coming #2 ****
Writer(s): Zeb Wells, Mike Carey, Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, and Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Ibraim Roberson, Esad Ribic, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The conclusion to the Second Coming epic took place in four chapters. The first chapter was a bit of a healing moment for the mutants. It showcased a couple of the more serious injuries, such as Colossus, Angel, Hellion, Bobby, Magneto, and of course Hope. I thought that this did well to note the injuries and losses that the X-Men have had, but also to show that they are still alive and are moving on. The second chapter was filled with emotion, starting us off with a Hope and Cable flashback in which Hope dreaded being alone. The funeral scene was touching. It seemed only fitting that Hope should talk when Scott found himself to be unable to do so. Her eulogy is much like I wish mine would be some day, not so much a lingering sadness over the life lost, but pride in the life that was lived. I thought Scott punishing Rogue for her actions during the battle was very significant. Regardless of how much I adore Rogue, her actions were reckless and I think Scott made the right decision. The third story focused on the existence of X-Force. We are first graced by Ororo's presence, who has chosen to be judgmental and critical of both Scott and Logan. Thankfully, Logan knocks her off of her high horse, pointing out that Ororo's been absent this entire time. I think it was wise of Scott to disband the X-Force, because it's not something that the X-Men need getting public right now. Although, I'm not convinced he is not aware of the New X-Force. The final story sets us up for the next arc and that's the Five Lights, the five new mutant detections, the proof that Scott has been right the entire time placing his faith in Cable and Hope.
Writer(s): Zeb Wells, Mike Carey, Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, and Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Ibraim Roberson, Esad Ribic, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The conclusion to the Second Coming epic took place in four chapters. The first chapter was a bit of a healing moment for the mutants. It showcased a couple of the more serious injuries, such as Colossus, Angel, Hellion, Bobby, Magneto, and of course Hope. I thought that this did well to note the injuries and losses that the X-Men have had, but also to show that they are still alive and are moving on. The second chapter was filled with emotion, starting us off with a Hope and Cable flashback in which Hope dreaded being alone. The funeral scene was touching. It seemed only fitting that Hope should talk when Scott found himself to be unable to do so. Her eulogy is much like I wish mine would be some day, not so much a lingering sadness over the life lost, but pride in the life that was lived. I thought Scott punishing Rogue for her actions during the battle was very significant. Regardless of how much I adore Rogue, her actions were reckless and I think Scott made the right decision. The third story focused on the existence of X-Force. We are first graced by Ororo's presence, who has chosen to be judgmental and critical of both Scott and Logan. Thankfully, Logan knocks her off of her high horse, pointing out that Ororo's been absent this entire time. I think it was wise of Scott to disband the X-Force, because it's not something that the X-Men need getting public right now. Although, I'm not convinced he is not aware of the New X-Force. The final story sets us up for the next arc and that's the Five Lights, the five new mutant detections, the proof that Scott has been right the entire time placing his faith in Cable and Hope.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: July 7, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
11:54 AM
This is my last backed-up review post, and then I'm current with this week. Sorry for the inundation, but it's been a big couple of weeks that I didn't want to skip.
Children's Crusade #1 *****
I never give things 5 stars, and I don't even know if non-comic readers would like this, but I'm just so happy that Young Avengers is back. Yes, I'm a biased fanboy. I've always loved their dynamic, and while I don't care for Eli overly much I think this new story arc where they try to find the Scarlet Witch could be very, very cool. I like the quippy humor and I find Wiccan and Hulkling to be endearing. To be a little bit more objective, I really do think this storyline has potential to affect the whole Marvel U. if it's handled properly (and the creators have had several years to figure out what 'properly' means). Plus, I like the art.
Children's Crusade #1 *****
I never give things 5 stars, and I don't even know if non-comic readers would like this, but I'm just so happy that Young Avengers is back. Yes, I'm a biased fanboy. I've always loved their dynamic, and while I don't care for Eli overly much I think this new story arc where they try to find the Scarlet Witch could be very, very cool. I like the quippy humor and I find Wiccan and Hulkling to be endearing. To be a little bit more objective, I really do think this storyline has potential to affect the whole Marvel U. if it's handled properly (and the creators have had several years to figure out what 'properly' means). Plus, I like the art.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: June 30, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
6:07 PM
I have to play catch up so that I can get the Second Coming post done in a reasonable amount of time.
Quick question for all 3 of our readers: Would you like more recap and less review? I personally try to avoid recaps because they make for long blog posts (longer than now, even) but some people prefer to know what's going on if they don't read. Leave a comment and let us know!
Wonder Woman #600 ****
Ok, let's get it out of the way: I like Diana's new costume. Yeah, the jacket and stirrup pants aren't exactly as cool as they could be, but her old costume, as iconic as it is, is ridiculously impractical. There's no protection, there's no utility; she's running around in a shiny bathing suit. Sure, she's an Amazon warrior, but that should give her the sense to actually wear armor when fighting. It needed an update badly, and I like the direction they decided to go in. Also, I can't shake the feeling that there is a hint of misogyny in the loud outcry about the change in costume, but I may be succumbing to the crush to be PC.
Quick question for all 3 of our readers: Would you like more recap and less review? I personally try to avoid recaps because they make for long blog posts (longer than now, even) but some people prefer to know what's going on if they don't read. Leave a comment and let us know!
Wonder Woman #600 ****
Ok, let's get it out of the way: I like Diana's new costume. Yeah, the jacket and stirrup pants aren't exactly as cool as they could be, but her old costume, as iconic as it is, is ridiculously impractical. There's no protection, there's no utility; she's running around in a shiny bathing suit. Sure, she's an Amazon warrior, but that should give her the sense to actually wear armor when fighting. It needed an update badly, and I like the direction they decided to go in. Also, I can't shake the feeling that there is a hint of misogyny in the loud outcry about the change in costume, but I may be succumbing to the crush to be PC.
Golden Lasso of Truth, Blue Bolero Jacket of JUSTICE..
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: June 22, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
6:00 PM
Yeah, that's right. Reviews that are almost a month late. It's how I roll.
X-Men Legacy #237 ***
I'm torn because on the one hand I think the Cypher/Master Mold fight ended way too soon, but on the other I'm not sure I wanted it dragged out. And I think this sort of reflects my general feelings about the event. I like the event as a whole, but issue to issue I just feel like it's lacking. There are things that interest me, without a doubt, but I haven't been blown away by anything that's happened yet. Arnab and I had a conversation comparing Second Coming to Blackest Night, and it made me realize that several times during Blackest Night I put down the issue going "Holy shit, that just happened" whereas with Second Coming it's "Well, no surprises here." I don't want to sound jaded, because I do enjoy this series. I think it's more an issue that I had such high expectations and they're not exactly being met.
X-Men Legacy #237 ***
I'm torn because on the one hand I think the Cypher/Master Mold fight ended way too soon, but on the other I'm not sure I wanted it dragged out. And I think this sort of reflects my general feelings about the event. I like the event as a whole, but issue to issue I just feel like it's lacking. There are things that interest me, without a doubt, but I haven't been blown away by anything that's happened yet. Arnab and I had a conversation comparing Second Coming to Blackest Night, and it made me realize that several times during Blackest Night I put down the issue going "Holy shit, that just happened" whereas with Second Coming it's "Well, no surprises here." I don't want to sound jaded, because I do enjoy this series. I think it's more an issue that I had such high expectations and they're not exactly being met.
Writer's Pull List: 07-14-10
Posted by
10:26 AM
So as you can see we've decided on moving our pull list to Wednesday. It works better with my (this is Arnab talking) posts and spreads out our overall posts over more days.
And Matt promises to get his posts up this week, as well as to stop speaking in the third person.
Batgirl #12
Batman #701
Birds of Prey #3
Uncanny X-Men Heroic Age
X-Force Sex and Violence #1
X-Men Origins: Deadpool
X-Men Second Coming #2
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #3
Birds of Prey #3
X-Men Second Coming #2
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #3
Astonishing Spiderman-Wolverine #2
Chew #12
Invincible Iron Man #28, X-Force, and Uncanny Heroic Age are all maybes depending on my mood.
And Matt promises to get his posts up this week, as well as to stop speaking in the third person.
Batgirl #12
Batman #701
Birds of Prey #3
Uncanny X-Men Heroic Age
X-Force Sex and Violence #1
X-Men Origins: Deadpool
X-Men Second Coming #2
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #3
Birds of Prey #3
X-Men Second Coming #2
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #3
Astonishing Spiderman-Wolverine #2
Chew #12
Invincible Iron Man #28, X-Force, and Uncanny Heroic Age are all maybes depending on my mood.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The moment I first held you.
Posted by
6:30 AM
X-Force #28 *****
Writer(s): Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
Artist(s): Mike Choi and Sonia Oback
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Variant Cover Artist (featured): David Finch
Publisher: Marvel
This is the penultimate chapter to the epic event known as Second Coming. There's a lot of great things to discuss so I'll break it into parts. First off I've got to tip my hat to the X-Force creative team. Yost and Kyle have been just brilliant with the writing. And Choi and Oback have done an amazing job translating the words into artistic beauty. That's what this book is, utterly beautiful. The penciling combined with the coloring makes this series by far the most aesthetically pleasing and appealing book of the entire story. That coupled with the writing, which does an excellent job of telling the story, evoking emotion, but also letting the art do the talking when necessary. When it comes to comics, a great writer knows how to tell a story and knows when text is not necessary. This creative team has had the luxury, in my opinion, of taking on the best and most important parts of Second Coming, and who ever made this decision should be more than pleased with that decision.
Writer(s): Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
Artist(s): Mike Choi and Sonia Oback
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Variant Cover Artist (featured): David Finch
Publisher: Marvel
This is the penultimate chapter to the epic event known as Second Coming. There's a lot of great things to discuss so I'll break it into parts. First off I've got to tip my hat to the X-Force creative team. Yost and Kyle have been just brilliant with the writing. And Choi and Oback have done an amazing job translating the words into artistic beauty. That's what this book is, utterly beautiful. The penciling combined with the coloring makes this series by far the most aesthetically pleasing and appealing book of the entire story. That coupled with the writing, which does an excellent job of telling the story, evoking emotion, but also letting the art do the talking when necessary. When it comes to comics, a great writer knows how to tell a story and knows when text is not necessary. This creative team has had the luxury, in my opinion, of taking on the best and most important parts of Second Coming, and who ever made this decision should be more than pleased with that decision.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I Kill Giants
Posted by
3:17 AM
I Kill Giants *****
Writer: Joe Kelly
Artist: JM Ken Nimura
Publisher: Image
For this week's special review, I've chosen to review the graphic novel, I Kill Giants. This book was recommended to me by my two comic book store buddies (Nick and Andy from Collector's Paradise in Winnetka, CA.) They have never steered me wrong before and I'm glad to say they still have not. Since this is the first actual collected edition review I've done, let me lay it out for you. I'm going to do these reviews by starting off with a short summary; I promise not to give away too much. I will then conclude with a review of what I thought was good and what wasn't so good (not all reviews will have both good and bad things.)
Writer: Joe Kelly
Artist: JM Ken Nimura
Publisher: Image
For this week's special review, I've chosen to review the graphic novel, I Kill Giants. This book was recommended to me by my two comic book store buddies (Nick and Andy from Collector's Paradise in Winnetka, CA.) They have never steered me wrong before and I'm glad to say they still have not. Since this is the first actual collected edition review I've done, let me lay it out for you. I'm going to do these reviews by starting off with a short summary; I promise not to give away too much. I will then conclude with a review of what I thought was good and what wasn't so good (not all reviews will have both good and bad things.)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 07-07-10
Posted by
1:19 PM
It's a huge week, kiddos.
Arnab's Note: There are major issues coming out this week and I for one am very excited. The penultimate chapter to Second Coming, the vampires have come to the X-Men and where's Wanda is kicking off. And that's just Marvel. How awesome is all this.
Matt's Note: Since I actually get paid this week, I'm going to go in and pick up the last 3 weeks worth of comics. I cannot freaking wait for Children's Crusade to start. The italics are maybes, depending if I throw caution to the wind and spend a lot.
DC:Batman and Robin #13
Brightest Day #5
Red Hood: Lost Days #2
Red Robin #14
Image:The Walking Dead #74
Marvel:Avengers: The Children's Crusade #1
X-Force #28
X-Men #1
Children's Crusade #1
X-Force #28 (The cover is such a give-away)
X-Men #1
Death of Dracula
Brightest Day #5
Batman and Robin #13
Red Robin #14
Red Hood: Lost Days #2
Scarlet #1
Arnab's Note: There are major issues coming out this week and I for one am very excited. The penultimate chapter to Second Coming, the vampires have come to the X-Men and where's Wanda is kicking off. And that's just Marvel. How awesome is all this.
Matt's Note: Since I actually get paid this week, I'm going to go in and pick up the last 3 weeks worth of comics. I cannot freaking wait for Children's Crusade to start. The italics are maybes, depending if I throw caution to the wind and spend a lot.
DC:Batman and Robin #13
Brightest Day #5
Red Hood: Lost Days #2
Red Robin #14
Image:The Walking Dead #74
Marvel:Avengers: The Children's Crusade #1
X-Force #28
X-Men #1
Children's Crusade #1
X-Force #28 (The cover is such a give-away)
X-Men #1
Death of Dracula
Brightest Day #5
Batman and Robin #13
Red Robin #14
Red Hood: Lost Days #2
Scarlet #1
Monday, July 5, 2010
The darkness is where we rule.
Posted by
6:01 AM
The Death of Dracula ****
Writer: Victor Gischler
Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Cover Artist(s): Giuseppe Camuncoli and Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
So I will readily admit, I was unaware that Dracula had two sons. I will also admit to being skeptical about this story, however if this issue is indicative of the rest of the story, I'm hooked. The issue starts of with a gathering of the different sects of vampires in order to discuss a growing threat, humans. Xanus, Dracula's younger son, takes it upon himself to murder his father and claim leadership. Through the use of some newly designed amulets, he and his men are able to withstand the negative affects of the sunlight. Janus, Dracula's elder son, is barely able to escape his treacherous brother and live to fight another day.
Writer: Victor Gischler
Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Cover Artist(s): Giuseppe Camuncoli and Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
So I will readily admit, I was unaware that Dracula had two sons. I will also admit to being skeptical about this story, however if this issue is indicative of the rest of the story, I'm hooked. The issue starts of with a gathering of the different sects of vampires in order to discuss a growing threat, humans. Xanus, Dracula's younger son, takes it upon himself to murder his father and claim leadership. Through the use of some newly designed amulets, he and his men are able to withstand the negative affects of the sunlight. Janus, Dracula's elder son, is barely able to escape his treacherous brother and live to fight another day.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 06-30-10
Posted by
10:25 AM
Hey everyone. Last week was a big week, for multiple reasons, but this week seems to be a fairly light week.
Flash #3
Gotham City Sirens #13
Green Lantern #55
There is also the possibilty that I will be getting these titles:
Batman Beyond #1
Death of Dracula #1
I haven't even picked up my comics from last week yet, but here goes.
Secret Avengers #2
Batman Beyond #1
Flash #3
Green Lantern #55
Wonder Woman #600
Flash #3
Gotham City Sirens #13
Green Lantern #55
There is also the possibilty that I will be getting these titles:
Batman Beyond #1
Death of Dracula #1
I haven't even picked up my comics from last week yet, but here goes.
Secret Avengers #2
Batman Beyond #1
Flash #3
Green Lantern #55
Wonder Woman #600
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Talk to me!
Posted by
7:42 AM
X-Men Legacy #237 ****
Writer: Mike Carey
Artist: Greg Land and Jay Leisten
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
We are now at the final stages of this war. This issue definitely got the ball rolling for the final two issues. The action scenes in this book were fantastic. With the X-Force fighting the Sentinels in the future and the X-Men fighting the Nimrods in the present the action is non-stop. Cable and Cypher's battle to take on Master Mold was great stuff also. And while I feel Hope's anger towards Cyclops is misguided, I imagine he'd have no problem accepting any of that anger, misguided or not. That last page was just brilliant, in my opinion. Not only does it set up for the next issue, but it definitely left me wanting more.
Writer: Mike Carey
Artist: Greg Land and Jay Leisten
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
We are now at the final stages of this war. This issue definitely got the ball rolling for the final two issues. The action scenes in this book were fantastic. With the X-Force fighting the Sentinels in the future and the X-Men fighting the Nimrods in the present the action is non-stop. Cable and Cypher's battle to take on Master Mold was great stuff also. And while I feel Hope's anger towards Cyclops is misguided, I imagine he'd have no problem accepting any of that anger, misguided or not. That last page was just brilliant, in my opinion. Not only does it set up for the next issue, but it definitely left me wanting more.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Walking Dead
Posted by
6:45 PM

Hello everyone! So, as I expressed in a previous post, a couple of times a month I will be taking the time to spotlight a Graphic Novel or something else comic related. This week I decided to spotlight The Walking Dead series. It is one of the the best things that has been coming out in recent years and continues to be great.
If the dead rose around you, could you survive?
If the people you trusted turned on you, what would you do?
If the person you loved more than anything turned into a zombie, could you kill them?
If the world was falling apart around you, would you give up?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 06-23-10
Posted by
2:15 PM
We didn't have too many books to review last week, but this week looks to be a very big week.
Arnab's note: Technically Birds of Prey #2 came out last week, but it didn't arrive on the West Coast. I can honestly say that this week is going to be awesome. Look at all that great stuff.
Matt's note: As much as I hate Superman, I'll pick up #700 just cause it's a milestone. I hope they handle it as well as Batman was handled. I'm still undecided about whether I'll pick up Avengers.
American Vampire #4
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #13
Birds of Prey #2
Green Arrow #1
JLA: The Rise of Arsenal #4
Superman #700
X-Factor 206
X-Men Legacy #237
X-Men Legacy #237
X-Factor #206
Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Green Lantern Corps #49
Superman #700
American Vampire #4
Avengers #2 ?
Arnab's note: Technically Birds of Prey #2 came out last week, but it didn't arrive on the West Coast. I can honestly say that this week is going to be awesome. Look at all that great stuff.
Matt's note: As much as I hate Superman, I'll pick up #700 just cause it's a milestone. I hope they handle it as well as Batman was handled. I'm still undecided about whether I'll pick up Avengers.
American Vampire #4
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #13
Birds of Prey #2
Green Arrow #1
JLA: The Rise of Arsenal #4
Superman #700
X-Factor 206
X-Men Legacy #237
X-Men Legacy #237
X-Factor #206
Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Green Lantern Corps #49
Superman #700
American Vampire #4
Avengers #2 ?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Win first. Cry later.
Posted by
6:36 AM
New Mutants #14 ****
Writer: Zeb Wells
Artist: Ibraim Roberson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
What a fantastic issue. I think that it is safe to say that this is the moment that we've all been waiting for. Ever since the day she was born Hope Summers has been hailed as the savior of the mutant race. And for years we've speculated just what this feisty gal would do to save the mutants and with this issue we are one step closer to figuring that out. The scene between Hope and Rogue was absolutely perfect. Scott's rally speech to the rest of mutant race to man up, was great. This issue was great because it gave you enough of each individual story to leave you wanting more without giving away too much. Also with this issue, the pace definitely is increasing. You can begin to feel it with the constant shift of focus, the bits of action here and there, and the hints of what's to come.
Writer: Zeb Wells
Artist: Ibraim Roberson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
What a fantastic issue. I think that it is safe to say that this is the moment that we've all been waiting for. Ever since the day she was born Hope Summers has been hailed as the savior of the mutant race. And for years we've speculated just what this feisty gal would do to save the mutants and with this issue we are one step closer to figuring that out. The scene between Hope and Rogue was absolutely perfect. Scott's rally speech to the rest of mutant race to man up, was great. This issue was great because it gave you enough of each individual story to leave you wanting more without giving away too much. Also with this issue, the pace definitely is increasing. You can begin to feel it with the constant shift of focus, the bits of action here and there, and the hints of what's to come.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: June 16, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
4:53 PM
I skimmed through New Avengers, but I already have enough to read and I'm frankly just not feeling it. And I bought Enter the Heroic Age #2, but those things are so difficult to write a decent review for. More to the point, I wanted to get a review post out on time rather than a week and a half late as per my recent MO.
Brightest Day #4 ***
Hmm. Each issue here is far too jam-packed with story, with the end result that none of the story is developed especially well at any one time. Each issue makes me more and more sure that the collected edition will be very cool (if slightly schizophrenic), but I have a hard time really getting into each issue.. Like, this week I wanted more of the Hawks debating about that gate, and less of Firestorm. Sidenote: Did I completely miss Black Lantern Firestorm, or did they just put him on the cover to lure in readers? It was only a matter of time before someone came in and demanded that Deadman use his ring to bring a person back to life, I just wish it wasn't Hawk, who I hate. At this point, my ratings are more a combination of the issue and the series, rather than just the issue, because the issue I wasn't quite feeling the 3 stars.
Brightest Day #4 ***
Hmm. Each issue here is far too jam-packed with story, with the end result that none of the story is developed especially well at any one time. Each issue makes me more and more sure that the collected edition will be very cool (if slightly schizophrenic), but I have a hard time really getting into each issue.. Like, this week I wanted more of the Hawks debating about that gate, and less of Firestorm. Sidenote: Did I completely miss Black Lantern Firestorm, or did they just put him on the cover to lure in readers? It was only a matter of time before someone came in and demanded that Deadman use his ring to bring a person back to life, I just wish it wasn't Hawk, who I hate. At this point, my ratings are more a combination of the issue and the series, rather than just the issue, because the issue I wasn't quite feeling the 3 stars.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: June 9, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
6:11 PM
After getting away with just a few comics last week, this week was heavy. But I managed to actually read everything fairly quickly in order to get this up. Granted that was last week now.
Uncanny X-Men #525 ****
So, Hope's powers are what exactly? Does she just mimic the powers of mutants around her? Is she like an Omni-mutant, who can manifest all powers? Does she have both Scott and Jean's powers? I have no idea what's going on, but I'm still digging this series. I like that the Fantastic Four showed up, indicating just what a big deal this is. Xavier has also finally decided to join the party. Now that we've been the future and what X-Force has to face, there should be some great action scenes coming up. Still a fun read every week and I can't wait to see how it wraps up in a few weeks.
Uncanny X-Men #525 ****
So, Hope's powers are what exactly? Does she just mimic the powers of mutants around her? Is she like an Omni-mutant, who can manifest all powers? Does she have both Scott and Jean's powers? I have no idea what's going on, but I'm still digging this series. I like that the Fantastic Four showed up, indicating just what a big deal this is. Xavier has also finally decided to join the party. Now that we've been the future and what X-Force has to face, there should be some great action scenes coming up. Still a fun read every week and I can't wait to see how it wraps up in a few weeks.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 06-16-10
Posted by
11:24 PM
Hey kids, it's time for our pull list for this week.
Arnab-note: While it is looking to be a fairly light week for me, there are some great stuff coming out this week. Suffice to say I am excited.
Matt-note: I find that as money is increasingly scarce, I care less and less about being up-to-date on everything. Like those stupid collections of shorts that Marvel puts out for every event.
Brightest Day #4
New Mutants # 14
Supernatural Beginnings End #6
The Walking Dead # 73
Age of Heroes #2 (big maybe on that)
New Avengers #1 (Even bigger maybe. I do not like Luke Cage)
New Mutants #14
Birds of Prey #2
Brightest Day #4
*Edit - I have no idea why I thought Batman Beyond #2 was coming out this week.
Arnab-note: While it is looking to be a fairly light week for me, there are some great stuff coming out this week. Suffice to say I am excited.
Matt-note: I find that as money is increasingly scarce, I care less and less about being up-to-date on everything. Like those stupid collections of shorts that Marvel puts out for every event.
Brightest Day #4
New Mutants # 14
Supernatural Beginnings End #6
The Walking Dead # 73
Age of Heroes #2 (big maybe on that)
New Avengers #1 (Even bigger maybe. I do not like Luke Cage)
New Mutants #14
Birds of Prey #2
Brightest Day #4
*Edit - I have no idea why I thought Batman Beyond #2 was coming out this week.
You Just Killed My Father
Posted by
5:14 AM
Uncanny X-Men #525 ****
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Terry Dodson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The action is definitely building up again. And although there was a slight lull in the action from the last issue, I thought that this issue did have certain moments that were especially good. For one, the interaction between Hope and Grandpa Summers was handled perfectly. The X-Force in the future was a great little teaser of what's to come for that group. I do appreciate the other Marvel heroes making their own appearance outside the red sphere. In some ways I feel it legitimizes the event a little more having them present, even though it's my opinion that the X-Men are the premier group of Marvel and not the Avengers. It wasn't the best issue but it did set up the future pretty well. Now it's just a waiting game to see how Hope's powers manifest, what role Legion will play, how the X-Force handles the future, and how Scott manages to save the Mutants.
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Terry Dodson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The action is definitely building up again. And although there was a slight lull in the action from the last issue, I thought that this issue did have certain moments that were especially good. For one, the interaction between Hope and Grandpa Summers was handled perfectly. The X-Force in the future was a great little teaser of what's to come for that group. I do appreciate the other Marvel heroes making their own appearance outside the red sphere. In some ways I feel it legitimizes the event a little more having them present, even though it's my opinion that the X-Men are the premier group of Marvel and not the Avengers. It wasn't the best issue but it did set up the future pretty well. Now it's just a waiting game to see how Hope's powers manifest, what role Legion will play, how the X-Force handles the future, and how Scott manages to save the Mutants.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Gashapon Reviews: June 2, 2010
Posted by
Mattie B
11:20 AM
I am trying to get back on schedule with these. If work isn't too insane I should have this week's reviews up sometime today. It's never a good sign when it takes me this long to review three measly comics.
Brightest Day #3 ***
I really, really liked the Deadman stuff, especially him using his ring against the AntiMonitor. I really, really didn't like the Firestar stuff, especially the angst. I get that your girlfriend died, that sucks hard-core, but there was a Black Lantern involved. Go see a shrink and get your shit together. The other stuff with Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and the Hawks was interesting, and I'm interested to see where it goes, but I can't exactly say I was very moved by the story. Well, except maybe that Gate-O-Death at the end, that looked pretty cool.
Brightest Day #3 ***
I really, really liked the Deadman stuff, especially him using his ring against the AntiMonitor. I really, really didn't like the Firestar stuff, especially the angst. I get that your girlfriend died, that sucks hard-core, but there was a Black Lantern involved. Go see a shrink and get your shit together. The other stuff with Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and the Hawks was interesting, and I'm interested to see where it goes, but I can't exactly say I was very moved by the story. Well, except maybe that Gate-O-Death at the end, that looked pretty cool.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 06-09-10
Posted by
Mattie B
11:28 PM
70th post, ladies and gents!
After the quiet week last week, there are a few more titles on the docket this time around. Those of you not reading S.H.I.E.L.D. should pick up the second printing of issue 1 and give it a shot.
Arnab's List
Batgirl #11
Batman #700
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Uncanny X-Men #525
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #2
Matt's List
Batman #700 (I'm a sucker for milestones)
Astonishing X-Men #2 (God knows why)
Avengers Academy #1 (At least to see how it is)
Invincible Iron Man #27 (Clearly I'm not listing these in order of importance to me)
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Uncanny X-Men #525
Second Coming: Hellbound #2
Chew #11 (Yay for being current!)
After the quiet week last week, there are a few more titles on the docket this time around. Those of you not reading S.H.I.E.L.D. should pick up the second printing of issue 1 and give it a shot.
Arnab's List
Batgirl #11
Batman #700
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Uncanny X-Men #525
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #2
Matt's List
Batman #700 (I'm a sucker for milestones)
Astonishing X-Men #2 (God knows why)
Avengers Academy #1 (At least to see how it is)
Invincible Iron Man #27 (Clearly I'm not listing these in order of importance to me)
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
Uncanny X-Men #525
Second Coming: Hellbound #2
Chew #11 (Yay for being current!)
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