Writer(s): Zeb Wells, Mike Carey, Craig Kyle, Chris Yost, and Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Ibraim Roberson, Esad Ribic, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel
The conclusion to the Second Coming epic took place in four chapters. The first chapter was a bit of a healing moment for the mutants. It showcased a couple of the more serious injuries, such as Colossus, Angel, Hellion, Bobby, Magneto, and of course Hope. I thought that this did well to note the injuries and losses that the X-Men have had, but also to show that they are still alive and are moving on. The second chapter was filled with emotion, starting us off with a Hope and Cable flashback in which Hope dreaded being alone. The funeral scene was touching. It seemed only fitting that Hope should talk when Scott found himself to be unable to do so. Her eulogy is much like I wish mine would be some day, not so much a lingering sadness over the life lost, but pride in the life that was lived. I thought Scott punishing Rogue for her actions during the battle was very significant. Regardless of how much I adore Rogue, her actions were reckless and I think Scott made the right decision. The third story focused on the existence of X-Force. We are first graced by Ororo's presence, who has chosen to be judgmental and critical of both Scott and Logan. Thankfully, Logan knocks her off of her high horse, pointing out that Ororo's been absent this entire time. I think it was wise of Scott to disband the X-Force, because it's not something that the X-Men need getting public right now. Although, I'm not convinced he is not aware of the New X-Force. The final story sets us up for the next arc and that's the Five Lights, the five new mutant detections, the proof that Scott has been right the entire time placing his faith in Cable and Hope.

Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist(s): Jamie McKelvie, Whilce Portacio, Steven Mark Sanders, Jaime Mendoza, and Edgar E. Tadeo
Cover Artist: Mark Brooks
Publisher: Marvel
So this was done in the same fashion as Nation X; there were three mini stories that took place. The story revolving around Beast as fun, although the art was pretty bad. Beast is waiting for a date when he runs across the child mutant Molly Hayes, who is scared for the mutant race, while hopeful in light of the 5 new mutant detections. And the scene where she knocks Best on his ass was great too. Hope's story depicts her getting tested by Reed Richards and meeting Franklin Richards, a kid who knows a little about what she's going through. He gets her thinking about family and after being given a clean bill of health, she decides she wants to find her lost family. Scott's story has him relieving stress by fighting Dinosaurs, who awesome is he. Captain America drops on by and urges Scott to lead his people into a new world. Cap's speech was a little corny, but he made his point. Scott then receives a Presidential Medal of Freedom for saving his people. Later, Scott finds Hope and after having a heart to heart, he realizes that it's time to let her live her own life. Overall this was a decent one shot leading into the Heroic Age of the X-Men. While all the artists weren't great, the stories were consistently good. I especially loved seeing Scott and Hope get closer and hope they build a strong bond in the future.
X-Force: Sex and Violence #1 ***1/2
Writer(s): Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost
Artist: Gabrielle Del'otto
Cover Artist: Gabrielle Del'otto
Publisher: Marvel
A group of assassins are after Domino, it's good thing she's got the the X-Force, or at least some of them, for backup. Other than Elixer healing Domino, presumably, his appearance and X-23's appearance truly serve no purpose leading on to believe that this will be mainly surrounding Domino and Logan. I thought that this issue was well written, the story moved at a nice pace and did well to plot out the next two issues. The artwork was fantastic. It has a more gestural aesthetic to it that works well with the direction of the story. I do wonder however, if this mini-series will explain to us why Domino is not chosen as one of the members of the New X-Force, as was revealed in Second Coming #2.
X-Men Origins: Deadpool ***
Writer: Duane Sqierczynski
Artist: Leo Fernandez
Cover Artist: Mark Brooks
Publisher: Marvel
As you might expect, the Deadpool one shot was just exactly that, a one shot. I think that the reveal of the New X-Force makes for this interest one shot. There were some aspects to the entire story that pan on much better than other parts; I especially enjoyed the guest appearances included in the book.. Overall I thought that the issue was enjoyable, but inevitably remains just another Origins story. The issue had some really great moments, such as Wade Wilson as a child, which really drew away from the slightly awkward idea of a director in hollywood making a movie out of and for him.
X-Men Second Coming Revelations: Hellbound #3 ***
Writer: Chis Yost
Artist: Harvey Tolibao
Cover Artist: Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
I can't put my finger around just why I didn't like this issue, which isn't to say I hated it. I thought that there were some good parts. Pixie's whole character development was well handled, as well as Magik's part in the story. My issue, I think, is that regardless of Guthrie's new role as a team leader, he still feels young to me. In my mind he's still this kid, who couldn't take out Death Gambit. And sure, it took Pixie, Magik and a bit of help from Gambit himself at the end, but at the same time it's questionable at best to believe that Guthrie could have taken on both Gambit and Northstar and come out without a scratch. That being said, it was a good ending to the three part mini-series .
As usual you can catch my DC reviews right here.
Besides the fact that Cable is gone I liked the end of Second Coming. The Cable and Hope scenes were awesome and sad and the funeral, even more so. Scott reprimanding Rogue amused me (though I'm biased, I will admit) and the X-Force bit was pretty fantastic, although I too don't know how they'll keep the team from Scott.
ReplyDeleteUncanny X-Men Heroic Age was great except for Beast, who I really really don't like right now.
X-Force was fun. :)
I love Deadpool!
And I thought the end to X-men Hellbound was extremely anti-climactic and I was pretty damn disappointed.