Writer: Peter David
Artist: Sebastian Fiumara
Cover Artist: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
The gang has all come back together. Monet has a score to settle and a promise to keep, while Layla wants to help with pillow. Jamie has a new job, from Hela herself, although that remains unknown to the X-Factor clan. The fact that Longshot was silenced by her appearance should have been a clue. My favorite part of the entire book has to be the scenes between Rictor and Shatterstar. The way the two characters interact is just a great thing to read. Plus, their relationship makes me happy. Rahne Sinclair's return to the gang looks like it will be one hell of a ride.

Writer: Zeb Wells
Artist: Leonard Kirk
Cover Artist: Dave Wilkins
Publisher: Marvel
The second coming of the mutant messiah has come to pass and the extinction of the mutant race has been averted. The new mutants are find themselves in need for some desperate R&R. Sam Guthrie, appointed leader of the new mutants, has had to deal with a lot of failures on his part, but with the assurance of Scott Summers he continues to lead his band of X kids. This issue was actually pretty good. The new mutants have had to work through multiple crossover events, Necrosha, Siege, and Second Coming, and finally have the opportunity to blossom into a solitary title of their own. This issue builds off of a story set into motion months ago but it also showcases the manner in which the new mutants interact with one another. The art in the book wasn't so great, but the writing made up for that.
The Walking Dead #75 **** 1/2
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn feat. Ryan Ottley
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
This was a great issue. Glens on the roof of some building and he's a witness to some of human nature at its finest. Meanwhile, Rick uncovers some domestic abuse. That's the thing about this series, what makes it so great. Yes, there are zombies running around eating people, but at the end of the day what it is really about is humans and the way they react to things. Say you lived in an enclosed community, safe from all the zombies, and the only doctor you had abused his wife and kids. Would you turn a blind eye and do nothing or would you kick his ass from here to kingdom come. That's all that The Walking Dead really is, it's a story on just how screwed up people can get in troubled times.
In each issue there's an Q&A portion and about 30-35 issues ago Robert Kirkman promised a reader to bring in some aliens. Well, I can't say that won't happen in the future, but in this issue there was a special second feature. I won't say too much about it, but basically there were aliens involved in Star Wars like fashion and it was awesome.
And as usual, my DC reviews can be reached right here.
Layla is a strange gal but she does amuse me so. The Rictor and Shatterstar scenes were like watching a car crash almost happen but thankfully is avoided in the end. They're sweet together, so I'm glad they haven't been ripped apart yet. And thank gosh X-Factor art is always nice.
ReplyDeleteI don't like Iliana Rasputin, why is she so annoying?
The Walking Dead! I loved the extra bit at the end and I really need for them to come out with #76 pronto! (Cliffhangers are not my friend!)