Wednesday, June 29, 2011

He's one of us. That's all that matters.

New Mutants #26 ***
Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Artists: Leandro Fernandez and Andres Mossa
Cover Artist: Marko Djurdejevic
Publisher: Marvel

My review for this book is quite simple. The story is great. This group of junior X-Men are on a mission to locate and rescue Nathaniel Grey. It's an interesting concept and while there hasn't been much action, that looks like it will pick up next issue. The art is not great. The figures are often distorted and warped and at times is a distraction. However, the alien freak and the graffiti did end up looking good, but it wasn't good enough to save the art.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Writer's Pull List: 6-22-2011

Hey everyone! Today is new comic book today. Which means you need to go out and buy some books, and this here list will let you know what books you should be buying.

Arnab's Note:The unfortunate news of the Green Lantern movie's well, unsuccessful nature has deterred me from watching it, which is a shame, because I had wanted it to succeed.

Matt's Note:  I do not agree with the existence of a "Wolverine & The X-Men" book.

Arnab's list:
Batman: Gates of Gotham #2
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #1
Green Arrow #13

New Mutants #26
X-Men Legacy #251

Matt's List:
Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #1
Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost starring Bart Allen #1
Flashpoint: Reverse Flash
Superman #712

New Mutants #26
Secret Avengers #14
X-Men Legacy #251

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

That means Storm has had enough

 Gladstones School for World Conquerors #2 ****1/2
Writer: Mark Andrew Smith
Artists: Armand Villavert Jr. and Carlos Carrasco
Cover Artists: Armand Villavert Jr. and Carlos Carrasco
Publisher: Image

If you love a quirky, fun book, than this one is for you. This school of villains in training is great fun, because the characters are terribly amusing. The major plot twist is that the villains of the world and the superheroes of the world have made a pact, a peace pact. Every now and then they'll put on a show for the world, but for the most part they're acquaintances of sorts. The kicker, is that these kids training to be supervillains have no idea. This is just an overall terribly amusing and light-hearted book. Great characters, interesting story, and terrific art means excellent read.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Writer's Pull List 06-15-11

Hey everyone! Today is new comic book today. Which means you need to go out and buy some books, and this here list will let you know what books you should be buying.

Arnab's Note: All 52 DC books have now been announced and I can't tell you how disappointed I am in all of this.

Matt's Note:  Here's hoping Green Lantern isn't as big a pile of shite as the reviews are claiming it is.

Arnab's list:
Batman #711
Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons #1
Teen Titans #96

Generation Hope #8
Uncanny X-Men #538
X-Factor #221
X-Men #13
X-Men Prelude to Schism #3

Gladstones School for World Conquerors #2
Undying Love #3

Matt's List:
Batman #711
Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies #1

Generation Hope #8
Uncanny X-Men #538
X-Factor #221
X-Men #13
X-Men Prelude to Schism #3
Invincible Iron Man #505
Avengers #14

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There is a world behind the one we know

I figured that since I was late enough as it was, I would just combine last week's books with this week's.

American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #1 *****
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Sean Murphy
Cover Artist: Sean Murphy
Publisher: Vertigo

At this  point in time, I think it's perfectly safe to say that Scott Snyder can do no wrong. From the American Vampire series, to Detective Comics, and now to the American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest, this man is a literary genius. This mini-series follows Jim Book's daughter, Felicia, who is struggling with being an enhanced, but not vampire, human. At the same time, Cash, (remember him?), is having to deal with a monstrous child. What appears to be the driving plot for this story is a cure for vampirism. We get to see things from the point of view of the vampire hunters, those that have dedicated their lives to eradicating the creatures. When you start reading the book you get reintroduced to characters that have been gone for a while, but it's so well written it's almost as if they never left to begin with;  it's like catching up with an old friend. And that's a major testament to how well this book is written. Sean Murphy is handling the art for this and his work is fantastic. The linework, the gritty feel, everything about the art is fantastic and it really enhances the story.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Writer's Pull List 06/08/11

What up folks! This is our pull list. It's pretty self explanatory, it's what we will be reading and reviewing. It's pretty consistent, but with a whole new batch of DC books coming your way, things are bound to shake up soon.

Arnab's note: I absolutely hate what DC has done with Dick and Barbara. Hate.

Matt's note: This DC Reboot news makes even less sense than it initially did. It's reached the point of absurdity.

Arnab's list:
Batman and Robin #24
Birds of Prey #13
Red Robin #24

X-Men Legacy #250
American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #1

Matt's List: 
Batman and Robin #24
Birds of Prey #13
Red Robin #24
Booster Gold #45

X-Men Legacy #250
American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #1

Friday, June 3, 2011

Writer's Pull List 06/01/11

Hello good people of the world. This is our pull list. That means it's a list of books that we will be reading and reviewing. It also means it is the time for you to freshen up your own lists as well as recommend some great books to us.

Arnab's Note: How many of you heard DC's big news? If you haven't, well it's a big one.

Matt's Note: X-Men First Class this week! I cannot wait.

Arnab's List:
Flashpoint #2
Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #1
Superboy #8

Fear Itself #3
S.H.I.E.L.D. vol. 2 #1
Uncanny X-Force #11
X-23 #11
X-Factor #220
X-Men #12

Matt's List:
Flashpoint #2
Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #1
Flashpoint: Abin Sur Green Lantern
Superboy #8
Batman Beyond #6
Wonder Woman #611

S.H.I.E.L.D. vol. 2 #1
Uncanny X-Force #11
X-Factor #220
X-Men #12