Writer: Mark Andrew Smith
Artists: Armand Villavert Jr. and Carlos Carrasco
Cover Artists: Armand Villavert Jr. and Carlos Carrasco
Publisher: Image
If you love a quirky, fun book, than this one is for you. This school of villains in training is great fun, because the characters are terribly amusing. The major plot twist is that the villains of the world and the superheroes of the world have made a pact, a peace pact. Every now and then they'll put on a show for the world, but for the most part they're acquaintances of sorts. The kicker, is that these kids training to be supervillains have no idea. This is just an overall terribly amusing and light-hearted book. Great characters, interesting story, and terrific art means excellent read.

Writers: Tomm Coker and Daniel Freedman
Artists: Tomm Coker and Daniel Freedman
Cover Artists: Tomm Coker and Daniel Freedman
Publisher: Image
The last issue, and the beginning of this one really, revealed one major thing: vampires do not need to remain vampires. That's pretty much been John's driving motivation this entire time and now he's got a glimmer of hope. This issue was split between a flashback and the present. The flashback gave us a glimpse of Mei's past and the present gives us a glimpse of what could be Mei's future. The important thing to take away from this book, is that under it all it's just a love story. Sure it involves vampires, but that's just a secondary theme. This book is strikingly different to Snyder's American Vampire, but at the same time both are amazing books.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salvador Espin
Cover Artist: Salvador Espin and Morry Hollowell
Publisher: Marvel
I've been a tad hard on this book from its inception. However, with this book, things are finally beginning to click. There are two things that were absolutely great about this issue. The first thing, is that this issue was hilarious. Idie's little religious rant about hell burning her, I couldn't stop laughing. Kenji's bit while choosing a code name? Hilarious. This was just an amazingly funny issue. Now, to the more important factor. At the end of the book Kenji and Laurie start talking about what Hope's actual effect has been on all of them, and that's exciting.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Cover Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Publisher: Marvel
Kitty is back! This issue started of a little weird. Kitty was running around all solid and whatnot, and I can't imagine I was the only one who was confused by it. But once you stopped thinking about it, because clearly it would be explained later, everything sailed much more smoothly. The art, as usual, was flippin' gorgeous. I am terribly saddened that the art team is about to change, because this team was a big part of what brought me back to this book.

Writer: Peter David
Artists: Dennis Calero and Brian Reber
Cover Artists: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
It would appear that the end of Necrosha was not, in fact, the end. Some of the undead, such as Feral, were left around. Even worse, for Shatterstar and Rahne at least, was that there are also a bunch of feline gods running around trying to kill them. While the plot is still a little strange, things are starting to pick up. My guess is that Layla Miller has a lot to do with what's going on, what with her magical door and all. The art is still a bit off; I'd like to have Emmanuela back.

Writer: Chris Yost
Artists: Paco Medina and Dalibor Talajic
Cover Artists: Ed McGuinness and Paco Medina
Publisher: Marvel
I think it's safe to say that Chris Yost should always be writing an X-book. The mystery behind the Evolutionaries and their first visit still remains, well, a mystery. Currently there are three main stories here. There's Magneto's part, Emma's, and Scott's. The pacing is great, the action is nice, and the overall tone is just great. The art looks gorgeous.

Writer: Paul Jenkins
Artists: Will Conrad and Lee Loughridge
Cover Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Publisher: Marvel
The sheer awesomeness that is this prelude is getting me terribly excited for Schism. I think when people read comics they immediately expect and desire action and fireworks and all that good stuff, but you are not going to find that here, or in any of the Prelude books. These books are at their roots, character profiles. The first two books focused on Xavier and Magneto; how they started off, what they did, and where they are now. The same goes for this book, but the focus is on Cyclops, leader of the mutants, and what his decision will be in the face of this new threat. The issue was just fantastic and I do recommend it to all of you.
Read my DC reviews here and read my Flashpoint reviews here!
I've been saying Generation Hope is a good book!
ReplyDeleteGladstones and Undying Love were fantastic!
Chris Yost should always be writing an X-book!! Or any book really.
Ad I'd like Emmanuela back as well, thanks.