American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #1 *****
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Sean Murphy
Cover Artist: Sean Murphy
Publisher: Vertigo
At this point in time, I think it's perfectly safe to say that Scott Snyder can do no wrong. From the American Vampire series, to Detective Comics, and now to the American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest, this man is a literary genius. This mini-series follows Jim Book's daughter, Felicia, who is struggling with being an enhanced, but not vampire, human. At the same time, Cash, (remember him?), is having to deal with a monstrous child. What appears to be the driving plot for this story is a cure for vampirism. We get to see things from the point of view of the vampire hunters, those that have dedicated their lives to eradicating the creatures. When you start reading the book you get reintroduced to characters that have been gone for a while, but it's so well written it's almost as if they never left to begin with; it's like catching up with an old friend. And that's a major testament to how well this book is written. Sean Murphy is handling the art for this and his work is fantastic. The linework, the gritty feel, everything about the art is fantastic and it really enhances the story.

Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin
Cover Artist: Stuart Immonen and Steve McNiven
Publisher: Marvel
At the beginning of this event I wasn't sure how much I'd like this series. It basically looked like a story about a bunch of hammers. And lets be honest, it is. But even still, it's a really good read. The issue takes place on a couple of fronts, but for the most part, the major events take place in Asgard and on Earth. On Asgard Thor makes a final appeal to his father and is now on his way back to Earth. And on Earth there are more and more changes. But that final page was a shocker. It will be really interesting to see how long it lasts.

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
After a short hiatus, Hickman and Weaver have returned to us in the form of this brilliant book. The main plot of the book starts off right where it left off, in the middle of a battle between Newton's men and DaVinci's men. However, the bulk of this issue gives us some background information on Michelangelo's role in all of this, and believe me, he's played a major role. I couldn't be more ecstatic that this series is back. the creative team doesn't miss a bit between the last issue and this one. The story is still fantastic, the art is absolutely gorgeous. Basically, what you should do right now is go ahead and go buy the S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1 hardcover, catch up and then start reading vol. 2.
Uncanny X-Force #11 ****1/2
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Mark Brooks, Andrew Currie, and Dean White
Cover Artist: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel
The Age of Apocalypse returns here and it's a flipping blast. In order to save Warren, the team risks traveling to the treacherous universe, unfortunately though, they get trapped there. The best part of this issue , other than Deadpool's hilarious self (which, in my opinion, isn't used as often as he should be,) is watching Logan interact around Nightcrawler and it will be even more interesting to watch him around Jean.
X-23 #11 ****
Writer: Marjorie Liu
Artists: Sana Takeda
Cover Artists: Kalman Andrasofszky
Publisher: Marvel
When Gambit joined this group, I thought to myself, wow that's a strange addition. But 10 issues later, I can't imagine a better fit. His character is the exact thing that Laura needed and continues to need in my opinion. What has been a surprisingly fun addition is Jubilee. Logan has always had a relationship with Laura, so it's no surprise that his character meshes well in this book. On the other hand, vampire Jubilee was a gamble, a gamble that pays off in my opinion.
X-Men Legacy #250 ****
Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Khoi Pham and Steve Kurth
Cover Artist: Mico Suayan and Marte Gracia
Publisher: Marvel
This issue basically set up the direction for this title for at least the next arc, maybe even the next two or three arcs. One the one side, on Earth, the Legacy team is going after a group of individuals from Legion's mind that were able to manifest after the fall of Age of X. On the other half, outside the universe, Rachel, Havoc, Polaris and Korvus have found themselves trapped on a planet with angry warriors. No doubt the Legacy team will eventually be going to look for them once they've dealt with Legion's nonsense. I, as I'm sure many Rachel, Havoc, and Polaris fans, couldn't be more excited that they will be returning.
X-Factor #220 ***
Writer: Peter David
Artists: Paul Davidson and Brian Reber
Cover Artists: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
This was an interesting issue. It centered around Shatterstar and the pregnant Rahne. The art was absolutely tragic, other than wolf Rahne. My favorite thing about Shatterstar is just how funny he is, especially because he doesn't even realize he's being funny. I'm still not a fan of Rahne, but I don't mentally cringe whenever I see her now, so that's something. Currently though, I'm most interested Layla and how she's helped Guido.
X-Men #12 ****Writer: Chris Yost
Artists: Paco Medina, Dalibor Talajic, Juan Vlasco
Cover Artists: Paco Medina
Publisher: Marvel
This was a really strong issue. As it is still the beginning of hte story, we're still getting bits and pieces of the story as we go. I love that we get more and more of the story as we go on, instead of having it told to us from the beginning. The art is gorgeous to look at. I can honestly say that I am very interested to see how the X-Men were able to get rid of the Evolutionaries in the past, as well as how they are going to be able to get rid of them now.
As usual my DC reviews can be read here! And you can also read the Flashpoint special here!
I agree, Scott Snyder can do no wrong!! :)