Monday, September 13, 2010

I didn't hear you complaining last night

American Vampire #5 ****1/2
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo

This is one of those series' that everyone should be reading. It's just one of those books that has a great combination of writing and artwork and in a couple of years or even months you're gonna wish you had read it from the beginning. Now that Stephen King has left the series, the split story issues are gone and instead the series reverts to a normal one story series.
With this issue there is a change in the protagonist of the story, with Pearl having left in the last issue. We are introduced to the newly appointed chief of police in Vegas, Cashel McCogan. There is some type of creature roaming around town killing people and draining them of their blood. As a result the FBI have sent in Jack Straw with his assistant, Felicia Book. The three of them follow a trail strait to Jim Smoke, a character we are all very familiar with.
The writing in this series in fantastic. With the sheer amount of vampire related tv shows, books, and movies out right now this series continues to be original and captivating. Now, the artwork in this series has been absolutely brilliant. Albuquerque has been doing the art for the entire series and with every story his style changes and he executes this superbly.

X-Force: Sex and Violence #3 *****
Writer: Craig Kyle and Chris Yost
Artist: Gabriele Del'otto
Cover Artist: Gabriele Del'otto
Publisher: Marvel

For just a short mini-series, this was absolutely fantastic. The writing, the direction of the story, the artwork all work extremely well with one another. The final leg of the three part story starts up with Domino and Logan reaching Belladonna and warning her to cease fighting. As you would expect, she didn't, and just as things looked bad for Logan and Domino, the rest of the X-Force gang arrive and save the day. I was surprised to find out that this takes place before Second Coming. The saddest part about this issue is that it is the final Chris Yost and Craig Kyle X-Force book. Their run was absolutely fantastic and they will definitely be missed.

X-Men #3 ***
Writer: Victor Hischler
Artist: Paco Medina
Cover Artist: Adi Granov
Publisher: Marvel

I have been enjoying this plot quite a bit. Understandably, people are a bit tired of the whole vampire craze, but I think this series is doing a good job with it. Scott is taking the fight to the vampires directly. In a moment of sheer brilliance, or maybe not, Scott resurrected the deceased Dracula. Meanwhile Logan has been caught and turned into a vampire by the young Jubilee. The writing for the series so far has been pretty good. The characters have a very natural feel to them. I do, however, think that the artist has a very Terry Dodson-esque style, however between the two I would prefer Dodson's art.

As usual you can also read my DC reviews at!

1 comment:

  1. American Vampire! Woot! Woot! :) Every bit is fabulous! Though the naked women could be replaced with naked men...

    You're spot on about Sex and Violence being fantastic, I loved every part of it.

    The only part I remember about X-Men #3 is the ending where Wolverine had fangs, that was fun!
