Monday, November 8, 2010

Teon has just urinated on my feet!

Generation #1 ***1/2
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel

Hope, Rogue, and four of Earth's newest mutants make their way to collect the fifth light in the launch of this new series. Logan and Scott encounters the final mutant in Japan, who also happens to be the most interesting new mutant, and unfortunately he has undergone a tragic mutation. After meeting these mutants in Uncanny X-Men, I didn't have the greatest impression, considering they're all basically copies of previous mutants. However, they're beginning to feel a bit more human and slightly more likeable. What this does great is show Hope as the leader she was born to be. She appears to have a great deal of influence and control over these new lights. Unfortunately, she's also a bit reckless. While she has been raised by one of the greatest soldiers of all time, she does not take orders well, at all. Along those same lines, as a result of her solitary childhood, she's not particularly a team player, which will most likely cause problems with her role as an X-Man and her role as a leader. The art stands out, in light of some of the other art in the other X-books, as being done exceptionally well. Overall, this was a pretty good start to this new series.

Check out my DC reviews at!


  1. So the fifth light is the monster from the Akira films? What?

  2. Having not seen the mentioned film, I will just smile and nod.

  3. hahaha.

    I liked this issue. I love Hope. :) I agree about the art, it's really nice to look out.
