Starting the New Year with a new event: It's Siege time ladies and gents (or should I say lady, as I can only count one who reads this). And looks like it's good timing, as the DC universe is decidedly quiet this week. Not that quiet is bad, as last week was quiet with one of the best comics I've read ever.
So let's get on with the comics of 2010!
Cable #22 (**1/2)
I don't know what to say about this. I find with the Cable books, I keep coming back to "It wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I'll say again that I'm just ready for this stupid story to be OVER and for Hope to start doing shit in the universe. Also, I hate her current costume something fierce. And how can I forget that STUPID book that shows a picture of Cable and Hope fighting in the Revolutionary War. Some artist took enough notice to randomly include them in a picture? I know what they were going for, but it was weird. And how do they even know what Hope looks like now? Lame.
New Mutants #9 (****)
I'll cop to only starting New Mutants on this most recent run, and never having read previous versions. I don't really get what happened to Illyana. Far as I knew she died with the Legacy virus, so all this Darkchylde stuff confuses the hell out of me. But I thought this issue was great, especially that Illyana is a "Pirated Copy." I have always liked characters that know all of this backstory about what's going on and the reader doesn't. I also like that Doug is back. I used to have the Fleer Ultra '94 X-Men cards, and I always thought Cypher was great for some reason. Granted this whole "Language just for you" thing could turn bad if he starts controlling people. Very "True Name" shit going on. I'm excited to see where all this Limbo stuff goes.
Nation X: X-Factor #1 (***1/2)
X-Factor continuity is completely shot to shit in my head. Where the hell is Layla Miller right now? I thought when they came back from the future she went further back so she could imprint herself, and then in X-Factor 200 I thought she was running about in Latveria, so how in the hell is she in San Francisco with everyone? And isn't X-Factor Investigations in New York? I'm also not sure i like watching Shatterstar kiss everyone he meets, because I get no feeling of a Rictor/Shatterstar romance going on. Star reference an "us" in the conversation, but is there actually one? I started reading this title partly because of their relationship, and so far I'm not sure if there is one, or if Shatterstar is just really comfortable with people. I did really enjoy the interactions between X-Factor and the rest of the X-Universe, I just wish I could see how things fit together. Note that this is issue 1 of 4, so I bet Maddrox and co. will be back. EDIT: Arnab has surmised that this is a one-shot series, in which case I will just enjoy it.
Siege #1 (****)
I really enjoyed this, for some reason. Again, I was left with the feeling that not much happened, but you can totally see how things are getting set-up for Siege. You just know Osborn has to be off his rocker to assume he can attack Asgard without some people getting pissed off. Then again people probably thought the same of Iraq. Fear and Revenge make people allow stupid things. I'm intrigued to see how all of this is unraveling, and it all kind of makes me want to read Thor. I however don't like that they include Obama as the president. I know that's a Marvel thing, but it takes me out of the story every time, especially since they have to have him walk in his own personal rain cloud so they don't draw his face. I'll be reading the rest of Siege as it comes, though (even read Avengers Initiative #31, which I did not care for).
Siege: Embedded #1 (***)
I think this title will be a remarkably small piece of the whole Siege thing. It's kind of interesting to see common people turn against Osborn, but that guy at the beginning was such an obvious Glenn Beck figure that it takes the whole "Dark Reign as the last 8 years of America" and beats you over the head with it. As with District 9, I hate heavy-handed messages. But the story itself isn't bad, and Volstagg amuses me.
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 2 (of 3) (****)
How awesome is it that we get to hear Diana fighting against the ring in her head? Is that happening inside all of the alive Black Lanterns? And after last week, I really, really love that Diana is a Star Sapphire now. I'm not reading all of the tie-ins (that's Arnab's self-imposed job) but some of them are just so damn good. Good on you, DC, this is how you do an event.
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