My life is insane at the moment, so things are all kinds of delayed. I'll be better once I have fewer rehearsals.
X-Men Legacy #232 (***)
Not a bad issue (although I did have to refresh my memory of what happened). As I've mentioned before I'm not crazy about Proteus as a villain because I think he's too damned powerful. But I think the way the X-Men handle themselves is always interesting. I didn't realize there was this huge thing between Mags and Protes, but that should be an interesting fight (which according to the Necrosha schedule probably wraps up next month).
X-Factor #201 (***1/2)
I love Layla Miller. I don't fully get how she still "knows stuff" since we revealed that all of her "knows stuff" power was because she injected her younger self with her memories, but I roll with it. This title has such a fun voice that I really look forward to reading every week; a mix of sarcasm and self-awareness that you don't find as much of in other X-Titles (except Deadpool, but Deadpool is an exception to every rule). I'm really glad I started picking this up.
X-Force #23 (****)
First, I have to say I really like this art. Half the time I have no idea who anyone is, but I really like how dark and rough it all is. The problem is, because I don't know who anyone is, half the time I'm not really sure what's going on. A fact which is not helped by sketchy chronology. Was it in Legacy that Warpath was with Selene? Can they please just post a giant timeline in the books so I can keep track? Either way I am really enjoying this mini-arc (far more than the stupid Nation X mini-arc which has yet to feel like anything other than killing time before Hope appears). By my count three more issues (1 Legacy, 2 X-Force) and we're done.
Green Lantern 50 (***1/2)
I love Blackest Night, that is no kind of secret. But it's been going on so long I'm beginning to have trouble keeping everything straight. When did the Spectre get taken by the Black Lanterns? I shall always love all the colors that are used during this series, watching the different Lantern Corps do battle. And while the Hal-Jordan-becomes-Parallax thing is perhaps not the most original plot twist, and it's certainly not one that is going to at ALL end well, it should make for an interesting issue coming up. Do you think Hal then goes on to absorb the other aspects of the different Lanterns and becomes the White Lantern? I'm very, very excited for the final battle that's coming.
Wonder Woman 40 (****)
This gets four stars if for no other reason than the last panel. "I am Wonder Woman. And you've managed to make me slightly peeved." Fuckin' Badass. This is why I love this character. The little Boy Scouts from Hell are kinda fun villains too, in that really creepy way. It should be noted I literally just picked up the issue, with no kind of backstory to speak of. I figured I'd never catch up, so it's best just to go for it. So glad I did.
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