Hmm, light week. Next week looks similarly quiet.
Dark X-Men #3 (***1/2)
I just love Nate Grey. That's really all that needs saying here. He rips open Avengers Tower and kicks the crap out of the Dark Avengers. I'm not entirely sure what happened with the whole "in between time" thing; X-Man is a Time Lord? But the fact that he now controls Osborn seems very significant. I just hope he stays around after all this Dark X-Men shit is over.
Nation X #2 (**)
I really don't like these kinds of anthologies, I've discovered. It's a bunch of short stories and inevitably I hate all but one of them. The Jubilee story wasn't too bad, but I find those young mutants to be very grating. I liked Brian girl, that story amused me greatly. I hate Gambit and especially hated his story. And then there's Northstar. On one hand, yay for the casual yet obvious "They have gay sex." But the whole thing seemed...I don't know. I think I maybe went into it with these expectations that it didn't deserve. Hating the art didn't help. I'll give them the credit for treating Northstar like every other stupid lovelorn character in the series and leave it at that.
X-Men Origins: Cyclops #1 (**)
Meh. Nothing new here, and the art wasn't even pretty. I'm not sure what else to say. Some easter egg that showed Corsair and mommy Summers getting abducted would have been great I reckon, but alas. And let's just completely glaze over his relationship with Jean or his losing his brother. It seemed like the whole issue was just to show how Cyclops used to hate Magneto and now accepts him on the island. I was not impressed.
Brian girl? Seems like someone's mind is wandering.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that you would think that regarding the Cyke Origins, because I didn't really see it as being about how Scott used to hate Magneto and now he accepts him. For one, he never really hated him. I think what the origin stories are attempting to do is to portray the characters transformation into their current mindset. With Scott, I read it more as him going from being the man who blindly follows Xavier, to developing into the man in control who takes care of his own.