This would have gotten a five star rating, but I'm totally hating Black Mask's existence. The Falcone's are just slightly more interesting, and that's only because of Kitrina, who I am still wondering whether she will have any relation to Catwoman.
I've got to say that I am loving Tony Daniel as both writer and artist. Now it may sound like I've got a total hard on for this man, well, it's all true. I love the way that Dick is taking in becoming Batman, his complete growth into the role. Don't get me wrong, I love Bruce, but Dick as Batman is pretty damn awesome. That image of Batman on page 12, how awesome was that (to the right.) It was touching to see that even with his transformation into the Batman, there was still that essence of Dick within him. And that last page, pure agony.
I had finished my post, but then remembered, Damn that Huntress.
Streets of Gotham #7 ****
I just love when a story slowly unfolds. I have very much enjoyed the way Streets of Gotham has panned out. I think Paul Dini has done a great job with the writing and the story and I actually think Marc Andreyko has done well with Manhunter (though I will admit that I initially avoided reading this.) The artwork is great as well, Dusting Nguyen has done a great job with this. There are a couple of things that stood out in particular. For one thing, I am liking the way in which Dick has rubbed off on Damian, regardless of whether he wants to show it or not. Also, it makes Damian a little bit more likable every time he is ready to kill those who have harmed children. I still contend that this is the best looking Damian, artistically, in all of the Bat-issues. And those children? Talk about tragic.
Batman 80-Page Giant
A huge snow storm has hit Gotham.
1. Fire and Ice feat. Batman and Robin ****
I thought that this chapter was pretty good. The art was nice, similar in style to both Frank Quitely and Philip Tan. I'm not sure if the artist just has a single name, Grey, or if that's some sort of alias, either way, pretty cool. As I've mentioned, they aren't my favorite artists (something to do with the way their faces appear claylike.) The whole, tough times leads to crimes story wasn't so predictable that it became boring, especially the end.
2. Pure as the Driven Snow feat. Alfred Pennyworth ****
I do so very much enjoy Alfred. There was a line in an earlier issue where he's talking to Supes about Bruce, and how parents never wish to bury their children, that I absolutely loved. But I digress, this chapter gives an insight into what Alfred does in his free time. Which apparently is to spend the night with a Lady of the Night and then use his money to buy her a new and better life. The art was nice, although some of the facials proportions seemed odd and a tad cartoonish, if that makes any sense considering this is a comic.
3. The Hero of Orphan Alley feat. the Saint ****
For a chapter involving three guys I didn't know existed 5 hours ago, I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. The artwork in this was great, Clayton Henry does an awesome job. The story goes, there are three friends, two orphans and one boy whose family was saved by Batman, who decide that there must be Batmen as opposed to a Batman, because he couldn't possibly do everything himself. So the three friends, really though it's one guy with the idea, one that is excited to follow, and one that agrees reluctantly, decide to become vigilantes of the night and protect Orphan Alley. In a short amount of pages, Mike Raicht actually got me to care about a random dude. And the ending, well not to sound like a broken record, but it was tragic.
4. Reveiled feat. Veil ***1/2
I've actually been wondering where Veil had run off to. Marcus To, if you recall is the artist for Red Robin, did a great job with this chapter. The story was pretty good, it definitely hit on the fact that Veil is ultimately just very lonely. It was nice to see her open up though. Maybe we'll be seeing more of her.
5. No Two Alike feat. Catwoman ****
Oh Selina Kyle, how I love you. Well it's true. I thought this chapter was great. First I must talk about just how fabulous the artwork was. I don't even know that there is any acurate way of describing the realistic feel that Kat Rocha and Josh Finney, who apparently work together often, bring to the art. Just fantastically beautiful. The story was nice also, in that Romance filled way, Ivory Madison did a great job showing off the more relatable side to Selina. As a fan of Ms. Kyle, I do enjoy seeing her being as portrayed in her true heroic nature, while still kicking ass, what more could a guy want. And the hope filled look when Bruce is mentioned is just heartbreaking. This also had a nice end scene, which seems to be the theme for the week.
6. The Wilt feat. Poison Ivy **1/2
This chapter was ok, albeit I was a tad confused. I hadn't actually realized that all this was occurring literally days within Battle for the Cowl, so it was odd seeing Ivy as the runaway, hibernating, plant woman. The artwork was ok, it reminded me of the original Batman animated series. The story wasn't bad, but the pacing and plot slightly bored me.
7. What Falls Below feat. Commissioner Gordon **1/2
I like the Commish, mainly because of his relation to Oracle, who I love. I totally understand Batman and the Commish's feelings at the end, that letting Mr. Freeze walk around would be a mistake, but I did feel for the guy. Living in a cryo-suite must be a pain, who wouldn't want the chance to walk around free as a bird. Rafa Garres' art was ok; nice in some parts awkward in others.
8. Snow Patrol feat. Batman **
This was a one page chapter and I'm not sure if that helped or worked against it. The artwork was strange, to say the least. The buildings were nice, but the figures, Batman especially, where drawn in a completely non appealing manner. Stephanie Buscema's art just isn't something that I can feel and for me art is a big part of loving comics. Being a page long there wasn't much room for story development, although it was slightly humorous.
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