With Christmas, it was impossible for me to keep up. So I've got another one of these puppies to write later.
Green Lantern Corps #43 (****)
To recap: Guy was dual-wielding power rings, Kyle is back because of some Violet mojo, and Lantern Mogo is a fucking PLANET (maybe everyone knew that last part, I did not). I'm not sure what to say other than I love this Spectrum shit because the colors are gorgeous, and that I love Blackest Night because it continues to be great storytelling. The one thing I'm not sure I like is Kyle's resurrection, just because I'm tired of death not having any permanance. Like, I love Kyle and was very upset that he had died, but part of me wants to be upset by it. Otherwise it's just a cheap shock factor at the end of an issue, and I don't like to have my emotions toyed with like that. At least we get to see how Kyle takes on Guy the Christmas Lantern. Seriously, if you read this and you are NOT reading Blackest Night, get your shit together.
Astonishing X-Men #33 (***)
This title is very weird for me, because I really like it even though I keep telling myself I shouldn't because it doesn't obviously tie in to anything else in the X-Universe. It's impossible for me to tell what will and will not affect the rest of the universe, yet I'm still interested by the whole thing. And I also always love it when Cyclops shows the true extent of his power, cause really, it's kinda sexy.
Cable #21 (***)
I give this three stars just because I'm glad it's moving along. This whole Bishop chasing Hope across time thing has gotten old real fast for me, and I'm tired of how they are obviously dragging it out to kill time until Necrosha and Nation X end, so that Second Coming can get it's own arc in like March. I just keep telling myself 4 more months and Hope will have something to do. Did you notice, though, how powerful she is already? How long was it before Jean Grey could stop bullets? I just want her to be with everyone else, and see Scott flip out about this Jean look-alike.
Dark Avengers #12 (**1/2)
Gee. Both Osborn and the Sentry are crazy. Who didn't see that coming? I think I'm just very impatient with the Marvel Universe at the moment, cause I feel like outside of Necrosha we're treading water, and it annoys me. Dark Avengers is clearly heading for Siege, but I'd like it to get there a little sooner, because I don't care about any of the characters they're presenting. It is so obvious to me that Osborn is about to lose it that I wish we'd just get there already. And I reiterate my point that super-powerful heroes aren't interesting (unless they're Jean Grey); The Sentry is too powerful for me to care about him, and him overcoming is Koo-Koo for Cocoa Puffs is just not engaging at the moment. But the art was pretty, so it gets half a star for that. Norman needs to find some damn clothes though.
X-Force #22 (***)
First, I really like the art in the X-Force Necrosha arc. Sometimes the faces go wonky, but I like how everything is sort of painted on. Now, the problem is because things aren't always distinct, I don't always know what the hell is going on. The problem I've had with all of Necrosha is that I just don't know most of these characters, so seeing them again not only has no emotional impact, but also leaves me confused as to what in God's name is happening. I'm curious about the whole X-Gene thing, as it's been too long since I read Endangered Species. I thought the gene disappeared all over, so I'm confused. What I do know is I hate the furries.
A Girl Called Hope (***)
Since this has been attached to the end of various comics, I'll put it separate. Basically it's just random little stories showing extra Hope and Cable. In part four, you see Hope's eyes flash Phoenix again, and while I think it's cool, I kinda wish they'd at least try to hide the fact that Hope is clearly Jean Grey reborn. Or not even hide it, just not hit us over the head with it. I do like that Hope is no-nonsense, cause I would really like to see her come back and kick the shit out of some people.
X-Men Legacy #230 (**1/2)
Half a star because the Emplate storyline is over and I hear-tell we're moving into Necrosha at some point. I don't have much else to say here. I can really appreciate Rogue's powers after Uncanny last month, but I'm still not sure I care enough to follow her month to month. This whole thing with Gambit should prove interesting though, now that his cards are talking to him. Although I bet that won't develop for quite some time.
X-Factor #200 (****)
Cool, but SO. DAMN. LONG. Never again will I complain that comics are too short. Unless they're Blackest Night comics. Layla Miller is coming back. How the fuck is this happening? It's like the writers sit in a room and say "How can we fuck with our readers? LAYLA MILLER" I love it, don't misunderstand. I have absolutely no idea where that story is going, which I enjoy.
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