I don't know if I've effectively expressed just how much I am enjoying Tony Daniel's existence, so let me take the time to say just how much I am loving his presence in Batman. I've read comments here and there about his writing style and all I've got to say to those kids are, Pop off. The pacing in this issue was brilliant. The constant changing in the plot, switching from the past to the present and then back to the past, coupled with the different locales in each time frame was genius. It kept me on my proverbial toes the entire time. Dick Grayson being drugged, Robin pissed at the world, Oracle stressed over everything (maybe the finality of her words in Batgirl were not so final?), and there was the last scene where Dick came around to figuring out what we've all been wanting to know, Who the F is Black Mask. Great read, coupled with some amazing artwork, c'mon now, what more could a reader ask for.
Streets of Gotham 9 ***

So to reiterate my last review of this series, I'm not particularly sure what purpose these last two issues have had, seeing as they completely break out of the current major story. That being said, there are a couple of issues I had with the issue. The artwork was very good, as I come to expect from Dustin Nguyen. It's really the writing that I hold issue with. Not that it was bad mind you, but that it felt as if Mike Benson was writing a completely different Batman than the rest of Streets of Gotham. And while I understand that different writers have different techniques and styles, but it's one thing to have a different style and another thing to alter the personality of long-standing characters, such as Dick Grayson. All in all not a bad place holder, but I'm ready for Paul Dini to come back and finish up his story. I give this a 3 star rating for two reasons. The art was great and the cover was amazing.
Supernatural 2 ***1/2
I am so glad that I decided to pick this mini-series up. It was on a whim, there was only one issue of issue 1 on the shelf and I snatched it up like a fat kid in a candy store snatches up the good chocolate. This is a such a great show that even though I read the first issue, I wasn't sure that they would be able to maintain the feel of the show, and boy was I wrong. The writing is fun and flows well, the art is pretty cool. The issue are flowing like episodes of the show, each issue having a different villain to take care of, while still maintaining a separate long term goal. I reckon by the end of the mini-series I will be insisting this as a read for Supernatural fans, so why wait. All you fans, this is good stuff. All you non-fans, what are you thinking, read these and then watch the show.
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