Friday, February 19, 2010

Batman never fights to kill!

I'm beginning to sound like a broken record and I don't like it one bit. That being said, I will make a conscious effort to get my reviews out with a more consistent speed. Furthermore, I do have a question for the masses, ha, do my reviews make any impact in what you end up reading? Because in the past I have refrained from giving up too much information on the off chance that upon reading my review the reader may choose to pick up the issue and still have some excitement. Now though, I'm debating just review each issue in it's entirety.

Adventure Comics #7 ****
This is technically a Blackest Night tie-in and as such belongs in my forthcoming Blackest Night tie-ins part 3 review. However, I don't care. Conner has been and continues to be in my top ten favorite of all time, so he gets to bypass said rules. Also, the next issue will be focusing on the Legion of Superheroes, so look out for that.

There's so much to write about this issue I had to start a new paragraph. First and foremost this marks the end of Geoff Johns and Franics Manapul's run with Adventure Comics. Issue 7 is written by Tony Bedard with art by Travis Moore, who in all honestly I have never heard of either, but I must say that I was pleased. It started off with a basic history of who and what Superboy is and has gone through, granted I'm not particularly sure why that was there, but it did show that the writer did have some sense of Superboy's history, which is always nice. Being inside Conner's head the whole time was entertaining, his interaction with Wonder Girl was amusing, and the fact that his pal Krypto came to save him was great, 'cuz I love that dog. I thought the story was great; it was a fairly brilliant way in incorporating Conner's past to save him. And we can thank Rao for that.

Batman and Robin #8 ***
It's weird, pretty much everything I've seen on the internet, which isn't much by the way, talks about how great this story line is. So far, I must say that I enjoyed the previous story better. Not that I think this one is bad or anything, it's actually fairly good. Considering Final Crisis was Grant Morrison's baby, of sorts, it's only natural that he would use it in a pretty awesome way. A rogue, insane, double insane because of the Pit, Batman on the loose? How cool is that. I don't particularly like this desperate Dick that Grant Morrison is painting. I know why he is doing it, but I don't like it and I refuse to like it. Crazy Bats taking on Damian, who has a newly reformed spine? I'm interested, are you?

Batgirl #7 ***1/2
I can't say for sure why this is the case, but I am not particularly fond of Stephanie Brown. Maybe it's because my introduction to her has been recent, even though she's been around for years now, and she seems very annoying. Keeping that in mind, I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised with how I've enjoyed this series since issue 5. Her interactions with Damian is some of the funniest stuff I read. Having Barb around has been awesome (having her around with the rest of the Birds should also be pleasant.) A who can kill Batman first plot is entertaining enough. I just hope that St. Nick does not become a more prominent presence in our lives, and by mine I mean mine, Barbara's and Dick's.

Supernatural #1/6 ****
That's right folks. You heard it right from the source, I am now reading the Supernatural Beginning's End mini-series, and how great it is. those of you who are in the know, know how much I adore this show. It's just one of those shows that I love watching and so I picked this issue up on a whim to see how I'd like it. I've been a tad weary about comics that used to be, or in this case are currently, a show. In this case, I thought it was fabulous. The writers did a a great job capturing the feel, the tone of the show and I thank them for that. The artwork has a great look and feel to it. I can't particularly explain it, but it's got this great rough, graphic, rugged look and feel to it, not soft at all. And I think for this particular series it is very appropriate. I think the plot has a great thing going for it. The lead up to the show is a great story that should be told. I never liked John Winchester for a multitude of reasons, particularly his treatment of his children most specifically Dean. But I mean, smacking Sam? Jackass. Consider me hooked for all 6 issues.

And can I just say, what is up with all the Deadpool variant covers? I like Deadpool just as much as the next guy, but I mean, really?

1 comment:

  1. Many people think that if sufficient time has passed between release and review, then you can write whatever you want. My experience has been people read reviews mainly for one of two reasons: To figure out what they missed, or to see if they agree with your assessment. Given those two reasons, I don't think you're wrong spoiling the ending. You can also vary how vague you are. For example, Blackest Night #6 I left vague because I thought the reveal was so great, but for New Mutants #10 it doesn't really matter.

    I'm with you about Deadpool variants. Does EVERY issue need one? Although I can get behind the fanboy obsession with Deadpool long before I support the obsession with Logan.
