Suicide Squad #67 **

This issue did next to nothing for me. I did not know anyone. They didn't get me to fall in love with any one of them. The lesbians did surprise me for half of a second and then even that was done with. Word on the street is that this issue leads into the Secret Six, here's hoping that isn't as boring.
Weird We

I'm not sure exactly sure what purpose this issue served. I didn't particularly learn much of anything nor did get me excited with a bowlful of giddiness. I did not like the ending, I was bored with the beginning, and let's be honest the middle was just ok.
The Phantom Stranger #42 ****

So I took my weekly trip to my comic book shop and I was immediately told that I needed to read this issue before Green Lantern #50. It was apparently a lead-in of sorts. It was pretty interesting to have Deadman make his reappearance, and I get the feeling that he might be playing a pretty big role in the upcoming days. I mean, with the message he's carrying, it's a good thing he's already dead. And since this is called Phantom Stranger, I should add that I think the magic users of the DC realm are very cool individuals. I originally gave this 3.5 stars, but upon rethinking things I decided it'd better suit the issue to bump it up half a star.
The Power of Sh

Take this from a guy who doesn't give two hoots about Shazam, this was good. There were a lot of good things about this issue. First, it really got me to care about a guy I didn't even know existed, Amon, let alone know died a while back. Yeah, you didn't read wrong, by the end I cared about a Black Lantern. See, what this issue did, for the first time if I'm not mistaken, is that it gave a Black Lantern a conscience. Now, I'm not sure if I'm just mistaken about his powers, but throughout the issue Amon narrated us through his story of love, loss, betrayal, and topped it all off with a Black Lantern feeling emotions!
Catwoman #83 ****

I love Selina Kyle. There, I said it. Now that that's been established I have to say that this was great. Definitely one of the best of the Revived bunch. The story involving Selina's sister, who is in a mental institute, was just heart breaking. The art was fantastic. And what was especially great was that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy made a guest appearance. For those of you not in the know, the three of them make up the Sirens, so I loved that the writer incorporated them into this story. Oh, and because I'm awesome and don't want to give away the ending I'll leave you with this, the way they got rid of Black Lantern Black Mask, awesome.
The Atom

There were a couple of really good things about this issue, including the art which was great. First, I never really understood Ray's compassion for Jean and I think I judged him for that. I don't anymore. Saving Indigo was not only clutch, it was also pretty damn awesome. And then there was what Indigo was doing that was also major important, in my opinion. It sets things up for a major Blackest Night #7 event. Furthermore, Ray at the very end talking to Indigo got me very interested in what Johns has in store for us. I mean, it is Shiera and Carter's destiny to do so.
The Question #37 ***1/2

These next two issues had one very specific thing in common. They both started off a bit dull but ended with a bang, or the proverbial bang at least. The only encounter I've had with the Question, as an entity not as a type of sentence, was when Renee Montona made a guest appearance in Final Crisis. Let's see, I was amused with Lady Shiva making an appearance, I was disgusted with the old man's role in the story, and I was surprised with how well Renee held her ground while fighting Lady Shiva, suffice to say I think the writer took liberties. Now the ending, that was some pure genius on Shiva's part. I'd tell you what happens but then you'd have not reason to read it. So I'll leave you with this, letting go is sometimes the only answer.

As I said, this one started off iffy, and by start off I should clarify, the first 6 or 7 pages. But before I go any further I have got to say, I loved the artwork, most specifically on page 8. It's not the typical artwork that would normally be found in a comic and it's good stuff. On to the plot. I don't know who The Shade and Hope O'Dare are but I wish them all the best. A couple of pages and here I am rooting for ex-criminal The Shade. Who, I might add, pulled off a grand Buzzinga on the Black Lantern and it was awesome.
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