You'd think with the disgustingly awesome amount of snow we got this weekend, I'dve been able to finish this even remotely on time. You would be wrong.
P to the S, I am still reading the Buffy comics, but seeing as they're almost over I was going to do just one giant review article once it's finished. I enjoyed this week, and more to the point enjoy that this 'Season 8' is wrapping up, as it's been going on for like 3 years.
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3 (***)
So, I love Diana. Wonder Woman is probably my favorite superhero of all time (although Green Lantern has certainly been giving her a run for her money lately). But all this "Love" stuff makes me a little ill. It feels a bit like a giant Sailor Moon episode compressed into a non-manga-comic form. The art didn't bother me (although I could always do with less boob on my heroines) and I've stated numerous time I love the use of color. I'm just not sure I can ascribe to the Love conquers all mentality. I enjoyed the shot of Bruce and Diana, also.
Cable #23 (**)
I almost gave this issue three stars because it ended with the words "To be concluded." Watching Hope kick ass is fun, but not enough fun to overcome the painfully obvious stalling that the writers are forced to do. It's the same plot over and over and over, and it's honestly not a plot I was particularly interested in after Messiah War ended. I think I'd really just prefer that Cable had taken a sabbatical until Necrosha and Nation X were over, because these issues are just a waste of good trees, and more importantly my time.
Siege #2 (***)
I was talking with Arnab while reading it, and I had two things to say: "Ewwwwww" and "Holy F&#%!" Now do you see why having the Sentry around is such a terrible huge colossal mistake? I'm enjoying the action, and I enjoy seeing the Avengers coming out of the woodwork to kick ass. I'm curious to see what the fall-out will be with Sentry, and I'm still waiting to figure out how Daken stabbing Osborn fits into the storyline. You can't end an issue with the big baddie getting stabbed, and then have said big-baddie running about in a separate issue.
Siege Embedded #2 ()
I have this open on desk, but I just can't bring myself to read it, no matter how much I like the fat god. I will get to it eventually, but are any of you really holding your breath in anticipation?
Ultimate Comics X #1 (**)
I don't believe the Ultimate universe should really exist (although go them for making Northstar and Colossus gay with each other...before Northstar died (again) that is). I spent a lot of time learning the back-story of all these characters, only to have that back-story completely ignored in favor of rebooting the system to get new fans. Which I don't even think worked. As regards this issue: It's the story of Wolverine's son. Which might be a spoiler if the three claws didn't give it away on the cover. Seeing how big a fan I am of Wolverine, does this sound like the type of story I'd like? And then this kid "Jimmy" is miraculously able to cover his own claws with metal. *Insert blank stare* While I hate Wolvie, half of what could make him interesting was that he was betrayed and experimented on by the government agency he swore to serve. I'm not sure I care to read a story about how a mutant with Wolverine's powers would act if he didn't have Wolverine's past. I shall not be reading any more of this series.
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