It has been a year now, our time, since my boy Timothy has taken up the Red Robin mantle, and what a year it has been. Ra's al Ghul had made his final move against Tim in the last issue, putting out a league of ninjas to take out everyone close to Bruce. However, just as his mentor before him, Timothy was more than prepared. And unlike his mentor before him, Timothy had an army of friends to help him. He then took the battle to Grandpa Ghul himself (Damian's Grandfather, not Tim's.)

Batman and Robin #12 ****1/2
Slade Wilson has been a thorn in Dick's side for years and unfortunately he's back for round 7,000. Turns out though, Talia and Slade didn't account for how well Damian and Dick have come to work together. Talia, now that's a mother that puts into perspective just how not bad your own mother is. Here's to Damian serving her a can of whup-ass in the future. And Oberon Sexton is who? That's right folks, the one and only Prince of Laughter is back. And no, I don't mean Gaggsy. Man this stuff is great.
Brightest Day #1 ***1/2
Is it really that much of a secret who will be able to lift up the lantern now? I mean, all signs point to the living Deadman himself. He's got the only white ring folks. Aquaman controlling the dead animals, in my opinion, is a great twist. One that is likely to alleviate this guy's popularity problems. And no offense to whatever race or species of things that Sinestro hails from, but god he's got to leave Earth. His very existence is beginning to grate my soul. That being said, the art is great is great as usual. And the writing looks to keep me entertained, and that's really all I ask for.
War of Supermen #1 ****
Now that's what you call a bang. Coming off of the heels of the Last Stand of New Krypton, War of Supermen has launched its 4 issue run. With all the other Superman titles taking a break, War of Supermen is looking to steal all the Super attention. I slightly complained about the monotony in the Last Stand of New Krypton series, because it spanned over so many books and tended to be repetitive, so I am glad they formatted it this way. This issue was great. The writing was good stuff, the art was good. I was a tad surprised to find Conner back on Earth, but hey when you can fly I guess you can be wherever you want. I am more than a little excited to see how all of this pans out. It's two plus years of storytelling all being wrapped up in four issues. And General Lane's already delivered the first blow. The hundred minute war is upon us ladies and gentlemen.
Nemesis: The Imposters #3 *****
There's really only so many ways for me to express just how great this has been. It's definitely a must read for fans. I was about to say Batman fans, but it's not really even about Batman. It's about Nemesis on his journey back into sanity, with Batman attempting to help. The plot and writing is just good stuff, the artwork is great as well. This unexpected mini-series makes up for some doozies I've sat through this past year.
Uncanny X-Men #524 *****
I loved the overall tone and feel of this issue. Nightcrawler's funeral was touching and perfect for the guy. And given the time crunch that the X-Men are on, it was a hell of a lot more than near any one else would have gotten. I have an issue with Beast, but it's not really the same as Matt's issue. On the one hand he was close friends with Kurt so I completely understand his outrage with Scott and on that aspect I don't even mind him making such an animalistic scene at the funeral. Was it inappropriate? A little, but given the circumstances not unacceptable. My issue comes with Beast's holier-than-thou attitude, frankly that has always been my issue with Beast. I feel just because he holds a PhD and whatever else he has, he's always held himself to be better than the rest of them. Considering he's the same age as Scott, Warren and Bobby, he's always felt old. But I digress, my issue with his outburst is his reasoning. Here he is, mutant genius, and what is he doing for the mutant race? Absolutely nothing. He's not on the front lines protecting mutants, he's not doing research on the mutant gene, as far as I know, and other than going around bitching about how much everyone has changed since the early days (Scott and Warren particularly) he's accomplishing nothing and therefore has no legitimate claims to any anger he has. Kurt, regardless of my feelings towards his religiousness, believed in people and even though he vehemently disagreed with Scott's position, died for his people. And clearly that is not something that Beast is willing to do. Pathetic.
It's strange the way our appreciation of artwork works. Strange, but also great, I think. I've read online and my sister has expressed a disfavorable opinion of the art in this title. Personally though, I love Terry Dodson's artwork. I think that it has worked well with Matt Fraction's writing and the two of them have become a Marvel powerhouse duo.
We're at the halfway mark to this epic event and I couldn't be more stoked. All the parts to this event have been well played. The writing has been great, the artwork great, the flow great. Minor inconsistencies aside there's really been nothing out of place.
Oh, lest I forget, Logan. i'm loving the Wolverine that has been unleashed. I wish everybody would stop blaming Hope, but I'm still loving his whole scene at the funeral. That's the kind of stuff that wins wars. And who could forget Cable introducing Scott as his father to Hope. The confusion on that girl's face was just enough amusement to this fairly solemn issue.
Second Coming: Revelations: Hellbound #1 ***1/2
Man that Colossus is a bastard. He's been a bit annoying leading into this issue and has now turned into a complete jackass. If I were Pixied I would've teleported his ass to the middle of the ocean. And then not have gone after Magik. I don't particularly like Magik and while I have no real reason for it, I don't care for her personality and the way she interacts with the others. Finding out she took a bit of Pixie's sould to make her stones or daggers or whatever really didn't help her cause. The team Sam gathered has the potential to be very interesting. In recent years the majority of them haven't really been in the spotlight, and some definitely have not been getting the respect they deserve. That being said, I can honestly say that I care more about Death Gambit's role in Limbo than rescuing Magik.
It's the first time ever I actually recognized the quote you used.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this last night I was ready to say that I liked Batman and Robin more, but now I realize that is completely not true. I thought Red Robin was great, especially when all of the old Titans showed up. I loved how the whole story was told, with flashbacks and such. As much as I hate Damian and wish that Tim could be Robin, I kind of like him being his own superhero. Although I don't care for his costume overly much.
I wish I had written down my guess for Sexton. I was pretty sure it wasn't Bruce Wayne, just because that seemed stupid, but I don't remember if I thought it was Joker. I want to know what he's up to now, since he was actually helping Robin in the graveyard. And again, I hate Damian. He's needlessly smarmy and bitchy and while they're starting to humanize him a little bit, I do not in the least care for his attitude. The irony here is that I don't have a problem when Sinestro is the same way. I long ago stopped trying to understand my gut reactions to things.
I've loved Red Robin. A lot. There's really nothing left for me to say about it. Chris Yost will be missed.
ReplyDeleteSee, it's my opinion that you've really got to be reading more of the Bat titles. You'd have a somewhat better opinion of Damian then. Streets of Gotham would probably be the best to do that. I can't stand Sinestro. I need him off this planet. Whereas Damian amuses me. How could his interaction with his mother not change your opinion of him?
I'm already reading two more titles than I was a month ago. Baby steps.
ReplyDeleteI like Damian more than I did. Or it's more accurate to say I hate him less. His interactions with Talia humanized him a little bit, but I still think he's an obnoxious little brat who needs to be put in his place.
I should also say, Damian is not enough of a reason for me to read more titles. I read Red Robin because I liked Tim, and I read Batman and Robin because I liked Dick.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mean that you should read more because of Damian. But rather you should read more, and you'll end up liking Damian more. It's interesting that you should choose Batman and Robin because you liked Dick. Batman, the title, is much more Dick focused. Whereas Batman and Robin has been slightly geared more towards the duo as a whole and even more slightly geared towards Damian's existence.