Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Writer's Pull List: 05-19-10

So right now we don't have as many readers as we would like. However, we do plan on helping change that a bit. So to make things a bit more easy flowing, we've decided to post a pull list. This is essentially going to be a list of comics that Matt and I will be reading each week, divided up by publisher. As our readers grow it will hopefully also be a place where you, the readers, can suggest things for us to read.

Arnab's Pull List
Batman: Streets of Gotham #12
Brightest Day #2
Superman: War of the Supermen #3
X-Factor #205
X-Men: Legacy #236
The Walking Dead #72
Supernatural: Beginning's End #5

Matt's Pull List
Age of Heroes #1
Avengers #1
Enter the Heroic Age
Invincible Iron Man #26
X-Factor #205
Legacy #236
Brightest Day #2
Chew #7-10 (if I can find all of them)

There may be some other things we both wind up reading, but these are the things we'll be searching out.  A relatively big week as they go.  Wait for our reviews later this week!


  1. Whoa, you're reading Invincible Iron Man?

  2. I read #25 cause I heard it was a good jumping-on point. I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it though. I'm really not the biggest fan of Tony Stark.

  3. I just realized "Enter the Heroic Age" is just a preview of some of the Heroic Age comics. No longer upset it wasn't there yesterday.
