Sorry folks, I've been terrible in my blogging efforts of late. April was crazy, and I had the Blackest Night Review hanging over my head. But that's done, and now we're into regular comics, and I have no excuse for not reviewing anymore. In other comics news, I've caught up on Batman and Robin, and am catching up on Red Robin. I also started reading Y the Last Man and a few issues of Chew. And as soon as I find Walking Dead at the library I plan on reading that too.
Before I start, though, a big shout out to Big Planet Comics in Bethesda, my new Comic store. Joel there has helped me set up my pull-list, which is much longer than I thought it would be. Stupid X-titles.
X-Force #26 ****
Oh Kurt. I can't really say I will miss you, because I never really liked you. But even though I saw it coming, it was a good death. The battle with Rogue fighting off Bastion was awesome as well. I'm waiting for the thing that sends Hope over the edge and has her manifest her real powers. And by real powers I mean Phoenix powers, because it's so very obvious to me that's where we're headed.
And Second Coming as a whole has been fantastic. The storyline is tight, and when an issue is over I cannot wait until the next one. I enjoy the art, I enjoy watching the X-Men work together against a single enemy. We don't have four different stories all running in four different directions, and I appreciate the unity immensely. While I'm giving each individual issue about four stars, the series as a whole is definitely five star material.
New Avengers #64 ***
An OK issue. Watching the Hood wasn't really enough to grab my attention, but I wasn't disappointed with the issue. But really, it seems long overdue for Siege 4 and the conclusion of this event. I've seen the Sentry hit Asgard about ten different times now and it's lost the Wow factor.
Invincible Iron Man #25 ***
IGN recommended Iron Man #25 as a good jumping on point for new Iron Man readers. While I've never been particularly fond of Tony Stark, I figured I'd at least pick it up and see if it grabbed me. I definitely see why it was a jumping on point, because it's the first time Tony has really suited up since all of the crap with Siege went down. The problem with jumping in, though, is that I'm completely confused by what's come before. This whole Extremis business confuses me: Is Tony now Cybernetic? Does the suit come out of him, or does his skin actually change into the suit? How much of him is still human? His brain is now a computer? It's all very strange. I think his new way to 'suit up' is definitely cool, though.
Green Lantern Corps #47 **
I will admit I gave up on this issue during the first three pages when we had the dialogue explaining everything that had happened in the last year. Nothing else that happened, including the Lanterns telling the Guardians off or the giant memorial tree, really did much for me at the time. In hindsight, and after considering IGN's 9.something review, I've softened a bit, but really I think this was just a breather issue between the events of Blackest Night and what happens next in Green Lantern Corps. Maybe if I had been a GLC reader for longer I would care more? Who's to say.
Wonder Woman #43 ***
I didn't read WW #42 for reasons I don't remember, so I was a little thrown when we started in the middle of the action, but I do love watching Diana kicking ass. I don't think there's a whole lot to say in this regard, other than I found the art to be pretty. I need to start reading a whole lot of these in a row to really get into the story I reckon.
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