Arnab asked last week about whether he'd be alright in spoiling comics, and I responded that in issues where something major happens, I tend to avoid it, but in a regular weekly series I have no problems. That's the rule I've tried to abide by all this time without really realizing, but now that I've put it down in writing, I'm going to make a special effort to employ it. Blackest Night continues to be a "Don't Spoil (too much)" book, because you ALL should be reading it. Wonder Woman? Not so much.
Sidenote: I finally read Siege: Embedded #2. Still maintain my lack of a review didn't really matter much.
Holy crap this was a busy week. And keep in mind Arnab reads almost everything I do plus the stuff he reviews.
Blackest Night #7 (****)
I see it as the sign of a well-written story when they can give you pieces to the puzzle you didn't even realize you were missing. Before reading this I had just assumed, as is the typical way of interstellar storytelling, that no human had been made a Green Lantern because humans were considered primitive and 'too emotional.' Never once did I think the Guardians had a deeper purpose, and while I might have named that deeper purpose differently (the name they used sounds like the title of a horror movie), I find it very interesting that this whole time this thing was on Earth and no one knew. I also find it very convenient, but in a universe where characters regularly die and come back, who am I to judge (speaking of, be on the lookout for a Flash: Rebirth mini-review coming this weekend).
Above and beyond, I thought this issue kept up the pace of the other books pretty well. It is finally tying in all of the other titles, and I know the climax next week is going to be something else. My biggest issue was with the final panel, when the new Lantern was chosen. Is he worthy of it? My gut tells me no. But then I can also see the new Corps being made up of the 7 Lanterns featured on the cover of BN #6. Or then again, maybe they just become the new Guardians, since that's what every cover has been touting recently. Then again maybe I'm doubly right and the new Guardians of the Universe are the new Lantern Corps.
Wonder Woman #41 (***1/2)
First off, I love this art. I don't know if I'm supposed to mention the pencilers or the inkers, but 'good on ya' to whichever. Wonder Woman just looks so bad-ass, and the lines are all well done. I love it. Now as to the storyline, I have to say I enjoy it also. Those little kids are CREEPY, like all children, but I appreciated that they weren't afraid to show Diana kicking them around. I could have done without Power Bra Girl, mainly because I found her chest to be distracting. Seriously, don't they just get in the way when she's fighting? Heaven forbid one gets untucked and hits her in the head, she'd be knocked unconscious. I'm really glad I decided to just jump into Wonder Woman, though. Sure, a bunch is happening that I don't quite understand, but if I had tried to wait until I had read all the back issues I'd never be here.
Avengers: Initiative #33 (****)
Arnab and I were having a discussion the other day about how I was being too hard on Siege. He said I was comparing it to Blackest Night, which wasn't fair to really anything, and that I was passing judgment too early about everything not fitting together. While I still think he's being a little optimistic overall about how this is going to wrap itself up, I will admit that Initiative 33 was exactly what I was looking for. I'm not sure I can exactly explain how, but this issue just seemed to fill in some blanks for me, namely in chronology of the battle at Asgard. First Thor goes down, then Sentry goes all rip-apart-y, then Thor escapes, then Cap attacks. I would still like to figure out how Dark X-Men and Dark Avengers tie-in, but I'm a bit more on-board with the overall story.
Dark Wolverine #83 (**)
This only got two stars because I felt the first three pages were a cheat. It's lame to end an issue on this huge cliffhanger, and then go "Just kidding!" at the very start of the next episode. It's cliche, completely invalidates any emotional response you just got from me, and makes me hesitant to care about anything else you do since it can so easily and so quickly be reversed. I don't need to be toyed with just so you get me to pick up your next issue, and if you have to resort to these kinds of stupid tricks then clearly you need to be a better writer. As for the rest of the issue, it was alright. Daken has the catalyst for Ragnarok might be cool. Just make me care about the story without sleight of hand from now on.
Nation X #3 (***)
I was all ready to say "Hey, one of these short-story books I don't hate!" Then I read the last one. I thought Armor fighting Danger was really interesting, if resolved too quickly. I saw the ending coming a mile away. The "You sanctimonious bitch" "And channeling Ms. Frost" line made me chuckle, though. I found Anole (as I always have) to be a little bitch and I hate reading him. I like Madison Jeffries, I've decided. And I like that they helped me indicate what Arnab had already said, that Necrosha happens after Nation X ends. But that final story? Yuck. Ugly art, shitty writing. Apparently we have one more of these things to get through.
New Avengers #62 (***)
For all that I enjoy Spiderman it's a wonder I don't read any of his monthly titles. His quips are exactly what I like about X-Factor. And while I don't like Luke Cage, I will definitely become a weekly Avengers reader once the Heroic Age starts. Not a bad issue, but one that only really fills in sort of an unnecessary gap between Siege 1 and 2. I mean, we all kinda new what happened, now we just now the exact events that led to it happening. And if I'm saying this, then you have to realize the events it describes just can't be that confusing.
Thor #607 (***)
"The madness is thinking that any REAL Thor would suffer you to live." Uhm, what? I've decided recently that I actually like Thor. I don't know why this was a revelation exactly, but now that things seem to be resetting in the Marvel universe, I may start reading it.
Thunderbolts #141 (**1/2)
Not a bad issue really, but not exactly something I'd tell all fans of Siege they have to read. I'm still not sold on this whole Thunderbolts concept anyway, so I have a hard time buying into these comics. A 'superhero' team composed of supervillains seems about as wise as smoking in a gas station. But the action is kind of fun, even if Scourge is batshit insane.
X-Factor #202 (****)
"Now I know how a Pokemon feels" completely sums up why I love this series, and Maddrox specifically. It's not as meta and fourth-wall-breaking as Deadpool, but it is nevertheless a delight to read every week. I really think if I was ever made to be a superhero this is exactly how I would act. And really, after reading things like this or anything Joss Whedon has ever done, how can people make action movies that don't have quips? Does most of America just not get it?
X-Force #24 (***)
I have commented before that I like the art, but when I first opened this issue I had to skim the whole thing to make sure I hadn't accidentally gotten a duplicate. I'm never entirely sure what is going on in these issues. Necrosha has one issue of X-Force left in March and then it's all hands on deck for Second Coming. We know someone dies in the last X-Force, but who? I sure hope it isn't Elixir. I personally would have no problem losing Warpath or Rahne, especially because I know they won't kill Warren again, or Wolverine ever. Or wait, was the Teleporter the one that dies? Necrosha is shaping up to be an entertaining event, if not a particularly ground-breaking one. I wonder how I would have received it if Blackest Night wasn't out now.
X-Men Legacy #233 (***1/2)
Finally the Proteus storyline is wrapped up. Now it seems we have one quick one-off issue before Second Coming takes over the X-Universe. And I actually really enjoyed this issue. It's always fun to see Magneto be badass, because I sometimes forget just how powerful he is. I enjoyed what I think was foreshadowing for Kitty's return, and I kinda like the idea of Magneto and Rogue as a couple. My favorite line, though, has to go to Mags, when asked "How do we know he won't be back?" he says "We don't. We know that he will." I appreciate that kind of realism, because after you've been around this universe for a while you just have to expect that they always come back.
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