Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
I'm beginning to sound like a broken record whenever I talk about this series. Henry and his army pals do a little bonding, before trouble sneaks up on them. Never having seen Skinner before is a major setback for these guys and it's actually a fact that I had forgotten about. I am so damn excited for Pearl getting into the action. I am a sucker for a badass female and Pearl is one of them. Snyder has done an amazing job of getting the readers to be emotionally invested in these characters. his characterizations and personal touches make reading this book a fantastic experience. Rafael Albuquerque's art continues to get better and better with every issue. If you had asked me in the beginning if his art could have gotten better I would have been hard pressed to say yes. But this issue is proof that his work can and is constantly getting better.

Writers: Simon Spurrier
Artists: Koi Pham, Tom Palmer, and Sonia Oback
Cover Artist: Simone Peruzzi
Publisher: Marvel
I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. For the most part I thought that this issue was fairly well done, better than the first one. It was interesting to see these "heroes" in a new environment and witness the struggle of doing what's right. So why am I conflicted you ask? Because basically this story, these two issues, don't matter. In the overall grand scheme of things, these two issues play no role outside these two issues. And since this isn't a different universe, in the way that Age of Apocalypse is a different universe, I'm hard pressed to figure out why the issues even exist.

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Steve Epting
Cover Artists: Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
Those of you who didn't read all of Hickman's run on Fantastic Four might be a little confused with parts of this issue. Mainly that a while back Valeria approached a broken Doom and offered him his life back in exchange for something, something the readers were unaware of. Until now. I don't know about you guys, but I think instead of FF this book should be called F&V, Franklin and Valeria, because the way Hickman writes them is fantastic, no pun intended. While everything with Doom is happening, Ben and Susan have a heart to heart about feeling left out of the brainiacs' club, aka the Future Foundation. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing those two farts go, good riddance (though I am aware that this is highly unlikely).

Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Steve Kurth and Allen Martinez
Cover Artist: Clay Mann
Publisher: Marvel
Age of X ends with this issue and I for one loved it. With the last issue, everything started crumbling for the monster living in Legion's head. Taking a final stand, however, the monster chose to unleash an army upon the mutants. In the nick of time, Legion regains his memories and takes control, reverting everyone back to their proper places. I think this event will forever be a highlight in Carey's resume. From the beginning the story was smart, interesting, and exciting. Even as the reader starts to realize Legion is the reason for it all, the story behind why changes everything. I loved what Blindfold said at the end, that even though none of it was real the people died thinking it was real and that's what matters.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Cover Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Publisher: Marvel
The rejects of Breakworld have appealed for asylum and as a semi-recognized state, Scott accepts. I think the major thing to take out of this issue is that Magneto is losing his touch. The former major threat to the entire world was easily duped by his curiosity for metal. I'm hoping that this arc will relieve Kitty of her gravity suit, because she's always been a great character. Overall with respect to story this issue was alright. It felt a lot like a setup middle issue, which I guess it is. The art looked great, I can't be more ecstatic that the Dodsons are back.

Writer: Marjorie Liu
Artists: Ryan Stegman and Michael Babinski
Cover Artists: Kalman Andrasofszky
Publisher: Marvel
I think that this has been a really great crossover event. Would I like some more of Daken and X-23 going at it all assassin status? Of course, who wouldn't. But I think that'd get boring, so I like the story that's going on here. I think if there was a poll taken, X-23 would be the mutant with the saddest life and what she goes through in this issue is tragic. For whatever reason though, Daken decides to help her. These two are related in a very weird way (she's his father's clone, kinda makes her his aunt/mother,) and I wonder if that will end up playing a larger role down the line.

Writer: Victor Gischler
Artists: Chris Bachalo and Tim Townsend
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
Alright, alright, I admit it. Bachalo's art s growing on me, to an extent that I found it to be fairly enjoyable this issue; not amazing, just not terrible. I think it's somewhat apparent that Gischler is writing a story fit towards Bachalo's style and I think that that's great. The story was decent, Spiderman was humorous, and Emma complains a lot. Minor consistency problems aside (since when can Gambit charge Organics. Although, it may no longer be a consistency thing, seeing as Gambit charged Daken in Daken: Dark Wolverine #8, but if that's the case, when did that happen?)

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artists: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artists: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
For the better part of this series the zombies have set the pace, forced the action, and in essence ruled over the living. From this point on, however, that will not be the case. After the gut wrenching shock that came in the last issue, I'm still not going to say what it was, the survivors in Alexandria make a last stand of sorts and take on the throng of zombies. Starting with Rick and Michonne, the survivors made a choice to live and fight for life, something that we haven't seen a lot of. Sure we've seen some fighting, but for the most part it's been flight. Filled with a reborn sense of hope, Kirkman has cleansed these characters in a sense.
As usual, my DC reviews can be read here: ComicAttack.net!
American Vampire and Walking Dead are brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI love the way Age of X ended as well.
X-23 and X-Men were great reads too.
And p.s. Bachalo's art is awesome!! :)