Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
Holy shit on a shish kebab. If you want lessons on how to create a brilliant book, you read this one. This arc has taken this series to a whole new level in so many ways. For the first part, this story has been absolutely fantastic. There's a new breed of vampire, or rather a very old breed that has gone unnoticed, and apparently they can wound Skinner. How sweet of a plot twist is that? (No pun intended) Pearl, sweet Pearl, is on her way to save her beloved Henry, but after that reveal I can only imagine she's being led into a trap. Speaking of Henry, he and his army pals have all been herded into some type of torture building. This whole story is so flipping amazing. And the art is absolutely gorgeous. Albuquerque has stepped it up a whole mess of notches for this arc and this issue. There are a whole mess of vampire stories out right now, across all mediums, but by far this story stands out as brilliant. Snyder and Albuquerque, issue after issue, redefine everything you know about vampires and not only that, but the vampires are then integrated into world history. Absolutely riveting stuff here.

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Barry Kitson and Paul Mounts
Cover Artists: Daniel Acuna and Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
Hickman has done a fantastic job with first the Fantastic Four and now FF. I mean, such a great job that he's gotten me, an avid disliker of the Fantastic Four (other than Johnny, who unfortunately has passed on) to follow this book issue after issue. That being said, I don't feel like enough happens in every issue. Which isn't really to say that the issue's are filled with fluff, because they're not. There are just so many characters that it's hard to have a fulfilling story. It doesn't help that I find Reed to be an outright bore and I can't stand Ben's "poor me" attitude. Sosann, I'm indifferent to; she hasn't done anything to make me dislike her, but then again I don't find her that great of a character. However, what I believe makes this book is the rest of the Future Foundation, and that includes Spiderman. The rest of the cast is so great and the actual story is great as well, so I'll be sticking with it.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Cover Artists: Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson, and Justin Ponsor
Publisher: Marvel
I cannot fathom how Gillen could write such a great book here and fairly bland one in Generation Hope. Regardless, this issue was great. As the visitors from Breakworld are settling on Utopia, and unfortunately for the X-Men Kruun is roaming around the island almost undetected. Kitty made her return a while back and unfortunately she's been in a state of intangibility. Apparently though, that doesn't apply to the unique metal from Breakworld. This issue is filled with excitement, action, suspense, everything you can ask for.

Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Rafa Sandoval and Matthew Wilson
Cover Artist: Mico Suayan and Marte Gracia
Publisher: Marvel
There are two things you need to take away from this issue. Grandpa Max is a cradle robber and Rogue is apparently into old farts. I shit you not, at the end of this issue you will shudder in fear and disgust. The other thing you need to take away from this is that Frenzy is crazy, balls to the wall, crazy. Oh, and she's joining the X-Men, which pretty much makes this Legacy team one of the most powerful books out there.

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artists: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artists: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
After years of the zombie outbreak and death after death, as a reader you always brace yourself for the worst. Be it the death of a beloved character, or dismemberment, or even just the departure of a certain character, nothing is ever really certain. After the violence and destruction that ran rampant in the last issue, this one was far more quiet, but in a good way. Rick has finally begun to see the strength in numbers, in a community, and he's looking to create that here in Alexandria. The group is also starting to make a more democratic approach to governing. They're working as a single unit and that's absolutely brilliant. Ever since issue #83 I've been on pins and needles whenever I open up this book. I need to know what is going to happen to Carl, like really need to know. That's definitely a testament to the creative team, for developing a character that I'm so emotionally invested in.
As usual, my DC reviews can be found here: http://comicattack.net/2011/05/coir52511/
American Vampire and The Walking Dead are so damn good all the time! I love it!!