Writer: John Layman
Artist: Rob Guillory
Cover Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Image
One of the best things about this series, in my opinion, is that even after two years the creative team has the ability to surprise use readers at every turn. With this issue we get a bit of a flash forward preview of what is in store for us and it is all exciting stuff. I think, if done properly, a flash forward is a great way of setting up the upcoming story lines. It gives readers an idea of what's to come, but it also builds up a whole bunch of tension and anticipation, all good things in my opinion. Issue after issue, this series kills it every single time, in both the writing and the art.

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artists: Steve Epting, Rick Magyar, and Butch Guice
Cover Artists: Daniel Acuna and Marko Djurdjevic
Publisher: Marvel
After the last issue I was all ready for a Valeria vs. Reed matchup and even though that is not what we will be getting, I've got to say it was still pretty exciting. I know that this book stemmed off of the Fantastic Four, but I've got to say that by and large the most interesting parts of this book have nothing to do with the remaining three members of that team. Reed, Sue, and Ben may have been major players back in the day, but this book's success, in my opinion, has nothing to do with them. That being said, this issue was all kinds of cool. Valeria saved a bunch of Reeds from different universes, back in Fantastic Four, and now she needs to stop them from destroying the world. I would really like to see more of Franklin, who is my favorite part of this book, but other than that this was really good.

Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Artists: Leandro Fernandez and Andres Mossa
Cover Artist: Marko Djurdejevic
Publisher: Marvel
After the fallout of Age of X, Cyclops is on a mission to tie up all of the X-Men's loose ends. And to do that he needs a team, the New Mutants, who at this point need a new leader, enter Dani. Ever since the disaster that was Dark X-Men I, as I'm sure many other fans, have been wondering what happened to Nate Grey. Thankfully, that is about to be addressed as the New Mutants next mission is to locate Nate and bring him home. Awesome.

Writer: Victor Gischler
Artist: Al Barrionuevo
Cover Artist: David Yardin
Publisher: Marvel
In case any of you are worried, I'm pretty sure this issue was just a one-shot and vampire are, in fact, not back. What this was though, was a nice little issue revolving around Xavier and Jubilee. Admittedly the two are not in my top ten mutants list, hell Jubilee's definitely not in my top 20. Regardless, in small doses I do find them to be likable. In this issue, for example, my dislike of both of them barely was an issue and overall I thought the story and art were enjoyable.

Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Jorge Molina and Craig Yeung
Cover Artist: Mico Suayan and Marte Gracia
Publisher: Marvel
Like I mentioned in my New Mutants review, these two series' are at a point where the X-Men are going to be in a period of rebuild and they are going to be tying up some loose ends. I've been speculating for quite some time regarding the return of Rachel, Polaris, and Havoc (personally, I thought they'd make it back in time for Second Coming, clearly I was wrong.) Anyway, I am thrilled that Daddy Summers is missing his kids and is sending out search parties for them. Also, while a part of me feels bad for Frenzy, I also feel like she's losing grip of her mind and will likely cause problems some time in the future. Great new directions for this and New Mutants in my opinion.
As usual my DC reviews can be found at comicattack.net!
Chew was my favorite of these issues. It was pleasantly surprising and enjoyable to read as always.