Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
Holy shit on a shish kebab. If you want lessons on how to create a brilliant book, you read this one. This arc has taken this series to a whole new level in so many ways. For the first part, this story has been absolutely fantastic. There's a new breed of vampire, or rather a very old breed that has gone unnoticed, and apparently they can wound Skinner. How sweet of a plot twist is that? (No pun intended) Pearl, sweet Pearl, is on her way to save her beloved Henry, but after that reveal I can only imagine she's being led into a trap. Speaking of Henry, he and his army pals have all been herded into some type of torture building. This whole story is so flipping amazing. And the art is absolutely gorgeous. Albuquerque has stepped it up a whole mess of notches for this arc and this issue. There are a whole mess of vampire stories out right now, across all mediums, but by far this story stands out as brilliant. Snyder and Albuquerque, issue after issue, redefine everything you know about vampires and not only that, but the vampires are then integrated into world history. Absolutely riveting stuff here.