X-Men Legacy #229 (**)
I realize that not every storyline can be a grand arc. Seriously, I get it. You need small stand-alone issues, or issues with short arcs. But at least make them interesting. This whole Emplate thing is just monster-of-the-week far as I can tell, and it's nothing exceptional. I'm not the biggest fan of Rogue, especially what she's apparently become since Messiah Complex. And her going all Casper-meets-Dr.Manhattan bores me. I'm intrigued about what's up with Gambit, but I think the split personality is currently being handled better with Angel/Archangel in X-Force. I'll definitely watch where that goes, though. But to be honest, the whole reason this got two stars instead of three is because one character is named "Bling!" With the exclamation point o.o
Dark Reign - The List - Spiderman (****)
I enjoyed this title, but I find I have the same problems with this List book that I have with the other list books (and it's something I heard mentioned in the IGN Comics podcast): They don't feel like full storylines. They seem sort of like in-between issues. Maybe this is because, with the exception of X-Men, I don't read any of their main titles. I will say I thought The List: Avengers was the best I've read, and this one will come in second. I hate Namor and Wolverine too much to give those books any credit. My biggest complaint was that Spiderman just got in. One panel he's talking about how difficult it would be, and the next he's finished downloading. Not that I wanted a whole issue of him sneaking through ventilation shafts, but it threw me.
Dark Avengers 11 (***)
This title left me feeling nothing, really. Admittedly I haven't read DA 9 or 10 yet. One thing they did here, which I never like, is they switched artists during one book. And I thought the Sentry scenes were so much prettier than the other scenes. I think it's interesting that he seperated all of the Dark Avengers and tortured each individually. I run into the problem here of knowing next to nothing about the Marvel Universe outside of the X-Universe and the occasional major event, so I don't really understand how Molecule Man is so powerful and just sorta hanging out. It's the same way I don't understand why the Sentry exists if he's so damn powerful, and the same reason I find Superman to be boring as a hero.
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