Thursday, November 19, 2009

Books I Follow

I should throw in an "As of November 19th, 2009" since this changes on a regular basis. But it will help me to set-up the tags from the beginning, which speaking from experience is a pain in the ass to set up later. I'm including the current events in each list, even though they won't last forever.

So, divided among publishers:

Astonishing X-Men
X-Men Legacy
Uncanny X-Men
New Mutants
Deadpool (just started this one)
Nation X
Dark Avengers
Dark X-Men
The List (various titles here. I've read X-Men, Avengers, and Wolverine, and will read Punisher and Spiderman)
Anything remotely relating to Jean Grey or Phoenix in any way, shape, or form.

Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Blackest Night (including the tie-ins for the major other characters, namely JLA members)

Dark Horse
Buffy Season 8

On my 'to-catch-up-on' list is Wonder Woman, and Arnab has been pushing me to read Batman forever. I'm a little sketchy on books that don't fit into the canon easily, but I've always loved Batman. I'm also contemplating getting into another Marvel book, either Avengers or Spiderman, although my hearts not really in either endeavor. I'm thinking especially about Young Avengers purely because there's a gay storyline there.

I'm fairly up-to-date on all of these titles, although there is a chunk of the X-Universe that I skipped over (Manifest Destiny and Divided We Stand, and all the Emperor Vulcan stuff after Rise and Fall). I will catch up on that, but right now my goal is just to stay current.


  1. i like that you call them 'books', though at first i was very confused

  2. I suppose "titles" would have been a more apt description.
