So, if all goes according to plan, this will be a blog dedicated to comics and all things pertaining, including comic books, trades, toys, animated offerings, and the occasional superhero movie. If I find time, I may also put some manga and anime stuff here, although I'm not sure.
My goal is to post at least once a week, with a review of all the capsule review of all the comics I've read that week. On some weeks I may have to split it between DC and Marvel, but we'll see. Now that I've got a new apartment that's closer to work, I hope to have time in the morning to pound out some quick reviews.

Anyone that has seen my other blog will know I don't get with the updating so often, but I will do my best. I want Great Herring War to be mainly TV and Movies, with the occasional music, picture, or personal offering (If I ever get my ass in gear, Great Herring War will become solely TV/Movies. I use twitter and Facebook enough for the personal updates). I hope to have a post up tonight about the comics from this week.
It took me ten minutes to get the formatting in the right place. I need to start using wordpress.