Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Writer's Pull List: 07-28-10

Here's our pull list folks. A time for you guys to think about adding on comics to read and a time to suggest any other comics.

Matt's Note:  Believe it or not I do still read comics, I'm just having a hard time finding time for review posts.

Arnab's Note: I can't particularly find anything to say. Other than, you all should be reading everything we're reading.

Matt's List

Secret Avengers #3
Uncanny X-Men #526
Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Green Lantern #56
Green Lantern Corps #50
Wonder Woman #601
American Vampire #5

Arnab's List
Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Flash #4
Gotham City Sirens #14
Green Arrow #1
Green Lantern #56

Uncanny X-Men #526
X-Men Legacy #238

American Vampire #5

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