Writers: Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu
Artists: Marco Checcetto and Frank D'armata
Cover Artist: Marte Gracia
Publisher: Marvel
From the moment I first learned about Daken, I knew he couldn't be trusted. X-23 and Gambit have made it to Madripoor where Daken has become a powerful overlord. X-23 and Daken fought it out in the first part, but seem to come up with a truce in this issue. Unfortunately for Laura and Gambit, Daken is double corssng them. This crossover event has been really good. The writing has been great, smart, interesting. And the art has been fantastic. With four more parts to the story, I'm sure we'll see a couple more twists and turns which will probably be just as entertaining.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salvador Espin and Jim Charalampidis
Cover Artist: Salvador Espin and Jim Charalampidis
Publisher: Marvel
Just as the new generation of mutants found some down time on Utopia, they're rushed off because of a new mutant. Scott has replaced Rogue with Kitty as their liason and I think that's a great decision. Hope's a snarky, snotty little brat, as usual. Gillen did a nice job of showing off the kids at Utopia on their off day. It was also great seeing how this team worked together after some of Hope's famous training exercises, unfortunately for them it would appear that their leader has led them straight into danger, again. Overall this was probably my favorite issue of the series.

Writer: Rick Remender
Artists: Billy Tan
Cover Artists: Dean White
Publisher: Marvel
With talk of Apocalypse for the first seven issues, it was only a matter of time until Warren's evil doppleganger broke through the barriers. I loved the way Remender played it out. Bringing back the Shadow King to do it was excellent and I loved the way that the tables quickly turned. Things are definitely going to heat up now that the monster has been unleashed. I for one am totally stoked for things to come. The art was fantastic, as we've come to expect from this great book.

Writer: Peter David
Artists: Emanuela Lupacchino, Guillermo Ortego and Matt Milla
Cover Artists: David Yardin and Sonia Oback
Publisher: Marvel
This book continues to be great. Mayor Jameson has made some pretty powerful enemies in the past, but these three badass chicks may just be the most powerful. From what we've seen it might take some major skills to take them down, especially when they have no conscience. There is rarely a time when I cheer for the death of anyone, but when Monet rips that bullett out of the sky and sends it into that villainous letch's forehead, I was rooting for Monet all the way. I love the way this book is written and the art is absolutely beautiful. The end of the book had a nice little twist, for two reasons. One, I'm glad Guido's not dead so he and Monet can become a nice couple. And two, I'm sure Layla's going to have a major arc coming up and I couldn't be more excited.
My DC reviews can be found here: ComicAttack.net!
Daken has such awesome art. I loved, loved, loved it! It was also a great read.
ReplyDeleteUncanny X-Force and X-Factor were also great reads. Overall great week!