Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard
Publisher: Image
The consistently impressive aspect of this book is its ability to get you to care about these characters. We've been with a handful of these characters for years now and the longer they stay alive the more we want them to stay alive. Glen and Andrea, two of my favorites from the beginning, find themselves trapped outside of the camp and or the most part, that might make them the safest of the bunch. On the inside the gate is failing and trouble is one its way. I'm starting to worry about Carl, who's stuck in a house with the remnants of a shattered family, and that could prove to be problematic. The best part of this arc is that people are never more vulnerable than when they feel safe. In all of the camps the survivors had settled in before this arc, the survivors had been on edge and never quite felt safe. However for the most part, the inhabitants of Alexandria (the current base of operations) actually felt safe. Their naive sense of the world has made them ripe for the picking.

Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Valentine De Landro and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Sonia Oback
Publisher: Marvel
Ever since I started reading this I've been pleasantly surprised with how consistently well written this book is. Peter David has a a great feel of these characters and even though the majority of these issues focus on a handful of characters, as opposed to the whole team, he handles it very well. This issue is no exception. Madrox and Layla are two of my favorite characters in this book, they have been since Messiah Complex (my other two favorites being Rictor and Shatterstar.) This issue perfectly displays both of these characters to their fullest potential. Madrox is finally able to use his powers in a way that isn't just extra muscle. And Layla's role becomes more than just the background character who pops up to save the day. The two are finally starting to act around each other the way I've been waiting for.
My DC reviews can be read right here!
Both of these issues where so good!
ReplyDeleteThe Walking Dead always keeps me on the edge of my seat. I love, love, love it. :)
I concur about everything you said about X-Force. It's always a great issue and the interaction between Layla and Madrox in this issue was awesome and was also what I was waiting for.