Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin and Scott Koblish
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
This was probably my favorite issue of the series (much like another issue I'm reviewing.) After their prolonged visit to Japan, and all the trouble that happened there, the new mutants finally make their way to Utopia. In the form of a test, we are finally given a definitive description of Earth's newest mutant's powers. Which, now that they've been laid out to us, their power sets look even more like previous mutants, that is, except for Kenji. Kenji, in his natural state, still feels a bit off, so it will be interesting how he will be able to integrate into life on Utopia. Hope, now back from her journeys, is beginning to settle in and has even begun a budding romance, which is great for the development of her character. Although there was very little action, I thought this issue feels like the actual beginning of this series, even though it's actually the end of the first arc. Hope and the lights are now back with the rest of the Mutants, and they're all in as natural a state as they can be, the rest has yet to come.

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel and Dustin Weaver
Publisher: Marvel
The first chapter to this grand story comes to an end in spectacular fashion. In what is probably my favorite issue of the series so far, the story and art really step it up a couple of notches. The main focus of this issue is a war of epic proportions between two factions of the Brotherhood. In a reflection of many periods in history, the war is between the traditionalists who have accepted their fate and the revolutionaries who believe anything is possible. Stark and Richards, the elders, revive Nikola Tesla, who appeared a while ago, figure out how to get back home. Leonid plays a fairly major role in this issue as he continues to struggle with both sides of the war. One of my favorite scenes in the series has to be when he finall puts his power to use. This is definitely one of Marvel's best books out right now and it's a shame that it will be going on hiatus for the foreseeable future. For those of you haven't been reading this, be sure to pick it up in its collected format.

Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Esad Ribic
Cover Artist: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel
Speaking of Marvel's best books. Since this series started, I feel it has been in the shadow of its predecessor. With the first arc completed and the second arc on it's way, I can say that that is no longer the case. As an introduction issue, there was a reliance on backstory and dialogue, which wasn't a bad thing. Fantomex is a badass character, who has a very rich history which will most likely be utilized in this next arc. I think it's very telling that he's the loose cannon in a team that also includes Deadpool and Logan. Deadpool has a great moment in this book, when it is revealed that he has not been cashing any of Warren's checks, disproving Logan's theories about him. This series has great art and looks like it will be another great arc.
Be sure to check out my DC reviews at Comicattack.net!
S.H.I.E.L.D. is so awesome. I'm sad it's going on hiatus. :(
ReplyDeleteGeneration Hope and Uncanny X-Force were also great reads. Overall, this was a great reading week.