Hey folks! We're running a couple hours late today. For those of you who are new here, this is our Pull List. It is our way to let you know what books we read and what we will be reviewing.
Arnab's Note: Hmm. Not much to say this week. There are a bunch of books that I'm excited for this week.
Matt's Note: I have a blog post started, I promise I'll actually finish it some day. Fuck my busy schedule.
Arnab's List:
Detective Comics #874
Gotham City Sirens #20
Green Arrow #9
Teen Titans #92
New Mutants #22
Uncanny X-Men #533
X-23 #6
X-Men #8
X-Men Legacy #245
American Vampire #12
Matt's List:
Gotham City Sirens #20
Justice League: Generation Lost #20
New Mutants #22
Uncanny X-Men #533
X-Men #8
X-Men Legacy #245
Invincible Iron Man #501
Secret Avengers #10
American Vampire #12
In brightest day, in blackest night, we are what was, what is, and what will be.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
And I will be a dynamo to power the change
Posted by
10:00 AM
Generation Hope #4 ****
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin and Scott Koblish
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
This was probably my favorite issue of the series (much like another issue I'm reviewing.) After their prolonged visit to Japan, and all the trouble that happened there, the new mutants finally make their way to Utopia. In the form of a test, we are finally given a definitive description of Earth's newest mutant's powers. Which, now that they've been laid out to us, their power sets look even more like previous mutants, that is, except for Kenji. Kenji, in his natural state, still feels a bit off, so it will be interesting how he will be able to integrate into life on Utopia. Hope, now back from her journeys, is beginning to settle in and has even begun a budding romance, which is great for the development of her character. Although there was very little action, I thought this issue feels like the actual beginning of this series, even though it's actually the end of the first arc. Hope and the lights are now back with the rest of the Mutants, and they're all in as natural a state as they can be, the rest has yet to come.
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin and Scott Koblish
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
This was probably my favorite issue of the series (much like another issue I'm reviewing.) After their prolonged visit to Japan, and all the trouble that happened there, the new mutants finally make their way to Utopia. In the form of a test, we are finally given a definitive description of Earth's newest mutant's powers. Which, now that they've been laid out to us, their power sets look even more like previous mutants, that is, except for Kenji. Kenji, in his natural state, still feels a bit off, so it will be interesting how he will be able to integrate into life on Utopia. Hope, now back from her journeys, is beginning to settle in and has even begun a budding romance, which is great for the development of her character. Although there was very little action, I thought this issue feels like the actual beginning of this series, even though it's actually the end of the first arc. Hope and the lights are now back with the rest of the Mutants, and they're all in as natural a state as they can be, the rest has yet to come.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Writer's Pull List 02-16-11
Posted by
5:33 PM
Hello world. For those of you that are new this here is our pull list post. Basically it is a list of all the books Matt and I(Arnab) will be reading and reviewing.
Arnab's Note: I don't really have much to say this week. Go Batman!
Matt's Note: I'm starting to notice the lack of Children's Crusade in my life.
Arnab's List:
Batman #707
Brightest Day #20
Green Lantern #62
Green Lantern Corps #57
Generation Hope #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Uncanny X-Force #5
Matt's List:
Batman #707
Brightest Day #20
Green Lantern #62
Green Lantern Corps #57
Wonder Woman #607
Young Justice #1
Generation Hope #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Uncanny X-Force #5
Arnab's Note: I don't really have much to say this week. Go Batman!
Matt's Note: I'm starting to notice the lack of Children's Crusade in my life.
Arnab's List:
Batman #707
Brightest Day #20
Green Lantern #62
Green Lantern Corps #57
Generation Hope #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Uncanny X-Force #5
Matt's List:
Batman #707
Brightest Day #20
Green Lantern #62
Green Lantern Corps #57
Wonder Woman #607
Young Justice #1
Generation Hope #4
S.H.I.E.L.D. #6
Uncanny X-Force #5
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Because I'm Layla Miller. And I don't know stuff.
Posted by
2:44 PM

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard
Publisher: Image
The consistently impressive aspect of this book is its ability to get you to care about these characters. We've been with a handful of these characters for years now and the longer they stay alive the more we want them to stay alive. Glen and Andrea, two of my favorites from the beginning, find themselves trapped outside of the camp and or the most part, that might make them the safest of the bunch. On the inside the gate is failing and trouble is one its way. I'm starting to worry about Carl, who's stuck in a house with the remnants of a shattered family, and that could prove to be problematic. The best part of this arc is that people are never more vulnerable than when they feel safe. In all of the camps the survivors had settled in before this arc, the survivors had been on edge and never quite felt safe. However for the most part, the inhabitants of Alexandria (the current base of operations) actually felt safe. Their naive sense of the world has made them ripe for the picking.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gashapon Reviews: February 3, 2011
Posted by
Mattie B
4:04 PM
"Start small," Arnab told me, so that's what I'm going to attempt to do with my review column. I do so love blogging and being a critic, but I haven't had time. Or at least I tell myself I haven't had time so that I don't feel like such a lout. But it has been over six months since my last review, and that's just blatantly unacceptable. So we are starting with a light week and hopefully riding this momentum into a regular habit.
Brightest Day #19 **1/2
One Christmas when I was younger I got the Macy's Toy Catalog, and in there was this picture of Aquaman with a beard and a hook for a hand, and I thought "Wow, that's so cool!" Here we are a decade later and I think "I really do not enjoy Brightest Day." (No, that anecdote doesn't really matter, but I so seldom have anecdotes). It's possible that I'm still getting over the end of Brightest Day #18, which I distinctly did not like, but that's mainly because the Hawks were the characters I really liked in this story. I appreciate that things are ramping up as we approach issue #26, and I hope this momentum continues as we figure out what the hell is up with the White Lantern (who, by the way, is a dick).
Brightest Day #19 **1/2
One Christmas when I was younger I got the Macy's Toy Catalog, and in there was this picture of Aquaman with a beard and a hook for a hand, and I thought "Wow, that's so cool!" Here we are a decade later and I think "I really do not enjoy Brightest Day." (No, that anecdote doesn't really matter, but I so seldom have anecdotes). It's possible that I'm still getting over the end of Brightest Day #18, which I distinctly did not like, but that's mainly because the Hawks were the characters I really liked in this story. I appreciate that things are ramping up as we approach issue #26, and I hope this momentum continues as we figure out what the hell is up with the White Lantern (who, by the way, is a dick).
Writer's Pull List 2/9/11
Posted by
10:46 AM
How's it going folks? Another week, another batch of comics. Last week was a tad light, but this week we're back to having a bunch of books to read and review.
Arnab's Note: Not surprisingly I've got a large amount of DC books in comparison to the rest of the publishers.
Matt's Note: Who caught the Thor and Captain America spots during the Super Bowl?
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #20
Birds of Prey #9
Flash #9
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7
Red Robin #20
Thunder Agents #4
The Walking Dead #81
X-Factor #215
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #20
Birds of Prey #9
Flash #9
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7
Justice League Generation Lost #19
Red Robin #20
Superman #708
X-Factor #215
Arnab's Note: Not surprisingly I've got a large amount of DC books in comparison to the rest of the publishers.
Matt's Note: Who caught the Thor and Captain America spots during the Super Bowl?
Arnab's List:
Batman and Robin #20
Birds of Prey #9
Flash #9
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7
Red Robin #20
Thunder Agents #4
The Walking Dead #81
X-Factor #215
Matt's List:
Batman and Robin #20
Birds of Prey #9
Flash #9
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #7
Justice League Generation Lost #19
Red Robin #20
Superman #708
X-Factor #215
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Baby, I'm taking this funeral party to Rumekistan!
Posted by
3:47 PM
Well, since I missed last week and since I only had one for this week I just figured I would combine the two, so here it is.
Age of X: Alpha #1 ****
Writer: Mike Carey
Artist: Mirco Pierfedrici, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Carlo Barberi, and Paco Diaz
Cover Artist: Chris Bachalo and Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
For weeks now the Age of X has been looming in the distant the future, that future is here. From the very beginning of this issue, Mike Carey paints us a very grim picture of a universe without the X-Men. Instead of spending issue after issue setting up the event, this issue starts of in the middle of a war between humans and mutants. Split into four stories, the issue gives us a look into the past while also moving the story forward. The first story, focusing on Scott Summers' past, was arguably the best part of the issue. Having been forced to be the ultimate mutant executioner, Scott has grown to become nothing like the leader we know him to be. The second and third story did not make as big an impact, though I'm sure they will play a bigger role in the future. The final story sets up the basis for the resistance's inception as well as Magneto's role in this war. Overall, I thought that this was a fantastic beginning. There was just enough back story, action, and progress to keep things interesting.
Age of X: Alpha #1 ****
Writer: Mike Carey
Artist: Mirco Pierfedrici, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Carlo Barberi, and Paco Diaz
Cover Artist: Chris Bachalo and Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
For weeks now the Age of X has been looming in the distant the future, that future is here. From the very beginning of this issue, Mike Carey paints us a very grim picture of a universe without the X-Men. Instead of spending issue after issue setting up the event, this issue starts of in the middle of a war between humans and mutants. Split into four stories, the issue gives us a look into the past while also moving the story forward. The first story, focusing on Scott Summers' past, was arguably the best part of the issue. Having been forced to be the ultimate mutant executioner, Scott has grown to become nothing like the leader we know him to be. The second and third story did not make as big an impact, though I'm sure they will play a bigger role in the future. The final story sets up the basis for the resistance's inception as well as Magneto's role in this war. Overall, I thought that this was a fantastic beginning. There was just enough back story, action, and progress to keep things interesting.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Writer's Pull List 02-02-11
Posted by
4:25 PM
Hello readers. This is our pull list, which is everything that we will be reading this week.
Arnab's Note: We're a tad late this week, my bad. Yay for Deadpool and Cable!
Matt's Note: Let's see if we can't get a bit of conformity here.
Arnab's list:
Brightest Day #19
Gotham City Sirens #19
Superboy #4
Time Masters Vanishing Point #6
Deadpool and Cable #26
Matt's list:
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #19
Gotham City Sirens #19
Superboy #4
Invincible Iron Man #500.1
Arnab's Note: We're a tad late this week, my bad. Yay for Deadpool and Cable!
Matt's Note: Let's see if we can't get a bit of conformity here.
Arnab's list:
Brightest Day #19
Gotham City Sirens #19
Superboy #4
Time Masters Vanishing Point #6
Deadpool and Cable #26
Matt's list:
Batman Beyond #2
Brightest Day #19
Gotham City Sirens #19
Superboy #4
Invincible Iron Man #500.1
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