Thursday, January 6, 2011

Phoenix Lantern Corps' Best and Worst of 2010

As evidenced by my horrible posting schedule, there was not enough time this year, which might explain how it's now the end of December.  There's Hannukah and Christmas and New Years, each with their own parties and gifts and plans.  But if my blog roll is any indication, it's also time to start looking back at the last year and judge reflect all of the developments that have come.  Being nothing if not followers, we will be doing the same list, at least to the best of our abilities.  Note that this stuff is from what we read, not from all comics ever.  Let us know how we were wrong!


New Series
Matt: Avengers: Children's Crusade, without a doubt.  Even when I'm too busy to eat, this series will get me into the comic store.  Birds of Prey is a runners up, as is S.H.I.E.L.D.
Arnab: There have been a lot of great new series' this year, but my vote definitely goes to American Vampire. The creative team have been putting out consistent, quality, exciting work since the first issue.

Avengers Children's Crusade

Ongoing Series
Matt: Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps have been great this year in the aftermath of Blackest Night.
Arnab: Red Robin. If you've been reading this, then you can't possibly need a reason why. But with a change in the writer mid-year, this series has continued to be excellent in every aspect.

Tim Drake as Red Robin

Matt:  Return of Bruce Wayne given my choices, but my feelings on Morrison's work are well-documented.
Arnab: Return of Bruce Wayne. I think Grant Morrison did a terrific job of taking a simple story of bringing Bruce back to the future and added layers of depth to both the story as well as the myth of Batman in general.

The unanimous choice for Best Event

Matt:  Blackest Night except I'm not sure it counts.  I found every new turn to be incredible, and I loved all the colors in the art.  Otherwise Second Coming which I enjoyed, especially at first, but felt it lost it's stride a little.
Arnab: Second Coming. This event was filled with amazing art, fantastic writing, and some really great moments. Overall, this event was the best in terms of excitement, storytelling, and artwork.

The Return of Hope

Matt:  I have no clue.  Green Lantern #54 when the entities are revealed for the Emotional Spectrum, I think.  The mythology was just so damn cool, and things were building to a great climax.
Arnab: Batman and Robin #16. This issue brought Grant Morrison's run to a conclusion in spectacular fashion.

Matt:  Nothing has topped the Blackest Night scene where the new lanterns were deputized, but that was technically 2009 by two days, so instead I will choose probably the scene in Red Robin where Bruce and Tim hug.  My favorite part about Bruce's return are his emotional reunions.
Arnab: The scene in issue #17 of Red Robin, where Bruce and Tim hug, is my moment of the year. It was just, perfect.

Matt:  All of the X-Men Djurdjevic alternate covers that made the big poster.  Specifically whichever issue had Phoenix, Scott, and Storm on it.
Arnab: X-Force #28 by David Finch. I think this cover did an excellent job of encompassing both the issue itself as well as the entire event.

Francis Manapul's take on Superboy

Matt:  I've got an answer for least favorite, but not favorite.  I liked the distinctive art style in Chew, and I think Dustin Weaver does good work with S.H.I.E.L.D.  And Francis Manapul will always have a soft-spot in my heart.
Arnab: This is a very hard decision for me, but I think I'm going to have to go with Rafael Albuquerque from American Vampire. For this one series he produced multiple styles that were all fantastic.

Albuquerque's work in American Vampire

Matt:  Geoff Johns for his work on Blackest Night and Flash.  Tony Bedard is also doing good stuff with Green Lantern Corps. 
Arnab: Another hard decision, but I'm going to go with Chris Yost on this one. Not only did he have an amazing role in creating X-Force and Second Coming, but his run on Red Robin was all kinds of great.

A slice of Djurdjevic's X-Men Poster

Matt:  The fact that I now read more DC comics than Marvel comics.  I've been a Marvel boy my whole life but the Green Lantern and Batman titles are just so good, overshadowing much of the X-Men universe that I love so much.
Arnab: The biggest surprise of the year came at the beginning for me, when Nekron reclaimed all of the reborn heroes and turned them into Black Lanterns.

We can't let 2010 go without mentioning Blackest Night

Kick-Ass Scene
Matt:  A tough one.  I guess in tribute to my love of Phoenix I'll choose Hope manifesting, although the White Lantern Reveal was also pretty bad-ass.
Arnab: Kick-Ass Scene of the year for me was when Hope Summers' powers manifested in X-Force #28. As a reader you knew it was coming but even then, when it happened it was awesome.

Bad ass, if obvious


New Series
Matt:  X-Men, namely because of this ridiculous Vampire plotline.  It's not that there isn't the occasional interesting scene, but overall the thing is so bandwagon it earns its place here.
Arnab: I'm going to go with First Wave on this one. I couldn't get hooked onto this series from the first issue, so that's why it's here.

Ongoing Series
Matt:  Superman gets landed here purely because of the recent "Grounded" story arc which, while I'm still reading it, I'm constantly confused about.  But I also just remembered how bad the new Astonishing X-Men was. 
Arnab: I make a strong effort to avoid reading things I don't like, but of the titles I do read, X-Men Legacy would have to take this dishonor. After Second Coming this series has struggled both in its writing and art.

I dislike Emma Frost, but this is offensive

Matt:  Batman Beyond started off well, and then just got weird.  I'm never a fan of a clone plot.
Arnab: The four part mini-series Nation X has to take this honor. The stories had no unity, the art was hit or miss, and overall it was an unnecessary addition.

If only the event was as interesting as the cover

Matt:  Nation X was deathly dull.  I had to literally drag myself through each issue.  I don't even know why it was an event.
Arnab: I will probably go with Nation X on this one. I think overall it was not as good as all of the other events, even though there were portions of the story that were good, such as the Uncanny X-Men issues.

Matt:  In the larger scale, I'm going to say it was when Bruce reappeared in Batman and Robin.  The scene was awesome, but it was so out of the blue I think it betrayed the lead-up from all the other Return of Bruce Wayne books.  Arnab and I spent the next week debating if it was even Bruce. 
Arnab: I think the worst moment for me was in Blackest Night #8, when Hal Jordan tells Nekron that the heroes that returned from the grave didn't do so because Nekron allowed it, but simply because they wanted to.

I know what people say, but I disagree

Matt:  I hated, hated, hated Frazer Irving's work on Batman and Robin.  I also hate what Salvador Espin is doing in Generation Hope.
Arnab: There were a lot of pretty artists throughout the four part Nation X mini-series. So while I can't name them individually, just pick up an issue and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Matt: Believe it or not I don't think Grant Morrison is the worst writer, I just hate his stuff.  I don't think I have an answer for this, to be honest.  There are writers I hate, but I can't remember them.
Arnab: It's not that I think Adam Beechen is a terribly horrible writer. However, I think the manner in which Batman Beyond, the mini-series, ended was poorly written and lacking the strength that was present in the beginning. 

Didn't live up to expectations

Matt: Brightest Day.  After coming off of the cramazing Blackest Night, the slower pace threw me off, and I didn't like any of the characters. 
Arnab:The conclusion to the War of the Supermen accomplished nothing more than to make the last two to three years of Superman history null and void.

Just kidding!

WTF Moment
Matt:  When I found out the Vampires were attacking the X-Men.
Arnab: After much thought, this would have to go to Sinestro taking in the White Entity. At the time it felt like a major turning point, what with him boasting about being the "greatest Lantern of all time." In the end though, his position as a White Lantern didn't last any more than a couple pages.

1 comment:

  1. haha. I'm glad nothing I thought was good was in your 'worst' lists. Both of your "best" lists were spot on. I'm glad I didn't have to answer these questions.
