Writer: Allan Heinberg
Artist(s): Jim Cheung and Mark Morales
Cover Artist(s): Jim Cheung, Justin Ponsor, and Art Adams
Publisher: Marvel
Another absolutely fantastic issue by this great creative team. In the last issue Wiccan found himself in the deadly grasp of the powerful Doom. After a brief battle, Doom overpowers Wiccan and relieves him of his powers. Meanwhile, the rest of the Young Avengers and team Maximoff rush to the aide of the young Warlock. Before they reach Doom's kingdom, the Avengers arrive just in time to screw things up. Wanda rescues Wiccan from his prison and the two of them leave the castle just in time to witness a war going on. I thought that this issue was just great and the reveal at the end was all kinds of exciting. The interaction between Wiccan and his surroundings was done well. In fact, I think Heinberg is doing a great job capturing the personalities of all the characters. The art in the issue is spectacular, to say the least. And other than the minor glitches in Marvel continuity I think this series has been fantastic.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Salva Espin and Scott Koblish
Cover Artist: Olivier Coipel
Publisher: Marvel
The final new mutant is using Japan as a playground and the messiah is unconscious. But not for long. While it's common knowledge by now that Hope is connected to the Phoenix, this was the first time we've seen any form of direct contact between the Phoenix and Hope. Phoenix tells Hope that she must save its children. Hope rallies her companions and is able to manipulate Kenji's powers against him, which allows her to get close nough to do her thing. admittedly I had a problem getting attached to this story the five lights. That being said, however, I thought this issue was a strong one. The plot is enjoyable but not everything is completely laid out for the reader. The art isn't great and there were certain portions that were better than the rest.

Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Valentine De Landro and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Sonia Oback
Publisher: Marvel
In the aftermath after their battle in hell, Darwin decides to separate from the team for an unknown period of time. Unfortunately for him, the powers he developed to take on hela have yet to leave his body. Back at home, Rictor and Shatterstar finally get some time to talk to one another and discuss Rahne. After a bit of compassion from Shatterstar, the team welcomes back an old member. From the beginning of this arc I knew the stories would intertwine somewhere and I think that the way the creative team accomplished this was well done. I never really grew attached to Darwin, who is a little to strange and too powerful for my taste, so his leaving doesn't affect me all that much. After her little stint, I'm not a fan of Rahne either, but it will be interesting to see how she is written into the story.

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist(s): Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
Sometimes when a book is consistently good, you start to forget just how good it is, until BAM an issue like this one arrives to remind you just how awesome it is. For a couple months now, Rick and the gang have made a home in Alexandria, but all that is going to change. Hundreds of zombies have surrounded the encampment leaving the townsfolk scared. Sound familiar? Well sure, a zombie attack sounds familiar. However, what has always been this series' driving point is the characters. Whether it's Rick leading the town through the danger, Andrea trapped in the lookout house, or Abraham's cold personality, the things that make this issue great is rooted in the way the living react. There's only so many ways you can make a zombie attack different, but as the characters grow and evolve their reactions change as well and it is this continued growth that keeps this series what it is.
As usual, my DC reviews can be read at comicattack.net!
Walking Dead was fantastic wasn't it?!
ReplyDeleteThankfully, I liked all four of these issues this week, that's always nice.