Hey everyone! As most of you should know by now, the pull list is to give you all a preview for the books we will be reviewing this week. You can also take this time to recommend any books you want us to be reading.
Arnab's Note: This is a really light week, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Matt's Note: Children's Crusade #2! I will be reading this in the car before I pull away.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #9
Red Hood: Lost Days #4
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Smoke and Blood
Origins of Marvel Comics- X-Men
Matt's List
Avengers Children's Crusade #2
Scarlet #2
In brightest day, in blackest night, we are what was, what is, and what will be.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
But if you'd gotten here five minutes later...
Posted by
7:00 AM
X-Factor #208 ****
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
This series is really picking up the pace with this issue. Madrox and Siryn get ready to take on Hela after a bit of trickery on her part. Longshot and Darwin attempt to woo a couple of gals. Monet has some serious beef with Layla. And can you say pregnancy hormones acting out a bit, Rahne? What I think is great about this series is the manner in which the arcs unfold. There is a huge cast involved, at least eight current members, and at times that can be a lot of people to process in an arc. What this series does right is that the first couple of issues to an arc are set up with multiple stories that usually tie back together by the end of the arc. I'm not all to familiar with the majority of these characters but for whatever reason I've grown to like most of them. I love the way that Rictor and Shatterstar have a great and interesting relationship and that Rahne needs to keep her conniving ways to herself. The fact that the team is dealing with Hela does seem like this baby drama won't be lasting too long though. Great read.
Writer: Peter David
Artist(s): Emanuela Lupacchino and Pat Davidson
Cover Artist(s): David Yardin and Edgar Delgado
Publisher: Marvel
This series is really picking up the pace with this issue. Madrox and Siryn get ready to take on Hela after a bit of trickery on her part. Longshot and Darwin attempt to woo a couple of gals. Monet has some serious beef with Layla. And can you say pregnancy hormones acting out a bit, Rahne? What I think is great about this series is the manner in which the arcs unfold. There is a huge cast involved, at least eight current members, and at times that can be a lot of people to process in an arc. What this series does right is that the first couple of issues to an arc are set up with multiple stories that usually tie back together by the end of the arc. I'm not all to familiar with the majority of these characters but for whatever reason I've grown to like most of them. I love the way that Rictor and Shatterstar have a great and interesting relationship and that Rahne needs to keep her conniving ways to herself. The fact that the team is dealing with Hela does seem like this baby drama won't be lasting too long though. Great read.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Writer's Pull List 08-25-10
Posted by
10:21 AM
Howdy folks! Here's our pull list for this week. It's your chance to find out what we're reading and also a chance for you to recommend any reads.
Arnab's Note: It's just as I had suspected, there is a much bigger load this week.
Matt's Note: I haven't abandoned my reviews, just haven't found time for them in a while.
Arnab's List:
Batman #702
Gotham City Sirens #15
Green Arrow #3
Superman: Secret Origin #6
Time Masters Vanishing Point #2
X-Factor #208
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Storm & Gambit
X-Men Legacy #239
Matt's List:
X-Factor #208
X-Men Legacy #239
Wonder Woman #602
And maybe Batman 702 and the X-Men: Storm and Gambit
Arnab's Note: It's just as I had suspected, there is a much bigger load this week.
Matt's Note: I haven't abandoned my reviews, just haven't found time for them in a while.
Arnab's List:
Batman #702
Gotham City Sirens #15
Green Arrow #3
Superman: Secret Origin #6
Time Masters Vanishing Point #2
X-Factor #208
X-Men: Curse of Mutants - Storm & Gambit
X-Men Legacy #239
Matt's List:
X-Factor #208
X-Men Legacy #239
Wonder Woman #602
And maybe Batman 702 and the X-Men: Storm and Gambit
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
These are the thoughts that keep me happy
Posted by
7:00 AM
Chew #13 ****1/2
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Rob Guillory
Cover Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Image
What a fantastic read this was. The writing on this title is witty, funny, and completely unpredictable. Mason Savoy makes an appearance as well as sets up the cliffhanger for the next issue. Tony and Colby's relationship is hilarious and continues to develop with every new issue. The obsession with everything chicken in this book is fascinating, as well as the numerous ways people try to maneuver around the no chicken laws. As the characters continue to be developed and new, unique story lines are introduced it is no wonder that this title won the Eisner award for Best New Series. The art continues to be consistent, unique, and very well executed. This is definitely the book you all should be reading.
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Rob Guillory
Cover Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Image
What a fantastic read this was. The writing on this title is witty, funny, and completely unpredictable. Mason Savoy makes an appearance as well as sets up the cliffhanger for the next issue. Tony and Colby's relationship is hilarious and continues to develop with every new issue. The obsession with everything chicken in this book is fascinating, as well as the numerous ways people try to maneuver around the no chicken laws. As the characters continue to be developed and new, unique story lines are introduced it is no wonder that this title won the Eisner award for Best New Series. The art continues to be consistent, unique, and very well executed. This is definitely the book you all should be reading.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Final Crisis
Posted by
5:24 PM
Final Crisis *****
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist(s): JG Jones, Doug Mahnke, Carlos Pacheco, and Marco Rudy
Cover Artist(s): JG Jones
Publisher: DC
Welcome back everyone. As I mentioned in the a previous post, there are three crises books starting with Crisis on Infinite Earths, then Infinite Crisis, and ending with Final Crisis. Final Crisis is an immense, multi-dimensional event that spans across the entire DC Universe.
**Recap starts here
To recap Final Crisis we must go back to dawn of mankind. It is here that Metron, of the New Gods, appears before Anthro presenting him with the power of fire. Flash forward thousands of years and the final battle between man and the Gods is ignited by the death of Orion. It is also at this point that the story breaks off into many directions.
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist(s): JG Jones, Doug Mahnke, Carlos Pacheco, and Marco Rudy
Cover Artist(s): JG Jones
Publisher: DC
Welcome back everyone. As I mentioned in the a previous post, there are three crises books starting with Crisis on Infinite Earths, then Infinite Crisis, and ending with Final Crisis. Final Crisis is an immense, multi-dimensional event that spans across the entire DC Universe.
**Recap starts here
To recap Final Crisis we must go back to dawn of mankind. It is here that Metron, of the New Gods, appears before Anthro presenting him with the power of fire. Flash forward thousands of years and the final battle between man and the Gods is ignited by the death of Orion. It is also at this point that the story breaks off into many directions.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 08-18-10
Posted by
5:08 PM
Hey all! As per usual, this is our chance to let you all know what we are reading and what you should also be reading. It is also a chance for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's take: It's not really a big week this week, and hasn't been for a while, which can only mean a huge week coming up soon.
Matt's take: For some reason the list I get off of the publisher websites never seems to reflect reality. This annoys me.
Don't forget to leave a comment on our 100th post!
Arnab's List:
Batman Beyond #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
Brightest Day #7
Chew #13
Uncanny X-Men #527
Matt's List
Chew #13
New Mutants #16
Uncanny X-Men #527
Batman Beyond #3
Green Lantern Corps #51
Arnab's take: It's not really a big week this week, and hasn't been for a while, which can only mean a huge week coming up soon.
Matt's take: For some reason the list I get off of the publisher websites never seems to reflect reality. This annoys me.
Don't forget to leave a comment on our 100th post!
Arnab's List:
Batman Beyond #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
Brightest Day #7
Chew #13
Uncanny X-Men #527
Matt's List
Chew #13
New Mutants #16
Uncanny X-Men #527
Batman Beyond #3
Green Lantern Corps #51
Monday, August 16, 2010
I... I think I'm losing it
Posted by
4:59 AM
The Walking Dead #76 ****1/2
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
Months have passed since Rick awoke from his coma and found the world overrun by zombies, however it seems as if time and past experiences have begun to take it's toll. In the last issue Rick went after a man who abuses his wife and child but was given a free pass because he was the town's doctor. After the tousle Rick and Douglas hash out the details of Rick's actions, including an exchange of pity tragic stories. Unfortunately though, Rick's actions do not only affect Rick, but Carl as well, who has had to grow up almost overnight. This series continues to be amazing stuff. It's really no wonder why it won an Eisner for best continuing series. The quality in both story and art is not only consistent but still has the ability to shock and surprise. The cliffhanger at the end, for one, can go in so many directions and that's what's great about the series, its ability to remain fresh 76 issues in.
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Cover Artist: Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Publisher: Image
Months have passed since Rick awoke from his coma and found the world overrun by zombies, however it seems as if time and past experiences have begun to take it's toll. In the last issue Rick went after a man who abuses his wife and child but was given a free pass because he was the town's doctor. After the tousle Rick and Douglas hash out the details of Rick's actions, including an exchange of pity tragic stories. Unfortunately though, Rick's actions do not only affect Rick, but Carl as well, who has had to grow up almost overnight. This series continues to be amazing stuff. It's really no wonder why it won an Eisner for best continuing series. The quality in both story and art is not only consistent but still has the ability to shock and surprise. The cliffhanger at the end, for one, can go in so many directions and that's what's great about the series, its ability to remain fresh 76 issues in.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
100th Post!!! Show-and-tell time!
Posted by
Mattie B
9:20 AM
How, you ask? By having a give-away! Details to follow below (yes, this is just a ploy to get you to read everything we write).
But first, we thought we'd take a little trip down memory lane and talk about our favorite issue or arc that we've ever read. Note this isn't favorite series, or favorite character, or anything like that, just the story that we still compare other comics to. We wanted to do something different for our 100th post, and this might help shed some light on the respective Comics tastes of your dedicated PLC Bloggers. Afterward we invite you, the reader, to share your favorite story in the comments. There might be something in it for you. : D
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Some men call me brother...You will call me Master
Posted by
5:00 AM
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 ***1/2
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
Deep in the history of mankind rests the existence of the organization known as S.H .I.E.L.D. For generations now S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have been doing their very best to keep the Earth safe. This issue explains how Isaac Newton and Nostradamus both came to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I will admit that after reading this for the first time, I was left a tad confused. The narration changes from Nostradamus to Isaac Newton, however the switch, in my opinion, isn't made as clearly s it could have been. The story continues to be interesting, especially with the additions of brilliant minds throughout history into the plot. Certain parts of this issue were pretty shocking, which is great, like when Newton mates with the alien, or when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses human mind power to expel Galactus from Earth. The artwork remains consistently good. This wasn't the best issue in the series, but it was still a good read.
As per usual, my DC reviews can be reached here.
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Gerald Parel
Publisher: Marvel
Deep in the history of mankind rests the existence of the organization known as S.H .I.E.L.D. For generations now S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have been doing their very best to keep the Earth safe. This issue explains how Isaac Newton and Nostradamus both came to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I will admit that after reading this for the first time, I was left a tad confused. The narration changes from Nostradamus to Isaac Newton, however the switch, in my opinion, isn't made as clearly s it could have been. The story continues to be interesting, especially with the additions of brilliant minds throughout history into the plot. Certain parts of this issue were pretty shocking, which is great, like when Newton mates with the alien, or when S.H.I.E.L.D. uses human mind power to expel Galactus from Earth. The artwork remains consistently good. This wasn't the best issue in the series, but it was still a good read.
As per usual, my DC reviews can be reached here.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Infinite Crisis
Posted by
6:58 AM
Infinite Crisis *****
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Phil Jimenez with George Perez, Jerry Ordway, Ivan Reis, and Andy Lanning
Cover Artist: Jim Lee
Variant Cover Artist: George Perez
Hello to all my faithful readers and any new readers that may be reading this. This is another dose of my special reviews. Usually they go out on every other Wednesday, but with respect to other posts I chose to post this review at a later date. Like before I am going to start off with a recap of the story followed by my review.
Infinite Crisis, released from December 2005 to June 2006, launches off with the trinity of the DC Universe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, arguing with one another in the remains of the JLA Watchtower. All across the DCU superheroes are being attacked on Earth, deep in space, and even on the cosmic level. Heroes are being killed, heroes are arguing amongst themselves, and in another dimension four beings, believed to have died long ago, watch the chaos unfold.
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Phil Jimenez with George Perez, Jerry Ordway, Ivan Reis, and Andy Lanning
Cover Artist: Jim Lee
Variant Cover Artist: George Perez
Hello to all my faithful readers and any new readers that may be reading this. This is another dose of my special reviews. Usually they go out on every other Wednesday, but with respect to other posts I chose to post this review at a later date. Like before I am going to start off with a recap of the story followed by my review.
Infinite Crisis, released from December 2005 to June 2006, launches off with the trinity of the DC Universe, Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, arguing with one another in the remains of the JLA Watchtower. All across the DCU superheroes are being attacked on Earth, deep in space, and even on the cosmic level. Heroes are being killed, heroes are arguing amongst themselves, and in another dimension four beings, believed to have died long ago, watch the chaos unfold.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We Were Right: A Second Coming Redux
Posted by
Mattie B
11:23 PM
At the end of March, we celebrated our 50th post with a bit of a fanboy-gasm about the Next Big X-Men Event: Second Coming. Five years of No More Mutants, time travel, and a "Messiah" who just happens to resemble Jean Grey culminated in a fourteen chapter event released weekly. All the promos promised action and sacrifices and big changes for the world the X-Men inhabit.
Four months and 47 posts later, Second Coming has, uh, come to an end. And we got what we were promised. There was a ton of action, several deaths, and as the dust settles we see that yes, the world has changed. Now to just figure out how we feel about it.
Four months and 47 posts later, Second Coming has, uh, come to an end. And we got what we were promised. There was a ton of action, several deaths, and as the dust settles we see that yes, the world has changed. Now to just figure out how we feel about it.
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Coolest banner ever. Click to Enlarge! |
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Writer's Pull List: 08-04-10
Posted by
2:24 PM
**Note - This is going up a little early this week to offset some larger posts coming soon.
Howdy folks. This is our pull list. It is basically everything we read and pretty much everything you should be reading. This is also the opportunity for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's Note: Shockingly, I don't have all that many books to read this week.
Matt's Note: This week is amazingly short, which is nice as I have two heavy weeks to also pick up. I'm not feeling Brightest Day, so I've left it off.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #7
Red Hood: Lost Days #3
Red Robin #15
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Matt's List
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Red Robin #15
Howdy folks. This is our pull list. It is basically everything we read and pretty much everything you should be reading. This is also the opportunity for you all to recommend anything you think we should be reading.
Arnab's Note: Shockingly, I don't have all that many books to read this week.
Matt's Note: This week is amazingly short, which is nice as I have two heavy weeks to also pick up. I'm not feeling Brightest Day, so I've left it off.
Arnab's List
Brightest Day #7
Red Hood: Lost Days #3
Red Robin #15
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Matt's List
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Red Robin #15
Monday, August 2, 2010
I'll follow you wherever you go, whenever you go
Posted by
6:04 AM

Writer: Scott Snyder and Stephen King
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Cover Artist: Rafael Albuquerque
Publisher: Vertigo
The first arc is over and boy did it go out with a bang. Both portions of the story tied up loose ends, while maintaing enough intrigue to allow for the series to move forward. Pearl Jones' portion of the story was filled with fast paced action scenes that pitted Pearl against some of the old guard of vampires. In the end she strolled off into the sunset with beau, Henry, with the threat of the old vampires and Skinner Sweet looming behind them. Meanwhile the second portion of the issue concluded the arc by catching up to the first story, with regards to the time period. James Book, who had recently come into contact with Sweet's blood, fought long and hard against his urges to drink human blood. Abilena gives him the gift of eternal rest, after Book gives her the gift of pregnancy. Only five issues in and this series is going great. The writing has been just amazing; the plot and the dialogue flow effortlessly in an effective manner. The art looks absolutely fantastic. Stephen King may be leaving the series, but I sure won't be.
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