Thursday, February 4, 2010

He was my brother, my best friend. I had a job to do and I never let him down

Well hell, I'm a full week late on this review post.

Gotham City Sirens #8 ***
So this issue was both written and drawn up by Guillem March. Who, those of you with a good memory might remember, I've been absolutely giddy over with regards to his past artwork for Gotham City Sirens. Poison Ivy is probably my least favorite of the three Sirens, and as a result I probably didn't give this review 4 stars. All in all it was a decent issue for Guillem's first shot at writing.

Batman and Robin #7 ****
Blackest Knight. What can I say, this looks like it is gearing up to be a great series. I know people have had serious problems with Grant Morrison's writing in the past, but I feel overall he's done some really good stuff with this issue and series. I don't particularly care for his take on Damian, but that kid irks me so often anyway. I'm definitely intrigued about who this "Batman" is that has been resurrected via a Lazarus Pit. Plus there's the whole Damian having reconstructive spinal surgery, and by that I mean he had his whole spine removed, fixed, and then replaced. Oh to be rich. I also really enjoy Squire and am kinda hoping for a little Tim/Beryl love. I don't know much about this Batwoman, but she seems like a bore and freak all rolled up into one. I'll eventually freshen up on her.

Superman Secret Origins #4 ***
The issue was ok. The weird purple guy that tried to give Clark a hickie, absolutely disgusting. Perry pissing of Lex was amusing and entertaining. In my opinion, and let's face it this is all my opinion, the best part was the interaction between Jimmy Olsen and Superman, yes Superman not Clark. First Supes thinking Jimmy was about to commit suicide, absolutely hilarious. Them having a touching moment afterwards, great. Jimmy taking a picture of Superman in his world famous hands on the hips pose, priceless. Or gag worthy, you decide.

World's Finest #4 ***1/2
Not the spectacular finish I was hoping for, but still pretty good. Superman coming to save the day all the time will never cease to irritate me, but that's old news. Dick and Clark's first team up, successful. Or is it? Damian calling Stephanie Brown Fatgirl, hilarious. I am actually wondering where this Toyman plot will jump to, my guess is the War of Supermen. We'll see.

New Avengers #61 ***
So this was a strange issue for me. I'm not a regular reader of the New Avengers series, so bare with me. The writing was good enough. I don't know, I really enjoyed Bendis' writing on House of M and I'm thinking that I might end up liking Siege a whole lot more when everything is all said and done. Now on to the art. I've rarely ever enjoyed an issue that has multiple pencilers and multiple colorists. That being said I thought that the penciling was pretty good, granted I enjoyed one penciler more than the other. However, I did not like both colorists. One, in my opinion was far superior to the other. I enjoyed the Captain Americas story better than the Spiders, mainly because their awkward flirtations made me feel weird. Although, I will admit to being fairly amused with Spidey.

Avengers Initiative #32 ***1/2
So being that for the longest time the only thing Marvel I read surrounded the X-verse I did not know 90% of the people in this. However, I found that it was still enjoyable. Taskmaster, who reminded me of Skeletor (from He-Man), as pretty interesting. Although, I did find myself more interested in Diamondback, Constrictor, and Justice. It will be interesting to see what happens at Camp H.A.M.M.E.R. and what comes of Diamondback.


  1. I forgot I had read Avengers Initiative 32. I find I just don't care about these C-List villains becoming heroes. Even though I think the Taskmaster has a great power, I'm mainly interested in the heroes. Watching the different sides of the attack on Thor I found to be interesting, though, and I'm pretty sure something bad is going to happen to Diamondback when she gets found out.

    And then I read New Avengers because you reminded me. I found the Captain America storyline to be alright, but I got a kick out of the Spiders. It makes me realize that if Joss Whedon ever does another comic, I'd love to see him do a treatment of Spiderman because Spidey is made for that random rapid-fire dialogue that Whedon is so skilled at. I still have a hard time buying a baboon as a villain, though.

  2. I'm not the biggest fan of Poison Ivy either, but I thought the image of her withering away in her little grave thing was awesome, art-wise.

    Batman and Robin was exciting, it's definitely great build-up. (And it doesn't trick us to the point of distraction with misleading covers- you know what I mean...) I am not a fan of the artwork, though. But everything else was 'da bomb' (ya I said it.) I too am quite anxious to see wtf the dead 'Batman' thing is. Describing Batwoman as "a bore and freak" made me say 'word.'

    Superman Secret Origins was fun, especially weird disgusting purple thing! And I agree, the interaction between Superman and Jimmy at the end was the best part. It was very sweet and it gave Jimmy the means to burst into the office with Lois and Perry and be all "Bazinga!"

    And as for World's Finest, when I finished it I do believe I asked "what was the point?" I mean, this #4 would have been a great one-shot, the first time Batman (Dick) and Superman team up, but unless this series leads to something, I wasn't a fan. The only service the first three parts did was to bring in Damian and Batgirl into #4 because Damian called Stephanie 'fatgirl,' and I'm definitely a fan of that.
