Writer: Mike Carey
Artists: Steve Kurth, Allen Martinez, and Brian Reber
Cover Artist: Leinil Yu and Marte Gracia
Publisher: Marvel
Mike Carey has been on a roll since Age of X started. This issue reveals quite a lot, but still leaves you questioning everything. Legacy and Gambit team up with Magneto in an attempt to figurer out what is going on in the world. Personally, I'm beginning to think that maybe this whole new world that they are living in, is possibly a creation of Legion's doing. Admittedly I'm not exactly sure if it is in his power set, but considering the boy can absorb powers like nobody's business, it is a possibility.

Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Esad Ribic
Cover Artists: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel
Not knowing much about Fantomex, I wasn't sure how well a story focusing on him and his "World" would be. Now that it has arrived, I can say that it has been really good actually. The action scene in the beginning was all kinds of awesome. The story was really interesting, especially when "the world" is involved, which is a pretty awesome thing in general. The other members of the team almost take a backseat in this issue but there were a couple of cool moments. Betsy's imaginary conversation with her brother, the preview of Warren's breakdown, Deadpool being Deadpool. This creative team is putting out quality work every issue.

Writers: Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen
Artists: Greg Land and Jay Leisten
Cover Artists: Greg Land and Justin Ponsor
Publisher: Marvel
For the last couple of months I've talked about how this series has struggled for a while, but with this last issue I don't have that thought anymore. It could be because the writer is changing, though I'm inclined to think not, but for whatever reason, these last two issues have been good. With this issue, both story lines come to an end of sorts. Emma is finally able to buy enough time to use her psychic powers and subdue Sebastian. Leaving him memoryless an, she moves on to the next chapter in her life. Back on Utopia, Scott rallies his sick X-Men and takes them to Sublime headquarters, where a mob of unruly rich folk are using drugs to receive powers. Unfortunately by doing so, they've left themselves susceptible to the same sickness wracking the X-Men.

Writer: Victor Gischler
Artists: Chris Bachalo and Tim Townsend
Cover Artist: Terry Dodson
Publisher: Marvel
I've been critical of the first two issues of this arc, but it finally feels like it is getting good. The story, which I feel has been a tad slow for most of the arc, gets better in this issue. It's funny, interesting, and the plot progresses quite a bit. I am also starting to get used to the art, which makes it bearable. Overall, the issue was actually good, especially in contrast to the first two issues, in my opinion.
My DC Reviews can be read here: Comicattack.net!
New Mutants, Age of X was a great read again this week!
ReplyDeleteI too was wary about a plot line centering on Fantomex but I shouldn't have doubted Uncanny X-Force because this issue was a really fun read.
I'm liking X-Men, especially compared to Uncanny X-Men. I think the art is really amusing and pretty cool. It fits the fun banter between the X-Men and Spiderman and the crocodile-monster things look awesome.
Apparently I need to pay more attention to your reviews, cause I've thought Uncanny has been great with this Quarantine storyline. They had a bunch of balls up in the air and I think the writers handled all of them well. Prior to Age of X I thought Uncanny was kicking Legacy's ass.
ReplyDeleteI too think Age of X is tied heavily into Legion, but time will tell. And while I like the banter in X-Men, I'm still not feeling it as a title. The Lizard storyline is better than the Vampire storyline but it still just feels...unnecessary.
Legacy has definitely been the weakest X book since after Second Coming. And I actually liked the last two Uncanny books. However, I thought the first chapters to this arc were a bit scattered and not as tight as I've come to expect from Fraction. Which I guess could be due to the fact that this arc is the passing of the writer job. Plus, I didn't really get into the four issues that focused on the first four lights.